Visual Location
Castle Map
107, 87
Castle Britannia
Overworld View
Castle Britannia
- Castle Britannia (or just Castle Britain) is the
castle that you will have to visit
the most throughout the game and is located next to the town of Britain.
- Here you can talk to Lord British about the 3 Principles, 8
Virtues, heal your characters and raise your level when you've gained
enough experience.
- Hawkwind is also located in Castle Britain. You can speak
to him to find out what your progress towards AvatarHood is for each
- Castle Britain contains the Hostel. You can pick up/drop
off your companions here, as well as Cure Poison, Heal & Resurrect
your characters.
- The Dungeon Hythloth is located within Castle Britannia as
well. (check the page marked as (Dungeons).
Britannia's Hostel |
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Visual Location
Castle Map
Truth |
107, 219 |
The Lycaeum
Overworld View |
- Lycaeum
is known as the StrongHold of Truth & is home to Lady Beth (they
don't say what the Lord's name is).
- You
learn from Lady Beth that the virtues derived from Truth are: Honesty,
Justice, Honor & Spirituality.
- Here you
can pick up the Sword of Paradise, the strongest weapon in the
game. It can only be obtained when AvatarHood is reached.
- Nigel
the Wizard will give you the recipe for the Life spell (Garlic,
Moss, Fungus & .... Marina of Empath Abbey will tell you the final
ingredient (ManRoot)).
- A mage
in the locked room will give you the recipe for Negate (Ash, Garlic,
Pearl & ManRoot).
- Father
Antos will tell you to look for the Book of Truth where others
are found (in the locked room, search in the middle of the center
bookshelf on the right side). Click here for visual.
- Here you will find a
room containing a giant telescope, allowing you to view the
world map & the locations of the 8 Shrines. (See Note 1)
- There is
also a healer located here. You can cure poison, heal and
resurrect your characters here.
Note 1 - The symbols used for the shrines on the map represent the level of Avatarhood that is reached for that given virtue. |
Symbol Size | Level of Progress towards Avatarhood |
Tiny | Very Poor |
Small | Poor - to - Well |
Medium | Very Well - Worthy of Avatarhood in this Virtue |
Large | Attained partial Avatarhood in virtue |
Healer |
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Principle |
Latitude/Longitude |
Visual Location |
Castle Map |
Love |
50, 29 |
Empath Abbey
Overworld View |
Empath Abbey
- Empath
Abbey is known as the Castle of Love & home to Lord Robert &
Lady Marcy.
- Here you
can pick up the Exotic Armor, the strongest armor in the game. It
can only be obtained when AvatarHood is reached.
- Marina
Mandracha (Mage) tells you the final ingredient to the Life
spell. Technically, she doesn't actually tell you, but her last
suggests it (Mandracha = Mandrake = Mandrake Root = Man Root).
- Brother
Antos tells you of the Candle of Love hidden in a village
somewhere off an inland lake. The lake is the body of water that
surrounds the Shrine of Compassion. Refer to Other Towns page or World Map for more info.
- There is
a room here containing characters that will tell you about the
virtues that are associated with Love (there is a Bard, Druid, Tinker
& Ranger).
- There
is also a healer located here. You can cure poison, heal and
resurrect your characters here.
Healer |
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Principle |
Latitude/Longitude |
Visual Location |
Castle Map |
Courage |
241,146 |
Serpent's Hold
Overworld View
Serpent's Hold
- Serpent's
Hold is known as the Castle of Courage & is home to Lord Sentri.
- A mage
will tell you the recipe for Jinx (Pearl, Fungus, ManRoot).
- Sister
Antos will tell you to look for the Bell of Courage beneath the
shoal North of Serpent's Hold. Go North (actually, it's
North-East'ish) and search in the opening in the shoal. Click
here for visual.
- You
learn that you must use the Red, Orange, Purple & White Stones at
the Altar of Courage.
- East of
Serpent's Hold, amist 3 ocean volcanoes, you can find the Skull of
Mondain. Click
here for visual.
- There is
also a healer located here. You can cure poison, heal and
resurrect your characters here.
Healer |
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