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Creature Index Each city has seven different creatures, fourteen if you count the upgraded version of each creature. There are also six other "Neutral" creatures that cannot be recruited... without the expansion, anyway. Finally, there are four war machines that make fighting easier. Each creature for a city will be listed from the weakest down. The top, then will be the first level unit, down to the seventh. Statistics Block and Key
Name - The name of the creature. Image - A picture of the creature. Cost - The cost to recruit a single creature of this type. Building - What building allows you to recruit this creature (in the city that it is built in.) Attack - Base Attack value of the creature. Damage - Base damage range of the creature. This value multiplied (by the number of creatures in the unit) is the base damage range for the unit. Defense - Base Defense value of the creature. Health - Base Health value of the creature. This value multiplied (by the number of creatures in the unit) is the base health of the unit. Speed - The speed of the creature. Combat Speed - Base combat speed value of the creature. Shots - Number of shots the creature may take before running out and being forced to enter melee combat. Movement Type - The creature's form of movement. They may walk (Ground), Fly, or Teleport. Special Abilities - The creature's special abilities and properties. Comments - Comments and strategies on the creature. Upgraded (Statistic) - The statistic for the upgraded version of the creature.