The MEKA Dragon
Wonder Boy
III: The Dragon’s Trap starts off at the tail end of the previous game:
Boy in
Monster Land.
Let me tell you, THIS
castle is
much easier than the castle in the end of the previous game! :P
Continue through the hallway, killing
any and all snakes you come into contact with.
Use the springboard to hop up to the second tier and kill the
Continue through the hallway,
killing the red giant Cyclops and drop down the first pit you come to.
Walk to the left into the blue hallway.
You will eventually end up at a door toward
the end of the hallway.
The MEKA dragon
will be waiting for you!

The MEKA Dragon will
have 100 HP and each hit you give the dragon will take
away 8-12 HP from it. All of the other
dragon battles are structured like this, so get used to it. When the MEKA Dragon approaches you, jump and
strike its head with your sword, then back away. The dragon will
shoot fire downward toward Wonder Boy. Repeat this process until
it is
defeated. Don’t worry about getting hit because it takes very
health away from you. With its last
breath, the dragon will turn you into a Lizard-Man!
Coins will begin falling everywhere. Collect
as many as you can and try to dodge
the blue spirit until the coins stop falling.
The more you collect here, the more stuff you can buy in the
first town.
You will
now be thrown back into the blue hallway, without your sword and shield. Now you will have to be wary of getting
hit. Your attack as Lizard-Man consists
of shooting fire from your mouth with the attack button.
You can also duck and shoot fire for enemies
that are low to the ground. Now start
walking down the hallway to the right, killing anything that comes in
path. All of these enemies will only
take one hit to kill. The last giant
Cyclops will give you a key for the door next to it.
Go through the door and tread onward
carefully because blocks will be falling from the ceiling as the castle
continues to fall apart. There are a few
more giant Cyclops here, but they are easy to defeat, so just continue
the passage. At the end of the hallway,
regular blocks will fall and make a make-shift stairway for you to
climb and
escape through the ceiling. You will
find yourself outside with yet more enemies.
Continue left all the way until you leave the screen. This signals the end of the game’s

You will
now find yourself in the first town. You
can also get to know this town as your home base. Unfortunately,
you were unable to hold onto
the Legendary Arms and all of the Life Hearts you had back in the MEKA
castle. You are now equipped with the
measley Ivory Arms and you are down to one heart. Now
is the time to write down your password
so you don’t have to go through all of that again if you should happen
to lose
your life energy! Here is a password in
case you forgot yours:
to the
Mission 1: Find the Tower Key -->