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Maps of TatooineCustom's Officer: Greets you upon arriving and tries to take your hard earned money. Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu: A literally two-faced Merchant Jor Ul Kurax: Gives you a side-quest then runs away. Pouch: Random Contents Footlocker x2: Random Contents Sharina Fizark: Has a side-quest. Can affect alignment. Maana Demknot: Only here if you have proceeded forward far enough with Bastila's side-quest. Directs you to Helena. Sandcrawler Mechanic: Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Senni Vek: Appears if you have defeated Calo Nord. Can affect alignment. Footlocker: Random Contents Fazza Utral: Merchant accessible if you have a Hunter's License. He will buy Sharina's Wraid Plate. Komad Fortuna: Famous Expert Hunter. Can affect alignment. Dorak Quinn: Respectable Hunter. Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Gurke & Gang: Moronic Pigs. Can affect alignment. Can become Enemy under certain conditions. Tanis Venn: Greasy little wrench-rat. Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Kudos: Pazaak Player Protocol Officer: You need to talk to her to continue the Main-Quest. She will grant you a Hunter's Liscense if you agree to kill the Sand-People Chieftan. Also gives you information concerning Griff. Greeta Holda: Another Merchant. Can buy vaporators from him for the Sand People Chieftan if you wish. Dayso Cooh: Pacifistic ninny who rants about saving the Sand People. Approaches you again after you exit the Czerka Office to try to convince you. Griff: He will be here after you rescue him. Talk to him to continue Mission's side-quest. Can affect alignment. Enemies: Dark Jedi x3 Ganda Kaitoova: Asks for your autoprint if you race fast enough. Dark Jedi Corpse 1: Sith Assasin Pistol, Echani Dueling Shield, Datapad, Damind Crystal Dark Jedi Corpse 2: Sith Energy Shield, Short Lightsaber (Red), Red Crystal Dark Jedi Corpse 3: Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Verpine Cardio-Regulator, Dark Jedi Knight Robe, Yellow Crystal Motta the Hutt: Swoop Race Organizer. Also talk to him to get a swoop jockey side-quest or finish a business transaction. Can affect alignment. Track Coordinator: Talk to him for an unofficial run. Nico Senvi: Swoop racer involved in side-quest. Can affect alignment. Zoriis Bafka: Swoop Jockey. Shake her down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Yuka Rill: Swoop Jockey. Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Garm Totryl: Swoop Jockey. Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Helena: Well, now we know where Bastila's arrogance comes from. She is only here if you have proceeded forward far enough with Bastila's side-quest. Will only talk to you if Bastila is in your party. Junix Nard: Bartender and Merchant. Furko Nellis: Pazaak Player Czerka Officer: Thank goodness you can Choke this arrogant jerk. Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Gandroff: Former Swoop Jockey. Shake him down for some credits. Can affect alignment. Gate Guard Billan: Need to talk to him (with a Hunting Liscense) to leave Anchorhead. Can affect alignment. Iziz: Gives you side-quest, and some information, and possibly a map. Yuka Laka: Sells HK-47. Also a droid parts merchant Can affect alignment. Party Member: HK-47. Optional. Purchase from Yuka. Costs anywhere from 2500 - 5000. Need him for "good" ending to Sand People Quest.
