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As you probably have noticed, the D-Ratio is the 1/X value attributed to Ryu and a bunch of other goofy people like Bosch. At the beginning of the game, your guy has a ratio of 1/8192. Each time you begin a new game after having beaten it at least once, Ruy's D-ratio will most likely increase. How? By earning points, up to 100, according to 6 variables: clearing time, extra turn %, map completion %, treasure chests opened, number of saves and highest floor reached in Kokon Horay. The first table below shows the points earned for each variable, whereas the second one allows you to check out your D-Ratio according to your total score (which is, if you haven't guessed already, the sum of all the points earned for each variable) after a playthrough.

However, you may or may not have the following question: "Why would I want to get a higher D-Ratio?" Well, in the Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter's world, there are certain areas blocked to your party because Ryu is a loser and has a ridiculously low D-Ratio. Those areas hold special treasures, but you already knew that if you completely read the manual, which I bet you haven't. One last question you may have: "What happens when Ryu reaches 1/4?" Nothing more special than having access to all the restricted areas in the game. I could tell you the overused "It means you have no life. HA!" joke right about now, but nah. It's not that funny. But it still means you're one of those hippies who have nothing better to do than playing the game over and over again.

Clearing Time (Hours) Extra Turn Rate (%) Map Completion Rate (%) Treasure Chests Opened Number of Saves Floor reached in Kokon Horay Points Earned
8 95 98 42+ 0 B50F 10
9 90 96 39+ 1 B46F+ 9
10 85 94 36+ 2 B41F+ 8
11 80 92 33+ 3 B36F+ 7
13 75 90 30+ 4-5 B31F+ 6
15 70 88 25+ 6-7 B26F+ 5
17 65 86 20+ 8-9 B21F+ 4
20 60 84 15+ 10-11 B16F+ 3
23 55 82 10+ 12-13 B11F+ 2
26 50 60 5+ 14-15 B6F+ 1
27 and + 49 and - 59 and - 4 and - 16 and + B5F and - 0

Total Score D-Ratio
100 1/4
95+ 1/8
90+ 1/16
85+ 1/32
80+ 1/64
75+ 1/128
70+ 1/256
65+ 1/512
60+ 1/1024
55+ 1/2048
50+ 1/4096
49 and - 1/8192

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.