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Naval Battles

First Encounter
Pirate Brandeau
Pirate Dario
Defending Obel
Former Friend
Regaining Razril
Battle Once More
For Obel's Freedom
Mysterious Fleet
Final Engagement

First Encounter (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Lightning, Water
This is as easy as it gets.  Assign Keneth to the rune cannon.  If the enemy fires their lightning cannon, no damage is taken by either side.  If they fire their Water cannon, Keneth's will hit the enemy and block their attack.   The only way they can damage you this way is if they attack you from your front or rear (in which case Keneth cant counterattack). 

Pirate Brandeau (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Earth, Water
This isn't a hard battle, even with the fact that you're outnumbered.  One of the ships has a lightning rune cannon equiped, the other Fire.
Use an earth rune against the lightning rune and a water against the fire.
Try not to get surrounded, but even if they do, they wont hit you for much damage.  Take on one ship, then the other if possible.

Retribution (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Fire, Wind
Try to take out the ship with only a fire rune first.  With Jewel's water rune, you're guaranteed a hit every time.  After that go after the other one.  You cant get a perfect setup on this battle, because you dont have a fire rune.   So just attack the second ship with both your and Snowe's ships to spread its damage out.   Its not a hard battle.

Pirate Dario (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Fire, Wind
This fight is simple.  Equip your strongest fire rune and Dario will sink in two (maybe three) good hits. 

Defending Obel (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Fire, Wind
Wind, Earth
Fire, Wind
Fire, Wind (unchangable)
You have two ships on this battle which definately makes it easier.  Try to split the two ships.  Have Lino's ship take on one and yours take on another.    Use Fire on the ship with Fire and Wind. Wind on the ship with Wind and Earth.  With that, There are few ways you can lose.

Former Friend (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Earth, Lightning (Snowe)
Fire, Wind
Fire, Earth
Fire, Earth
You will notice that your new larger ship opens you up to more attacks.  Use that to your advantage and let the other ships attack from the distance.  Kika has great firing range on her ship.  Use Earth on Snowe's ship, and Fire on the Gaien ship.

Regaining Razril (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Fire, Wind (Helmut)
Earth, Lightning
Fire, Earth
Fire, Earth
Wind, Earth (Gaien Ship)
This battle begins with you at the wrong side of a 3-2 matchup.  Soon into the battle, the enemy's Gaien ship will Defect and join you in your fight.  The problem is that it stands a big chance of being sunk before you can help them.  To counter this, move your ship and Kika's ship as far forward as you can.  Try to get them to attack you instead.  Use the fire rune cannon on Helmut's ship and the earth rune cannon on the other.  After this battle, you now have 3 ships to use.

Battle Once More (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
  Nothing hard about this one at all.  If you use water rune cannons, It's pretty hard to lose this one.

For Obel's Freedom (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Lightning, Water
Wind, Earth
Lightning, Wind
Lightning, Wind
Lightning, Wind
Split up the ships and use their weaknesses against them.  Use Lightning on the Lightning/Water ship and Wind on the Wind/Earth ship.  

Mysterious Fleet (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Fire, Wind
Wind, Earth
Whatever you want
Whatever you want
Whatever you want
The two enemy ships never move or attack.  Just float down and hit them with whatever you've want.

Final Engagement (naval-battle)

Enemies Rune Configuration...
Your Rune Configuration...
Fire, Water, Wind, Earth
Wind, Earth
Lightning, Water
Wind, Lightning
Wind, Lightning
Wind, Lightning
Wind, Lightning
  The best way to deal with Troys ship is to board it with a strong boarding party.  Its a lot easier than trying to guess what rune he's going to use.
Board Troys ship.
Use Wind cannons on the Wind/Earth ship
Use Lightning on the Lightning/Water ship
If you dont have enough rune cannons for all the ships, just split them up.  Just put a Wind cannon on the Grishend. and Lightning cannons on the Obel and Gaien ship.

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