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Maps of TarisParty Members: Carth, Mission, Zaalbar, Bastila, T3M4. Party members will wait for you here when they are not in your party. Locker: Computer Spike x2, Medpac x3. Workbench: Able to upgrade items. Enemies: Sith Soldier, Battle Droid x2 Backpack: Adrenal Stamina, Adrenal Strength, Poison Grenade, Frag Grenade, Blaster Rifle. Appears when Sith Soldier is killed. Footlocker: Random Contents Bag: Random Contents Bag: Random Contents Larrim: Merchant. Dia: Has a side-quest. Can become enemy. Can affect alignment. Bag: Random Contents
Kelba Yurt's Equipment Emporium Kelba Yurt: Merchant. Zelka Forn: Merchant and healer. Has side-quests. Gurney: Introduces alternative ending to Zelka's Side quest. Enemies: Lavin Thug x2 Enemies: Bounty Hunter x2. Bullied Merchant: Can affect Alignment. Party Member: T3M4. Only joins after you talk to Canderous in the Cantina. Usually costs 2000 Credits but can be bargained down to 1500, or if you threaten Janice you can get him for free. Mandatory. Janice Nall: Merchant. Can affect alignment. Sith Guard: Bypassing him is part of the Main Quest. Drunkards x3: Can affect alignment. Can become enemy. Ilthorian and racist children: Can affect alignment.
Garouk: Sell pazaak Deck, plays tutorial games. Niklos: Professional Pazaak Player and sore looser. Only plays 5 or 6 times before quitting. Christya: Resident gold-digger. Bendak Starkiller: Bloodthirsty duelist. Has side-quests Sarna: Off-duty Sith to party with. Canderous: Offers you a way off this planet. Only appears after the swoop race. Duelists: Deadeye Duncan, Gerlon Two-fingers, Ice, Marl, Twitch. Ajuur: Duel Organizer, good source of credits, and can affect alignment. First Aid: Medpac. Gana Lavin: Murderous Spoiled Brat. Jergan: Resident Conman. Yun Genda: Off-duty Sith to party with. Enemies: Deadeye Duncan, Gerlon Two-fingers, Ice, Marl, Twitch, Bendak Starkiller.
Footlocker: Random Contents Footlocker: Random Contents Bag: Sith Armor. Appears only after the Sith Party Enemies: Sith Commander, Sith Trooper x2. Disappears when Sith Party is triggered. Can affect alignment. Alien Prisoner: Can affect alignment. Sith Commander Corpse: 25 credits, Sith Armor. Sith Trooper 1 Corpse: Concussion Grenade, Poison Grenade, Adrenal Strength. Sith Trooper 2 Corpse: Sonic Grenade, Adrenal Alacrity. Footlocker: Random Contents Footlocker: Random Contents Largo: Has a side-quest. Can become enemy. Can affect alignment. Footlocker: Random Contents
All Vulkar Encounters in this area result in the following:
Hidden Bek and Cantina Entrance Vulkar Encounter: See note. Twi'lek corpse: Medpac x2 Vulkar Encounter: See note. Vulkar Encounter: See note. Sith Soldier: You must pass him to continue main quest. Blaster Turret: Instant death attack. Will attack Vulkars. Can become enemy.
Uriah: Pazaak Merchant. Gelrood: Pazaak Player. Has infinite cash. Mission: Gives you experience for talking to her. Won't join party until the Undercity. Zaalbar: Doesn't like you. Go away. Don't worry he'll change his mind. (Or is that a bad thing?) Party Member: Canderous. Offers you a way off the planet. Only appears after the swoop race. Joins your party here if you finish the Sith Base. Mandatory Holdan: Bib Surool: Manager for the Starlight Dancers. Lyn Sekla: Auditioning for the Starlight Dancers. You can gain experience by helping her. Zax: Involved in many side-quests, including all bounties, and Rakghoul serum. Can affect alignment.
All Vulkar Encounters in this area result in the following:
Corridor Sentry Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Vulkar Encounter x3: See note.
