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Maps of KashyyykFodo Medoo Pazaak Player Komad Only here if you finished Tatooine and didn't kill him. Footlocker: Medpac, Interface Visor Metal Box: Computer Spike, Repair Kit, Medpac Eli Gand Merchant with a side-quest. Can affect alignment. Matton Dasol Eli's personal slave. Shares a side-quest with Eli, and can become a merchant. Can affect alignment. Janos Wertka Head honcho of the Port. Also a Merchant. Too bad you can't actually sic Zaalbar on him. Czerka Scientist Have some fun twisting Zaalbar's words. Footlocker: Advanced Repair Kit Plasteel cylinder: Advanced Medpac, Computer Spike Crate x2: Random Contents Czerka Guard Captain Complete and total git. Too bad you can't off him when the Wookies rebel.
Kinrath Encounters in this area result in the following:
Kinrath Encounter: See note. Enemies: Mykal, Forest Kinrath x2 Wookiee Guard: Prevents passage into the Shadowlands without Chuundar's permission. Corpse: Blaster Pistol, Battle Stimulant, Medpac, Construction Kit Supply Station: Computer Spikes needed: 10 to Slice the ID Requirement. No spikes needed if you have a Czerka Corp. Resource ID. Kinrath Encounter x2: See note. Metal Box: Advanced Repair Kit, Advanced Medpac, Parts, Antidote Kit Metal Box: Vibroblade, Blaster Pistol, Combat Suit, Interface Visor Enemies: Dark Jedi x3 Wookiee Guard: Forcibly takes you to meet Chuundar. Rwookrrorro Guard: Czerka Guard that prevents entry into Wookie Village. Only appears if you side with Chuundar Dark Jedi Corpse 1: Echani Dueling Shield, Lightsaber (Violet), Damind Crystal Dark Jedi Corpse 2: Sith Energy Shield, Short Lightsaber (Red), Short Lightsaber (Violet), Nextor Crystal, Yellow Crystal Dark Jedi Corpse 3: Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Verpine Cardio-Regulator, Dark Jedi Knight Robe, Yellow Crystal Kinrath Encounter x2: See note. Enemies: Mykal x3, Forest Kinrath x2 Enemies: Forest Kinrath x3 Chorrawl: Freyyr's Ally. Will escort you to Chieftain's Hall if you side with Freyyr. Gorwooken: Lowers Basket for you. Stays by basket while in the Shadowlands. Plasteel cylinder: Bowcaster, Combat Suit
Main Square Jaarak: A lying hypocrite who seeks for death. Has a side-quest Woorwill: A sad young sap who is deceived by all those he cares about. Shares a side-quest with Jaarak. Wicker Bin: Repair Kit, Medpac, Long Sword Worrroznor: The true power among the Wookies, as he condemns people to death. Talk to him to complete a side-quest Wicker Bin: Antidote Kit, Bowcaster Enemies if you side with Freyyr: Chuundar, Czerka Guard x2, Wookiee Guard x4 Enemies if you side with Chuundar: Freyyr, Wookiee Guard x2 Chuundar: The big cheese, and a hairy hutt in disguise. Wants to become enemy. Will affect alignment. Freyyr: Only here if you spare him. Can become enemy. Chuundar's Corpse: Chuundar's Bowcaster
Katarn Encounters in this area result in the following:
There are a total of 17 Tach that wander this area, not including any that spawn after you fight Rulan. Katarn Encounter: See note. Party Member: Jolee Bindo. You see him here battling four katarn. However each katarn only has 4 HP so it really isn't that impressive now is it? Anyways follow him to his home to talk to him. Corpse: Ion Rifle, Zabrak Combat Suit, Construction Kit Rubble: Concussion Grenade Wookiee corpse: Bowcaster Bolt Casing, Bowcaster, Slaver Contract Czerka Sonic Device x5: Disable two of these (using passcode from the guards) to chase off the bunch. Minor Frag Mine x2: DC 20 to Disable. Average Flash Mine x2: DC 25 to Disable. Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Commander Dern: Cloned from Captain Dehno's pubic hair. One of Czerka's many. Pays you to kill tach. Easily pissed off. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Guard: Force persuade them to run off for some fun! Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Metal Box: Advanced Medpac, Repair Kit, Motion Detection Goggles, Parts Metal Box: Light Repeating Blaster, Concussion Grenade, Disruptor Rifle, Tach gland Metal Box: Echani Light Armor, Beam Splitter Broken Droid: Behead this guy for an explosion, and a continuation to this side-quest. Katarn Encounter: See note. Party Member: Jolee Bindo. Wants you to kick the kids off the lawn. Mandatory. Enemies: Rulan Prolik (Changes form) Grarwwaar: Actually Rulan Prolik in Disguise. Loot the nearby Wookie corpse to uncover his identity. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment Wookiee corpse: Datapad (Grarwwaar) Corpse: Random Contents Rulan Prolik's Corpse Credits x500 Katarn Encounter x2: See note. Corpse x2: Random Contents Average Frag Mine x2: DC 25 to Disable. Minor Gas Mine: DC 20 to Disable.
Kinrath Encounters in this area result in the following:
Mandalorian Ambush in Progress Enemies: Mandalorian x3 Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Ripper, Mandalorian Datapad 1, If this is your second mandalorian encounter also has: Vibrosword, Swoop Bike Signal Device. Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Blaster, Mandalorian Datapad 2 Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Assault Rifle Kinrath Encounter: See note. Enemies: Mandalorian x3 Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Ripper, Mandalorian Datapad 1, If this is your second mandalorian encounter also has: Vibrosword, Swoop Bike Signal Device. Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Blaster, Mandalorian Datapad 2 Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Assault Rifle Enemies: Mandalorian Commander, Mandalorian x2. They only appear after the first two encounters and you use the swoop bike. Mandalorian Commander's Corpse: Mandalorian Helmet, Mandalorian Ripper, Armor Reinforcement, Nerve Amplifier Belt, Mandalorian Battle Armor Mandalorian Corpse: Medpac Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Assault Rifle Kinrath Encounter x3: See note. Enemies: Freyyr Freyyr: After beating the snot out of this insane wookie, you can save his lazy butt. Really though, if he can't get the blade himself does he really deserve it? Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Enemies: Viper Kinrath x3 Kinrath Corpse x3: Viper Kinrath Body Enemies: Ritual Beast. Only appears if you perform the ritual using a Kinrath corpse found above. Ritual Beast's Corpse: Guun Han's Journal, Circlet of Saresh. Bacca's Sword Blade or Bacca's Sword is received depending on how far you have gone with Chuundar's request. Enemies: Defense Droid x2. Only appear of you answered the questions wrong. Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Plasma Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Computer: A Holographic Rakata, here to prevent access to the Star Map. Talk to it to gain access.