Inferno Creatures
Inferno creatures suffer from what I call "Crappy Upgraed-itis". Or maybe it just seems that way. Only teh late creatures get truly strong, and as a whole, they're expensive in relation to their power.
Weiila sez: Now THIS is evil! Get your lost souls and sinners right here, but foremost the guys punishing them. They are the most evil of evil dudes and they HATE all goodiedoers. Watch it, that's hot...
Name | Cost | | Attack | Defense | Speed | Shots | Image | Building | Damage | Health | Combat Speed | Movement Type | Special Abilities |
Upg. Name | Upg. Cost | Upg. Attack | Upg. Defense | Upg. Speed | Upg. Shots | Upg. Image | Upg. Building | Upg. Damage | Upg. Health | Upg. Combat Speed | Upg. Movement Type | Upg. Special Abilities | Comments |
Imp | 50 Gold | | 2 | 3 | Slow | N/A |  |  | 1-2 | 4 | 5 | Ground | No special abilities. |
Familiar | 60 Gold | 4 | 4 | Extra Swift | N/A |  |  | 1-2 | 4 | 7 | Ground | Channels 20% of spell points spent by enemy spellcasters into hero's spell points. | Imps and Familiars are the lowest of the low. They are quite simply the crappiest unit around. It is NOT POSSIBLE to get any crappier. But there is one nice thing about them. The Familiar's channeling ability makes sure that if your enemy likes powerful spells, you can cast some of your own. Providing they survive. And in the numbers they can be produced, it might not be that big of a problem.
Weiila sez: On top of that it looks like they’re picking their noses when idle. *sweatdrop* |
Gog | 125 Gold | | 6 | 4 | Extra Slow | 12 |  |  | 2-4 | 13 | 4 | Ground | No special abilities. |
Magog | 175 Gold | 7 | 4 | Swift | 24 |  |  | 2-4 | 13 | 6 | Ground | Ranged area attack (Target and surronding units.) | I really don't like Gogs and Magogs. I mean, sure they shoot, but you can do better. The Magog's shot you have to be careful with, or you risk hitting your own troops. |
Hell Hound | 200 Gold | | 10 | 6 | Extra Swift | N/A |  |  | 2-7 | 25 | 7 | Ground | No special abilities. |
Cerberus | 250 Gold | 10 | 8 | Upg. Speed | N/A |  |  | 2-7 | 25 | 8 | Ground | Melee area attack (Three Hexes- target hex and two next to it.) | The Hell Hounds are pretty cool I suppose. The Cerberus gets a defense increase, a marginal speed increase, and a three-way attack. The problem is that a smart opponent might make your Cerberi counter your own troops by accident. |
Demon | 250 Gold | | 10 | 10 | Slow | N/A |  |  | 7-9 | 35 | 5 | Ground | No special abilities. |
Horned Demon | 270 Gold | 10 | 10 | Swift | N/A |  |  | 7-9 | 40 | 6 | Ground | No special abilities. | Demons look cool, but... I dunno. Horned Demons also have quite possibly one of the suckiest upgrades I've ever seen. Oh well. They seem aright, but I'm not big on them. |
Pit Fiend | 500 Gold | | 13 | 13 | Swift | N/A |  |  | 13-17 | 45 | 6 | Ground | No special abilities. |
Pit Lord | 700 Gold | 13 | 13 | Extra Swift | N/A |  |  | 13-17 | 45 | 7 | Ground | Can resurrect friendly units as Demons. | Pit Fiends are actually pretty good fighters, however, they suffer a case of sucky upgrade. I mean, 200 extra gold for a point in speed and the ability to create demons? Well. I don't know. If it's worth it is up to you, but I wouldn't upgrade them unless I had a chance to do it for free. |
Efreet | 900 Gold | | 16 | 12 | Ultra Swift | N/A |  |  | 16-24 | 90 | 9 | Flying | Immune to Fire spells, does 150% damage to Genies and Master Genies.
Efreet Sultan | 1100 Gold | 16 | 14 | Very Quick | N/A |  |  | 16-24 | 90 | 13 | Flying | Immune to Fire spells, permanent Fire Shield, does 150% damage to Genies and Master Genies. | Much superior to their natural enemies, Efreet kill Genies in big numbers. Heh. But they're not too shabby, some decent and FAST buggers.
Weiila sez: Efreet sultans also have a counterattack called Fire Shield, which hits every time they get attacked and also is fired off when the entire troop is killed. It hurts all creatures standing around them. |
Devil | 2700 gold + 1 Mercury | | 19 | 21 | Quick | N/A |  |  | 30-40 | 160 | Quick | Teleport | Lowers enemy luck by 1, cannot be counterattacked, does 150% damage to Angels and Archangels. |
Arch Devil | 4500 G + 1 Mercury | 26 | 28 | Extra Fast | N/A |  |  | 30-40 | 200 | 17 | Teleport | Lowers enemy luck by 1, cannot be counterattacked, does 150% damage to Angels and Archangels. | They use scythes. That's very cool. ANYWAYS, these guys are the only ones that teleport, and are actually pretty good, but should NEVER be paired against Archangels.
Weiila sez: Heh, angels and devils hate each other. Now WHAT is up with that? < /sarcasm > |
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