Name | Image | Effect |
Abandoned Mine |  | Fight Troglodites to restore the mine. |
Alchemist's Lab |  | Produces 1 Mercury a day. |
Crystal Caverns |  | Produces 1 Crystal a day. |
Gem Pond |  | Produces 1 Gem a day. |
Gold Mine |  | Produces 1000 Gold a day. |
Ore Pit |  | Produces 2 Ore a day. |
Sawmill |  | Produces 2 Wood a day. |
Sulfur Dune |  | Produces 1 Sulfur a day. |
Arena |  | Player's choice to raise hero's Attack or Defense by 2. |
Crypt |  | 30% chance to fight 30 Skeletons and 20 Zombies for 1000 Gold. 30% chance to fight 25 Skeletons, 20 Zombies and 5 Wights for 2000 Gold 30% chance to fight 20 Skeletons, 20 Zombies, 10 Wights and 5 Vampires for 2500 Gold and a treasure artifact 10% chance to fight 20 Skeletons, 20 Zombies, 10 Wights and 10 Vampires for 5000 Gold and a treasure artifact. -1 Morale until hero's next battle if the guardians are already defeated. |
Faerie Ring |  | +1 Luck until the hero's next battle. |
Fountain of Fortune |  | -1 to +3 Luck until the hero's next battle. |
Fountain of Youth |  | +1 Morale until hero's next battle. +4 Adventure movement for the day. |
Hill Fort |  | Upgrade base creatures. |
Lake of the Scarlet Swan |  | +2 Luck until next battle. Lose all remaining movement points. |
Magic Well |  | Restores all lost spell points. |
Mystical Garden |  | 50/50 chance to get 500 Gold or 5 Gems. Restored at the beginning of each week. |
Obelisk |  | Reveals a portion of the Puzzle Map. May only be visted once per player. |
Sign |  | Displays a message. |
Stables |  | +6 Movement each day until the end of the week. Cavliers are automatically upgraded to Champions. |
Trading Post |  | Trade resources at the effiecency of 3 marketplaces. |
Tree of Knowledge |  | Raises hero to the next level. 34% of having no cost, 33% chance of costing 10 Gems, 33% chance of costing 2000 Gold. |
Waterwheel |  | 500 Gold given on the first week, 1000 gold each week thereafter. Restored at the beginning of each week. |