External Creature Dwellings
Name | Image | Effect |
Air Elemental Conflux |  | Air Elemental dwelling. |
Altar of Wishes |  | Genie dwelling. |
Archer's Tower |  | Archer dwelling. |
Barracks |  | Swordsman dwelling. |
Basilisk Pit |  | Basilisk dwelling. |
Behemoth Crag |  | Behemoth dwelling. |
Cages |  | Hell Hound dwelling. |
Centaur Stables |  | Centaur dwelling. |
Chapel of Stilled Voices |  | Medusa dwelling. |
Cliff Nest |  | Roc dwelling. |
Cloud Temple |  | Giant dwelling. |
Cursed Temple |  | Skeleton dwelling. |
Cyclops Cave |  | Cyclops dwelling. |
Demon Gate |  | Demon dwelling. |
Dendroid Arches |  | Dendroid Guard dwelling. |
Dragon Caves |  | Red Dragon dwelling. |
Dragon Cliffs |  | Green Dragon dwelling. |
Dragon Vault |  | Bone Dragon dwelling. |
Dwarf Cottage |  | Dwarf dwelling. |
Earth Elemental Conflux |  | Earth Elemental dwelling. |
Elemental Conflux |  | Dwelling for all Elementals. |
Enchanted Spring |  | Pegasus dwelling. |
Estate |  | Vampire dwelling. |
Fire Elemental Conflux |  | Fire Elemental dwelling. |
Fire Lake |  | Efreeti dwelling. |
Forsaken Palace |  | Devil dwelling. |
Graveyard |  | Walking Dead dwelling. |
Gnoll Hut |  | Gnoll dwelling. |
Goblin Barracks |  | Goblin dwelling. |
Golden Pavilion |  | Naga dwelling. |
Golem Factory |  | Stone Golem dwelling. |
Gorgon Lair |  | Gorgon Dwelling. |
Griffin Tower |  | Griffin dwelling. |
Guardhouse |  | Pikeman dwelling. |
Hall of Darkness |  | Black Knight dwelling. |
Hall of Sins |  | Gog dwelling. |
Harpy Loft |  | Harpy dwelling. |
Hell Hole |  | Pit Fiend dwelling. |
Homestead |  | Wood Elf dwelling. |
Hydra Pond |  | Hydra dwelling. |
Imp Crucible |  | Imp dwelling. |
Labyrinth |  | Minotaur dwelling. |
Lizard Den |  | Lizardman dwelling. |
Mage Tower |  | Mage dwelling. |
Manticore Lair |  | Manticore dwelling. |
Mausoleum |  | Lich dwelling. |
Monastery |  | Monk dwelling. |
Ogre Fort |  | Ogre dwelling. |
Orc Tower |  | Orc dwelling. |
Parapet |  | Obsidian Gargoyle dwelling. |
Pillar of Eyes |  | Beholder dwelling. |
Portal of Glory |  | Angel dwelling. |
Serpent Fly Hive |  | Serpent Fly dwelling. |
Tomb of Souls |  | Wight dwelling. |
Training Grounds |  | Cavalier dwelling. |
Unicorn Glade |  | Unicorn dwelling. |
Warren |  | Troglodyte dwelling. |
Water Elemental Conflux |  | Water Elemental dwelling. |
Wolf Pen |  | Wolf Rider dwelling. |
Workshop |  | Gremlin dwelling. |
Wyvern Nest |  | Wyvern dwelling. |
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