Fortress Buildings
The Fortress buildings are defensive in nature. With two buildings that give a bonus during sieges, and a defense booting building... They also have a Shipyard, but don't get the mobility granted by Castles.
Unique Buildings
Name/Image | Cost | Prerequisites | Effect |
 | 1000 Gold, 5 Wood | Village Hall | Allows a hero to buy First Aid Tents. |
 | 5000 Gold, 5 Ore | Marketplace | Produces 1 Wood and 1 Ore a day. |
 | 1000 Gold | Glyphs of Fear | Grants a +2 bonus to Attack during a siege. |
 | 1000 Gold | Fort | Grants a +2 bonus to Defense during a siege. |
 | 1000 Gold | Town Hall, Glyphs of Fear | Gives visiting heroes +1 Defense permanently. Each particular Cage of Warlords can be visited only once by a hero. |
 | 2000 Gold, 20 Wood | Village Hall | Allows you to build ships.
Ships cost 1000 Gold and 10 Wood.
Only available if the city has access to water. |
 | The Holy Grail | Village Hall | In addition to the normal Grail Structure effects, allied heroes gain +10 Attack and Defense When defending a siege. |
Creature Generators
Name/Image | Cost | Prerequisites | Effect |
 | 400 Gold, 10 Wood | Fort | Produces 12 Gnolls a week. |
 | 1000 Gold, 10 Wood | Gnoll Hut, Tavern | Allows you to recruit Gnoll Marauders instead of Gnolls. |
 | 1000 | Gnoll Hut | Raises Gnoll production by 6. |
 | 1000 Gold, 5 Wood | Gnoll Hut | Produces 8 Lizardmen a week. |
 | 1000 Gold, 5 Wood | Lizard Den | Allows you to recruit Lizard Warriors instead of Lizardmen |
 | 1000 Gold, 5 Wood, 2 Mercury, 2 Sulfur | Gnoll Hut | Produces 8 Serpent Flies a week. |
 | 1000 Gold, 2 Mercury, 2 Sulfur | Serpent Fly Hive | Allows yuo to recruit Dragon Flies instead of Serpent Flies. |
 | 2000 Gold, 5 Wood, 10 Ore | Serpent Fly Hive | Produces 4 Basilisks a week. |
 | 2000 Gold, 5 Wood, 10 Ore | Basilisk Pit | Allows you to recruit Greater Basilisks instead of Basilisks. |
 | 2500 Gold, 10 Wood, 10 Ore, 5 Mercury, 5 Sulfur | Serpent Fly Hive, Lizard Den | Produces 3 Gorgons a week. |
 | 2000 Gold, 5 Wood, 5 Ore | Gorgon Lair, Resource Silo | Allows you to recruit Mighty Gorgons instead of Gorgons. |
 | 3500 Gold, 15 Wood | Lizard Den | Produces 2 Wyverns a week. |
 | 3000 Gold, 10 Wood, 10 Mercury | Wyvern Nest | Allows you to recruit Wyvern Monarchs instead of Wyverns. |
 | 10000 Gold, 10 Wood, 10 Ore, 10 Sulfur | Basilisk Pit, Wyvern Nest | Produces 1 Hydra a week. |
 | 15000 Gold, 10 Wood, 10 Ore, 20 Sulfur | Hydra Pond | Allows you to recruit Chaos Hydras instead of Hydras. |
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