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Inferno Buildings

Infernos have the ability to raise your magical power, and has a nice (but limited) way to get yourself between towns.The Grail Structure, however, just plain SUCKS.

Unique Buildings
1000 Gold, 5 Wood
Village Hall
Allows a hero to buy Ammo Carts.
5000 Gold, 5 Ore
Produces 1 Mercury a day.
1000 Gold, 5 Sulfur
Raises a hero's power by while defending a siege.
10000 Gold, 5 Wood, 5 Ore
Allows instant transport to any allied Inferno town with a Castle Gate.
1000 Gold, 5 Wood
Mage Guild Level 1
Permanently raises a hero's Power by 1. A hero can only visit a particular Order of Fire once.
The Holy Grail
Village Hall
In addition to the normal Grail Structure effects, every week will be Week of the Imp.

Creature Generators
300 Gold, 5 Wood, 5 Ore
Produces 15 Imps a week.
1000 Gold
Imp Crucible
Allows you to recruit Familiars instead of Imps.
1000 Gold
Imp Crucible
Raises Imp production by 8.
1000 Gold, 5 Ore
Imp Crucible
Produces 8 Gogs a week.
1000 Gold, 5 Mercury
Hall of Sins
Allows you to recruit Magogs instead of Gogs.
1500 Gold, 5 Wood
Imp Crucible
Produces 5 Hell Hounds a week.
1500 Gold, 5 Sulfur
Allows you to recruit Cerberi instead of Hell Hounds.
1000 Gold
Raises Hell Hound production by 3.
2000 Gold, 5 Wood, 5 Ore
Hall of Sins
Produces 4 Demons a week.
2000 Gold, 5 Wood, 5 Ore
Demon Gate
Allows you to recruit Horned Demons instead of Demons.
3000 Gold
Demon Gate
Produces 3 Pit Fiends a week.
3000 Gold, 5 Mercury, 5 Sulfur
Hell Hole, Mage Guild Level 2
Allows yuo to recruit Pit Lords instead of Pit Fiends.
4000 Gold, 10 Ore, 3 Gems, 3 Mercury, 3 Sulfur
Demon Gate, Mage Guild Level 1
Produces 2 Efreet a week.
3000 Gold, 5 Ore, 5 Gems, 5 Mercury, 5 Sulfur
Fire Lake
Allows you to recuit Efreet Sultans instead of Efreet.
15000 Gold, 10 Wood, 10 Ore, 20 Mercury
Hell Hole, Fire Lake
Produces 1 Devil a week.
20000 Gold, 5 Wood, 5 Ore, 20 Mercury
Forsaken Palace
Allows you to recruit Arch Devils instead of Devils.

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.