All Vulkar Encounters in this area result in the following:
All the NPC's in this area only turn on you once you side with Kandon and you open one of the security doors. The Bek Guards appear as soon as you side with Kandon. Enemies: Hidden Bek x5, Hidden Bek Guard. Gadon Thek: You must talk to him to proceed with the main quest. Moves if you accept Kandon's proposal. If you side with him and return the accelerator, he will take you to the Swoop Race. Zaedra: Highly protective of Gadon. Can become enemy. Zaedra's Corpse: Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier Enemies: Hidden Bek x3, Hidden Bek Guard. Plasteel Cylinder: Random Contents Enemies: Hidden Bek Guard Console: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to reveal map. This room is inaccessible in the PC version. Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Hidden Bek Guard x3 Footlocker: Random Contents Minor Flash Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Sentry Droid Footlocker x2: Random Contents Elevator to Gadon's Personal Chambers is in this room. Enemies: Keira, Gadon Thek. Attacking Gadon affects alignment. Footlocker: Advanced Medpac x2, 300 Credits Gadon's Corpse: Vibration Cell, Power Belt, Memory Package, Energy Shield, Light Battle Armor Keira's Corpse: Verpine Cardio Regulator, Vibro Double-blade, Military Suit, Light-Scan Visor
All Rakghoul Respawn Points in this area result in the following:
Enemies: Rakghoul x3 Sick villager x2: Has a side-quest. Can affect alignment. Healer: Heals you for free. Enemies: Rakghoul Hendar: Between a Raghoul and a hard gate. You can save him if you want. He does not affect alignment. Hester: Can affect alignment if you save Hendar. Party Member: Mission. You must let her join to proceed forward with the main quest. Unfortunately Mandatory. Rubble: Random Contents Enemies: Sith Patrol Leader, Sith Trooper x2. This battle can be avoided. Sith Trooper Corpse: Blaster Rifle, Advanced Medpac Sith Patrol Leader Corpse: Frag Grenade x2, Sith Energy Shield, Blaster Rifle, Motion detection goggles, Advanced Medpac. Enemies: Rakghoul x2, Rakghoul Fiend x1. Respawn Point. See note. Corpse: Random Contents Enemies: Rakghoul x4, Rakghoul Fiend x1. Respawn Point. See note. Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Corpse: Random Contents Corpse - Sith soldier: Rakghoul Serum, Blaster Rifle, Heavy Combat Suit, Medpac x2, Beam Splitter, Antidote x2. Enemies: 1 powerful Rakghoul if you don't cure the Republic soldier. 4 normal Rakghoul if you do cure him. Minor Frag Mine x4: DC 20 to Disable. Republic Soldier: Sick lemming-like soldier. Can affect alignment. Enemies: Rakghoul x4. Canderous: Will help you battle the Rakghoul attack. Davik Troop x3: Ditto Enemies: Rakghoul x6, Rakghoul Fiend x2. Two Respawn points in the west. See note. Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Rubble: Random Contents Corpse: Random Contents Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Outcast Corpse: Promised Land Apprentice Journal, Antidote x2
All Rakghoul Respawn Points in this area result in the following:
Enemies: Gamorrean x2 Weapons Locker: Frag Grenade x2, Sonic Grenade x2, Stun Grenade x2, Medpac, Scope, Zaalbar's Bowcaster, Pazaak Card ±1, Pazaak Card -2. Enemies: Rakghoul x2, Rakghoul Fiend x1. Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Corpse: Random Contents Enemies: Gamorrean Raider x2, Gamorrean Raid Leader. Corpse: Random Contents Enemies: Rakghoul x3, Rakghoul Fiend x1 in the far room. Respawn Point. See note. Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Outcast Corpse: Promised Land Journal, Medpac, Antidote x2 Enemies: Gamorrean x4. Enemies: Gamorrean Patrol. Enemies: Rakghoul x4, Rakghoul Fiend x1 in the far room. Respawn Point. See note. Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Enemies: Rakghoul x3-5, Rakghoul Fiend x1 in the far room. Respawn Point. See note.
