Other Towns
I listed this page as 'Other Towns', because these towns are not
derived from any of the Virtues. These towns can consist of
Weapon & Armor shops, as well as Healers & Reagent
Sellers. Some of these towns also have Guilds, which allow to you
purchase one-use items, like gems or torches. These guilds also
sell Magic Keys that allow you to open locked doors. They are a
bit expensive, but you only have to purchase one and can use it as
often as you want. |
Buccaneer's Den |
Cove |
Paws |
Vesper |
Visual Location
Town Map
157, 136 |
Buccaneer's Den Overworld View
Buccaneer's Den
- Buccaneer's Den is known as the Village of Pirates.
- There is
a Weapon Shop located here.
- There is
an Armor Shop located here.
- There is
a Guild Shop located here.
- There is
a Reagent Seller located here.
- Someone in town
tells you to press 'select' when buying reagents to purchase Manroot.
- Someone tells you
that the Skull of Mondain is located east of Serpent's Hold, inside 3
- Someone
tells you that the Silver Horn is located on an island north of
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Latitude/Longitude |
Visual Location |
Town Map |
90, 136 |
Overworld View
of Cove
- This
town can only be accessed by the Hot-Air Balloon or a ship sucked into
a Whirlpool.
- Cove is known as the Sanctum of Knowledge.
- Someone
tells you that the Candle of Love can be found here, and not to be
afraid of taking it.
- A mage
gives you the recipe for Gate.
- Someone
tells you that the White Stone of Spirituality is combined
from Truth, Love & Courage.
- Someone
tells you that the stone of Humility is Black, and that it is the only
virtue not related to Truth, Love or Courage.
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Latitude/Longitude |
Visual Location |
Town Map |
146, 97 |
Overworld View
of Paws
- Paws is known as the Village of Hidden Magic
- The Rune
of Humility is located here.
- There is
an Armor shop located here.
- There is
a Reagent Seller located here.
- A man in
the lower part of town gives you the recipe for Reflect.
- Someone
tells you that the Rune of Spirituality is in Castle Britannia, and
that the shrine is found at 2 Full Moons.
- A
stablemaid in the south-eastern part of town tells you about a Man in
Black, speaks of Tremors, and mentions Blood Moss.
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Latitude/Longitude |
Visual Location |
Town Map |
59, 201 |
Overworld View
of Vesper
- Vesper is known as the Village at the End of the World
- The
Shrine of Sacrifice is located directly above Vesper.
- There is
a Weapon Shop located here.
- There is
a Guild located here.
- There is
an Inn located here.
- Press
'select' when buying items in the guild to purchase a Sextant.
- Someone
in the south part of town outside the building tells you the recipe for
- Someone
tells you that the barkeep in Trinsic will tell you how to get Fungus
if you 'tip' him well.
- Someone
tells you that the Shrine of Humility is located south of Verity Isle.
- Someone
tells you that the Rune of Humility is located in a meadow behind the
stables in Paws.
- Someone
tells you that the Scale is located at Serpent's Spine Mountain.
- Someone
tells you that the 3 Keys can be found at each of the corresponding
- Someone
tells you that the Silver horn will make devils flee from you (use
outside of Humility Shrine to ward off monsters)
- Someone
tells you to find the Black Stone of Humility by going through the
Moongate during 2 New Moons.
20 GP
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