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Fourth Mission
The Side Quests ![]() Before continuing on to the Captain Dragon, there are a few extra areas to be explored now that you are piranha-man. Back in town, take the door below Shop #1 and jump into the well. You'll land in the water once again like before when you were Lizard-man. This time you can swim to the top of the next well where you couldn't reach before. Above the well you will see a door behind a bunch of breakable blocks. Since you don't have the means to break them yet just hop over the shop to the right and go in the next door you see. ![]() There is a treasure chest inside that will give you 6 gold bags, 3 stones and a lightning bolt weapon item. Don't worry about the treasure chest on the left. You'll get it later in the game. For now, just go to the right and jump off the edge of the screen. You'll end up in the original tropical area you walked through as Lizard-man. ![]() Next run to the right and fall into the water. Once you sink to the bottom, swim to the left to a door you can now get to by swimming over the blocks with piranha-man. Inside the door you will find Shop #6. Buy the Aqua Shield and equip it. Now that you are better equipped, swim back to the surface and take the door on the left back to town. Before continuing to the next dragon, however there are still a couple things left to do. Shop #6 Aqua Shield: 430 gold ![]() Once you are back in town, head inside the tower in the center of town again. Make sure you are well stocked with medicine bottles for this side trip. Climb up and head to the right through the door back into the desert. This time you are going to head to the right. Dodge the fireballs the smog cloud hurls at you while killing the snakes to get more gold. The next screen contains more difficult enemies. Blue frogs and green cyclops will come at you. Wait until the frogs stop jumping to attack them. It should only take 2 hits to kill them. The green cyclops will throw fireballs at you if you don't kill them will constant attacks. ![]() As you continue walking to the right, you'll come up on huge lava pits with platforms above it. For now, you'll need to hop from platform to platform carefully because air giants will drop from the sky to attack. Eventually you will run into green flying cyclops that will toss fireballs at you when you hit them. Try to block them with your shield and wait for the air giants to move closer again for an attack. If you accidentally fall in the lava, make sure you get out as fast as you can either right or left because it will sap away your heart strength quickly. ![]() Keep moving to the right as best you can. This is one of the more difficult parts of the game and make take a few tries to get through. This is where those medicine bottles will come in handy. You will eventually get to a trampoline block and you need to aim yourself to the platform with the door. The treasure chest inside the door contains 6 gold bags and 3 lightning weapon items. Buy the Dragon Armor in the shop and stop by the hospital in the other door to prepare for further battles. Even though the Dragon Armor has less defense, equip it now and you can walk through the lava. Shop #7 Dragon Armor: 300 gold ![]() Now that the lava cannot hurt you anymore, the enemies will not pose much more of a threat. You will eventually run into Goblins, but your shield will stop their arrows. Just attack them after they have thrown the arrows. Finally, you will reach the end of the path at a castle looking building. Enter the door and swim to the next door. You will find yourself in a room with even more doors, one you cannot get to yet. Enter the door on top of the blocks and you will drop onto a red platform that will turn you into a lizard-man. Jump up and back down on the red platform again and you will turn into mouse-man. Exit the bottom door. Now go through the door to the right of the blocks and you will be at a point you can climb up the mouse blocks. Climb the blocks all the way to the top and fall down, landing on the treasure chest. You will get the Thunder Saber, but don't equip it. You don't need to equip it to break the blocks to the left of the treasure chest. Besides, it has no offensive power. ![]() Break the blocks next to the treasure chest and head back down to the room with the blocks around the door. Go back through the top door and transform back into Piranha-man. Re-equip the Shogun Lamellar if you have not already. Back in the other room, break the blocks around the door while gathering the items they give you. Head through the new door. It's a return room back to town! Here is a good time to write down your password. However, there is one last side quest we need to accomplish before going after Captain Dragon. ![]() In town, head back through the door under Shop #1 and hop in the well. Swim up the next well to the shop you saw earlier blocked by the breakable blocks. Break through the blocks and enter the shop. You will find the Lucky Sword and Samurai Armor, which should both be purchased. If you don't have enough gold, buy the Lucky Sword and use it to kill enemies in the tropical area. You'll find that the Lucky Sword will give you more gold money bags from enemies and makes it quick to collect money. Equip the Samurai Armor and Lucky Sword. Shop #8 Lucky Sword: 300 gold Samurai Armor: 1000 gold ![]() Before continuing to the next side quest, make sure you collect at least 800 gold after the purchases in Shop #8. When you have the gold, enter the door under Shop #1 once again and strike the block on the left to reveal a "?." Get the "?" and it will reveal another door. Go inside and you will find a transforming platform! Transform into Mouse-man and go back to town. ![]() Once you are back in town, stick to the mouse blocks in the center of the town tower and walk left so you are facing down against the breakable blocks. Break the one you are facing and jump into the water. You will fall to the bottom of the well. Head left until you reach 4 different wells. Fall down the first well and springboards will shoot you up to the ceiling. Make sure you are holding up on the control pad and you will stick to the mouse blocks on the ceiling. Walk all the way to the left to the tallest, 4th well. ![]() Fall down the 4th well, and go through the door you land in front of. It will drop you down to a maze area where you must stick to the mouse blocks and crush the breakable blocks blocking your way. Once you reach the last of the mouse blocks pictured on the left, you will have to jump while pressing forward to re-stick to the blocks so you can walk upside down and break that last block. You will know you are stuck to the blocks because mouse-man will be running in place when you stand still. ![]() The last block reveals another "?" block that makes a door appear. Enter the door and you will be in a room with a bunch of stars and a treasure chest. The chest contains the Magical Saber, which can create breakable blocks on any star symbol. Equip the Magical Saber and create a starcase by creating a block on the floor on the left side of the room. Check out the picture on the right to see where to place the blocks. Make sure to re-equip the Lucky Sword before you forget! The door leads back to town. Change back into Piranha Man and get your password! Next is the Captain Dragon. Here is my password so far: 7LUZ LKW 8TEN KA2 <--Back to Mission 3: The ZOMBIE Dragon ![]() Back to Walkthrough Index