Sand People Encounters in this area result in the following:
Wraid will spawn on loading the map if there aren't any as following:
Elite Warriors in low level encounters will have the following: Advanced Medpac, Bantha Fodder, Sand People Clothing, Blaster Rifle
Sand People Territory Entrance Enemies: Elite Warrior x2, Sand People Warrior x9 (6 appear in the course of battle) Average Frag Mine x2: DC 25 to Disable. Elite Warrior Corpse x2: Advanced Medpac, Bantha Fodder, Sand People Clothing Sand People Warrior Corpse x9: Sand People Clothing, Gaffi Stick Corpse: Medpac, Response Package Corpse: Parts, Repair Kit Sand People Encounter x2: See note Wraid Encounter: Possibly in this location. See note Corpse: Random Treasure Sand People Encounter x2: See note Wraid Encounter: Possibly in this location. See note Refuse pile: Random Treasure Jagi Encounter: Rodian Thug x2, Jagi (Jagi can be eliminated without a fight via Dialog) Only appears when Canderous is in your party and you've begun his side-quest. Sand People Encounter: See note Wraid Encounter: Possibly in this location. See note Corpse: Random Treasure
Sand People Encounters in this area result in the following:
Enemies: Vorn, Vorn's Assault Droid. This battle can take place either where you find the assault droid, or near the west exit. The Droid can be on either side depending. Can affect alignment. Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Plasma Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Vorn's Corpse: Credits x300, Datapad Vorn's Assault Droid Remains: Computer Spike x2, Parts x2 Twi'lek Corpse: Thermal Detonator Sand People Encounter x2: See Note Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Plasma Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Gas Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Enemies: Sand People Warrior x6, Turret x8, Turrets have an insta-kill attack Sand People Encounter x2: See Note Average Frag Mine x5: DC 25 to Disable. Average Plasma Mine x2: DC 25 to Disable. Sand People Guard: Only here if you pursue a more peaceful solution. Can become Enemy Corpse: Life Support Pack Corpse: Random Contents
Opening any Sand People wicker bins or baskets will cause all Sand People to become hostile. Enemies: Sand People Guard (only when you first enter the compound), Sand People Warrior Sand People Guard: Takes you to the Chief if you have HK-47 with you, if you wish Sand People Guard's Corpse: Advanced Medpac, Krath Dire Sword, Scope, Gaffi Stick, Blaster Rifle Rag Pile: Bantha Fodder Enemies: Sand People Warrior x5 Sand People wicker bin: Random Contents Enemies: Sand People Warrior x7 Sand People wicker bin: Random Contents Sand People wicker bin: Repair Kit Enemies: Sand People Chieftain, Sand People Warrior x4 Sand People Chieftain: The Head Pecan of these sandies. Bring him some Vaporators to continue the peace. Can become Enemy (you know you want to). Sand People Chieftain's Corpse: Chieftain's Gaffi Stick, Durasteel Bonding Alloy, Heavy Blaster, Blaster Rifle, Map of the Eastern Dune Sea, Krayt Dragon Pearl (only if you gave it to him) Sand People wicker bin: Random Contents Sand People wicker bin: Advanced Repair Kit Sand People basket: Random Contents Enemies: The Storyteller, Sand People Warrior, Sand People Female The Storyteller: Only here if you give away your much more valuable Krayt Dragon Pearl for a bunch of worthless stories. Can become Enemy (very easily too I might add). The Storyteller's Corpse: Raito's Gaderffii Rubble: Random Contents Sand People wicker bin: Random Contents Sand People basket: Random Contents Rubble: Random Contents Refuse pile - medium: Droid Heavy Plating Type 2, Advanced Stun Ray Refuse pile - medium: Advanced Targeting Computer, Advanced Computer Tool Broken Droid: Random Contents Enemies: Sand People Warrior, Sand People Female x2 Sand People wicker bin: Random Contents Enemies: Sand People Warrior x4 Jawa Prisoner: Useless slaves. Need to free them to finish a side-quest. Griff: Misson's brother who is more con-man than kin. Save him to continue Mission's side-quest. Can become enemy (you know you want to kill him). Skeletal Corpse: Neural Band
Sand People Ambush: Elite Warrior x4 Bunch 'o Bantha: Mammoth-like beasts that will follow their nose. Calo Nord Encounter: Calo Nord, Aqualish Thug x2, Rodian Thug x2. (Only appears if you have not fought him yet) Darth Bandon Encounter: Darth Bandon, Dark Jedi x2 (Only appears if you have triggered his cutscene and not fought him yet) Krayt Dragon: Will kill you if given the chance. Instant kill. Need to defeat to gain entry into cave. Komad: Famous Expert Hunter, but this time in need of your help. Talk to him to continue the main quest. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Komad's Corpse: Krayt Dragon Pearl (only if you kill him after you kill the dragon). Krayt Dragon's Corpse: Krayt Dragon Pearl x2 (only if you kill Komad before killing the dragon). Calo Nord's Corpse: Credits x2000, Antidote Kit x2, Mandalorian Heavy Pistol x2, Calo Nord's Battle Armor Darth Bandon's Corpse: Credits x3000, Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor Chewed Twi'lek corpse: Nerve Amplifier Belt Chewed Human corpse: Blaster Rifle, Jedi Master Robe Rubble: Opila Crystal Rubble: Violet Crystal Tattered equipment pack: Holocron, (Only appears if you have talked to Helena with Bastila in your party) Star Map: Major quest item gained. Necessary to find the Star Forge.