South of Southwest Waterfall Room Corpse: Random Contents
Enemies: Gammorean x2, Rakghoul x3. The Rakghoul will be attacking the Gammoreans. You get xP for any Gammoreans and Rakghouls that kill each other, so you can just stand back and let them kill each other off, until only one or two remain. Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Corpse - Sith soldier: Medpac x2, Antidote x2 Enemies: Gammorean x2 Enemies: Malfunctioning Droid Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Enemies: Gamorrean Raider x2, Gamorrean Raid Leader. Skeletal Corpse: Random Contents Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Severed arm: Bek Datapad, Synthesized odor Enemies: Stampy the Rancor. Immune to energy and ion damage. Melee attacks and disruptors can hurt it. Attacking him in melee is suicide. Frag grenades work best. Vulnerable to force choke. Getting past Stampy is part of the main quest. Corpse Pile: Computer Spike, Frag Grenade x2 Enemies:Vulkar Guard x2 Chewed Corpse: Medpac x3
Security Panel: Cannot Slice. Need Passcard Enemies: Vulkar Patrol Droid Disabled Sentry: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Supplies: Medpac, Computer Spike, Parts Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Supplies: Medpac, Computer Spike, Parts Enemies: Vulkar Cook, Bouncer Droid Waitress: Can become enemy. Can affect alignment. Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Bouncer Droid x2, Vulkar Bartender Enemies: Vulkar Patrol Droid Security Panel: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to overload barracks, 8 to disable turrets, 3 to open all doors, 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Black Vulkar x2, Vulkar Sentry Droid x2 Footlocker: Ion rifle, Heavy blaster, Ion blaster Footlocker: Average Frag Mine, Disruptor Rifle, Military Suit, Heavy Combat Suit, Vibration Cell, Mesh Underlay Metal Box: Ion Grenades x2, Frag Grenades x2, Concussion Grenades x2 Enemies: Black Vulkar. Surrenders. Can affect alignment. Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Black Vulkar x6, Vulkar Lieutenant x2 Lieutenant's Corpse x2: 100 Credits, Passcard, Energy Shield, Advanced Medpac Footlocker: Random Contents Supplies: Medpac, Computer Spike, Parts Pool Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 5 to crawl into pool. Deadly Gas Mine x3: DC 30 to Disable. Footlocker: Plasma Grenade x3, Cardio-Regulator, Hair Trigger, Durasteel Bonding Alloy Enemies: Defense Turret x3. Insta-kill.
Junkpile Droid (Mark 2): Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Junkpile Droid (War Droid): Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to ram loading bay doors, 6 to patrol. Enemies: Vulkar Patrol Droid (Sentry) Enemies: Garage Head, Vulkar Guard x2 Garage Computer Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to overload swoop bike, 3 to open security doors, 5 to reveal map. Supplies: Medpac x2, Computer Spike x2, Parts Garage Head's Desk: Pazaak Card +3, Pazaak Card -2, Improved Energy Cell, Garage Head Key card Enemies: Vulkar Gang Member x2 Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Random Encounter, Black Vulkar x2-4 Minor Gas Mine x2: DC 20 to Disable. Enemies: Vulkar Gang Member Radiation Shields: Energy Shield Enemies: Vulkar Gang Member x2 Workbench: Able to upgrade items. Works only on carried items and those equipped by NPC's in the party. Enemies: Vulkar Guard x4 Enemies: Kandon Ark. Kandon's Bodyguard (Female Twi'lek) x1, Kandon's Bodyguard x2. Siding with Kandon will prevent this battle temporarily. You can always return, and battle them sans Kandon. Can affect alignment. If you side with him and kill Gadon, he will greet you when you enter the base and take you to the Swoop Race. Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Kandon's Bodyguard's Corpse (Female Twi'lek): Heavy Blaster, Aural Amplifier Kandon's Corpse: Hair Trigger, Response Package, Disruptor Pistol, Military Suit, Verpine Headband Prototype Accelerator: Exactly as it says. Needed to finish non-dark main quest. Enemies: Vulkar Patrol Droid. Combat Droid Level 8 has Carbonite projection unit. Dangerous to solo. Footlocker: Random Contents Strong Box: 2000 Credits, computer spike x6, Hyper-battle stimulant, plasma grenade x5
