Dungeon Creatures
Dungeon Units are fairly strong, and have some excellent attacks that can cause disabling conditions. They're highly explensive as a whole though.
Weiila sez: If you got snakephobia, stay off this one. They crawl, they slither, they'll glare you to death... well, some of them doesn't even have eyes, but those aren't any good at all. Plus there are a gang of nasty flyers living in these joints...
Name | Cost | | Attack | Defense | Speed | Shots | Image | Building | Damage | Health | Combat Speed | Movement Type | Special Abilities |
Upg. Name | Upg. Cost | Upg. Attack | Upg. Defense | Upg. Speed | Upg. Shots | Upg. Image | Upg. Building | Upg. Damage | Upg. Health | Upg. Combat Speed | Upg. Movement Type | Upg. Special Abilities | Comments |
Troglodyte | 50 Gold | | 4 | 3 | Extra Slow | N/A |  |  | 1-3 | 6 | 4 | Ground | Immune to blindness. |
Infernal Troglodyte | 65 Gold | 5 | 4 | Upg. Speed | N/A |  |  | 1-3 | 6 | 5 | Ground | Immune to blindness. | Meh. Trogs suck, and Infernal Trogs get marginal upgrades, but still welcome. Still they're cheap, relatively. The immunity to blindness is nice, but the only way you’d have to think about that would be if you’d cast that spell on them (you should know better) or have a Unicorn attack them, in which being blind is the LEAST of their worries. |
Harpy | 130 Gold | | 6 | 5 | Swift | N/A |  |  | 1-4 | 14 | 6 | Flying | Attacks then returns to previous location. |
Upg. Name | 170 Gold | 6 | 6 | Ultra Swift | N/A |  |  | 1-4 | 14 | 9 | Flying | Attacks then returns to previous location, Cannot be counterattacked. | Harpies are NIIIICE. They make effective siege weapons, just point them and let 'em rip. But go for the Harpy Hags. The stat increase is crap, but they cannot be retaliated (so it's not too much of an issue anyway) and the speed boost means they can attack anyone, at any time, and still be safe. Haste them and they become winged terrors. |
Beholder | 250 Gold | | 9 | 7 | Slow | 12 |  |  | 3-5 | 22 | 5 | Ground | No melee penalty. |
Evil Eye | 280 Gold | 10 | 8 | Extra Swift | 24 |  |  | 305 | 22 | 7 | Ground | No melee penalty. | I don't know why, but I like Beholders and Evil eyes. Maybe because they look so cool, and they are terrors in the D&D world. Anyways, they are pretty decent if a bit slow. You'll use them for ranged attacks more, but don't be afraid to send them into the fray. |
Medusa | 300 Gold | | 9 | 9 | Slow | 4 |  |  | 6-8 | 25 | 5 | Ground | No melee penalty, 20% chance to petrify with a melee attack. |
Medusa Queen | 330 Gold | 10 | 10 | Swift | 8 |  |  | 6-8 | 30 | 6 | Ground | No melee penalty, 20% chance to petrify with a melee attack. | More powerful versions of the Beholder and Evil Eye really, although they can shoot less and they are slower (Medusa Queens compared to Evil Eyes, actually.) Not that you'll mind, because they fight harder and can petrify, taking a creature out of action for three turns. Although if you want to use them as ranged attackers, you had better have an Ammo Cart. |
Minotaur | 500 Gold | | 14 | 12 | Swift | N/A |  |  | 12-20 | 50 | 6 | Ground | +1 Morale bonus. |
Minotaur King | 575 Gold | 15 | 15 | Very Swift | N/A |  |  | 12-20 | 50 | 8 | Ground | +1 Morale bonus. | These guys are pretty good. They're effective fighters, and the morale bonus means they'll be acting a bit more often than others. Definitely a worthy addition to your army. |
Manticore | 850 Gold | | 15 | 13 | Extra Swift | N/A |  |  | 14-20 | 80 | 7 | Flying | No special abilities |
Scorpicore | 1050 Gold | 16 | 14 | Quick | N/A |  |  | 14-20 | 80 | 11 | Flying | 20% chance to paralyze with a melee attack. | Manticore are so-so for their level. If you want asskickers though, go for Scorpicores. They're more powerful versions of the Medusa (Queen), only faster and sans the ranged attack. Paralyzation is the exact same thing as Petrify, strangely... |
Red Dragon | 2500 Gold + 1 Sulfur | | 19 | 19 | Quick | N/A |  |  | 40-50 | 180 | 11 | Flying | Immune to spells below Level 4, Breath weapon. |
Black Dragon | 4000 Gold + 2 Sulfur | 25 | 25 | Super Quick | N/A |  |  | 40-50 | 300 | 15 | Flying | Immune to all spells, Breath weapon, Does 150% damage to Giants and Titans | While slightly much more durable than the Angels (in health, upgraded anyway), they are overall weaker. They make up for that in magic immunity, and you need some powerful spells to hurt these babies. Take Black Dragons with you against Titans, and make sure you get the first attack. Be careful though, because their breath attack is two hexes long, and it's possible to accidentally hit your own units. Maneuver your Dragons to prepare for that.
Weiila sez: And use that two hexes hit against the enemy. The best tactic you can use the dragons for is to attack a stronger unit by breathing through a weaker one. If the weaker one then attacks the dragon without moving, there’ll be another hit on both. Mwahaha. |
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