Swoop Platform Enemies: Brejik, Redros, Vulkar Guard x2 Race Announcer: Talk to him to race one of your heats. Redros: If you race for the Beks, Redros will beat your best time once. Anglu: If you race for the Vulkars, Anglu will beat your best time once. Party Member: Bastila. Finding her is the main quest for the first half of Taris. Mandatory. Brejik's Corpse: Brejik's Belt, Brejik's Gauntlets, Brejil's Armband, DoubleBladed Lightsaber
Reception Terminal Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to overload barracks, 10 to disable assault droid shield, 8 to open elevator, 8 to take turrets offline, 8 to take droids offline, 10 to hack droids targeting, 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Technician, Sith Trooper x3 Receptionist Can affect alignment. Can become enemy. Enemies: Sentry Droid x2, Medical Droid First Aid: Medpac x2 Medical Droid Remains: Droid Light Plating Type 1, Energy Shield Level 2, Computer Probe Security Terminal Same options as Reception Terminal. See Above Enemies: Sentry Droid x2 Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Supplies: Repair Kit x1 Enemies: Sentry Droid x2 Nameless Duros in Trouble Can affect alignment. Footlocker: Random Contents
Hallways Rusted Sentry: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Enemies: Sentry Droid Enemies: Sentry Droid Enemies: Sith Captain, Sith Trooper x2, Sentry Droid x2 Footlocker: Random Contents Security Terminal Same options as Reception Terminal. See Above Enemies: Technician x4, Sith Trooper x2 Minor Gas Mine x2: DC 20 to Disable. Enemies: Blaster Turret x2 Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Weapons Locker: Ion Rifle, Beam Splitter Weapons Locker: Disruptor Rifle, Energy Projector Weapons Locker: Frag Grenade x3, Sonic Grenade x3, Concussion Grenade x3 Weapons Locker: Flame Thrower, Shield Disruptor Enemies: Sith Trooper x3 Footlocker: Sith Base Passcard, Improved Energy Cell Enemies: Assault Droid, Blaster Turret x2 Enemies: Sith Governor Sith Governor's Corpse Taris Launch Codes, Adrenaline Amplifier, Energy Shield, Strength Gauntlets, Neural Band Strong Box: Light Battle Armor, Security Spike x3, Computer Spike x3, Durasteel bonding alloy Strong Box: 500 Credits
If you attack any of the guests while on Davik's Estate, a group of guards from one of the rooms will seek you out and attack you. Footlocker: Random Contents Rodian: Bug face, who wants to die. Can affect alignment. Can become enemy. Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Bounty Hunter. Battle can be avoided. Footlocker: Random Contents Footlocker: Hair Trigger, Pazaak Card ±1 Footlocker: Datapad, 100 Credits, Pazaak Card -2, Pazaak Card -3 Slave x3: Answers questions and gives massages (to the disdain of Carth or Bastila depending on gender). Otherwise useless Footlocker: Random Contents Security Terminal Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to gas barracks (x4), 3 to open security doors, 10 to disable hangar security, 5 to reveal map. If you have the Computer passcard, access is free. If you talk to Hudrow, disabling hangar security is free, but nets you no experience. Enemies: Guard x3 Enemies: Guard x3 Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable Supplies: Medpac, Computer Spike x2, Parts, Repair Kit Enemies: Bounty Hunter. Patrols hallway. Bounty Hunter Corpse: Computer Passcard, Energy Shield Enemies: Guard x6 Security Terminal Same options as other Security Terminal. See Above Enemies: Guard x3 Enemies: Spice Lab Tech x2, Guard x4 First Aid: Medpac
"Guest" Room (Torture Chamber) Enemies: Torture Droid x2 Hudrow: Gives you information to bypass Hangar security. Can affect alignment. Can become enemy. Enemies: Tarisian Noble. Battle can be avoided. He gives you a 5 credit tip if you do. Strong Box: Advanced Medpac, Heavy Blaster, Armor Reinforcement Strong Box: 500 Credits Enemies: Calo Nord, Davik. First "Boss" battle. Davik is weaker, but Calo only needs to be taken down to half. For the amount of build-up, Davik is pathetic. Crime-lord my arse. Davik's Corpse: Davik's War Suit, Arkanian Energy Shield, Davik's Visor