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Maps of ManaanAssault Droid: Programmable droid. Can be used against the Master, but only if Vek leaves. Can become Enemy. Parts needed: 6 to kill Ithorak. Enemies: Ithorak also possibly Vek and the Droid. This is the fishy that you've been sent to kill. Can affect alignment. Battle can be avoided. Vek: Hates his master. Can have him turn on him. Can become Enemy. Republic Soldier: An idiot who wants to fall to the dark side. Directs you to the embassy. Merchant: Merchant. If you couldn't figure that one out by yourself you have serious problems. Nubassa: Can help you with a side-quest. You can even get money out of him. Enemies: Dark Jedi Apprentice, Sith Elite Trooper x2, Sith Grenadier x2 Jolan Aphett: Less talk. More Pazaak Selkath Port Official: Need to force persuade him or pay him to enter Ahto city. Doesn't haggle. Nilko Bwaas: Is an ally of the republic but wants to know why they are hiring mercenaries. Gonto Yas: A Pazaak Player and a sore loser. Don't pay him a single credit for information. The others around him will give you the same info for free. Can affect alignment. Iridorian Mercenary: Knows something about the Missing Selkath. Dialog is bugged. Mandalorian Mercenary: An aquaintance of Canderous. Talks for free unlike that Pazaak crazy jerk. Selkath Bartender: Serves Stims. Shaelas: Desparately wants to know about the Missing Selkath. Can affect alignment. Judge Shelkar: The main man of the courts. Talk to him to become Sunry's arbiter. Holds Sunry in High regard, but doubts that his injury would hamper him. Politically Neutral. Judge Duula: Finds it doubtful that a crippled Sunry could defeat Elassa. Strongly favors the Sith. Judge Kota: Doubts a man of Sunry's repute to be able to kill Elassa from behind. Strongly favors the Republic. Judge Naleshekan: Sees Sunry's murder of Elassa to be an extension of the Sith/Republic war. Slightly favors the Sith. Judge Jhosa: Finds sunry fleeing the crime scene to be suspicious. Slightly favors the Republic. Elora: Tells you of Sunry's predicament if you have Jolee in your party. Admits to Sunry's unfaithfulness under pressure. Bwa'lass: The most incompetent lawyer ever discovered by man. If you trust in his abilities, you'll die for it. To bad you can't gut the fishie for his foolishness. Selkath Guard: Prevents and grants entry into the Jail. Selkath Warden: Talk to him to start the Trial. This is also where you wind up if you break the law on Manaan. You'll have to pay him or dominate his mind to have him let you go. Sunry: A cold-blooded murderer? Maybe. An adulterer? Certainly. Talk to him about the trial. Can affect alignment. Tyvark Luowan: Operates a General Store. Supposedly gives a discount to the republic, but it's a lie. Shady Rodian: Pazaak Merchant or in other words worthless. Hulas: One of the Genoharadan Overseers. Gives you several tasks. Can indirectly affect alignment. Control Terminal: Computer Spikes needed: 1 to Slice, 8 to Kill Lorgal. Large Computer: Computer Spikes needed: 1 to Slice, 5 to Access restricted data archives. Other options don't work even with the required spikes. Lorgal: Crazy Radical terrorist. Fun to Force Choke. Can affect alignment. Roland Wann: The Republic's Diplomatic Representative on Manaan. You need to talk to him to proceed with the Main Quest. Can affect alignment. Intelligence Officer: Helps you interrogate the Sith Prisoner. Sith Prisoner: Persuade him to talk to enter the Sith Base. Republic Technician: Helps you decode the passcard. Ignus: First witness at Sunry's Trial. Can be bribed to falsely testify at the trial. Dominate Mind doesn't work because of a dialog error. Firith Me: Second witness at Sunry's Trial. Can be persuaded to Talk about Elassa's relationship with the Sith. Can affect alignment. Gluupor: Another witness at Sunry's Trial. A complete moron. Hard not to persuade him to admit to planting evidence. Mysterious Man: Tells you there's more to the trial than meets the eye. Works for the Sith. Probably. Footlocker: 100 Credits Footlocker: Medpac Sith Soldier: A complete witch that accosts you for money. Sweet revenge can be yours if you have Dominate Mind. Can affect alignment. Sith Diplomat: Another moronic Sith pawn that won't let you in the embassy without the proper codes. Will become enemy sooner or later, but only after entering the Embassy. Yortal Ixlis: Owns a Junk Shop near the Sith Embassy. Swoop Records Panel: Shows your current swoop records. Sslamoth: Swoop Race Organizer. Can affect alignment. T'sllth: Talk to him (her?) for an unofficial run. Casandra Mateil: Swoop Jockey. Hukta Jax: Swoop Jockey. Queedle: Needs serious help. Financially that is. Can affect alignment. Vek: Talk to him to set up a meeting with his Master.
Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Enemies: Sith Security Officer, Sith Diplomat, War Droid Mark IV x4 Sith Security Officer's Corpse: Nerve Enhancement Package Sith Diplomat's Corpse: Echani Foil Enemies: Assault Droid Mark IV x4, Sith Heavy Trooper Computer Panel: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to overload power conduit x3, 5 to disable force field, 10 to corrupt droid programming x3, 8 to disable security droids x3, 8 to deactivate steam vents, 5 to reveal map. Faulty War Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Enemies: Sith Grenadier, Sith Elite Trooper, Sith Heavy Trooper, Sith War Droid x2 Sith War Droid Remains Stun Ray Broken Droid: Data Module (quest) Footlocker: Universal Computer Interface, Security Decryption Interface Enemies: Sith Heavy Trooper, Sith Elite Trooper x3, Sith War Droid x2, Sith Captain Sith Captain's Corpse: Water Pump Analysis Enemies: Dark Jedi x2, Dark Jedi Apprentice Dark Jedi's Corpse: Short Lightsaber Dark Jedi's Corpse: Jenruax Crystal, Sith Energy Shield, Advanced Aural Amplifier Enemies: Assault Droid Mark IV x2 Assault Droid Mark IV Remains x2:Adv. Gravity Generator Enemies: Sith Heavy Trooper Enemies: Sith Heavy Trooper, Sith Grenadier Average Gas Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Footlocker: Credits x125 Desk: Same options as Computer Panel. See above. Does not function if overloaded previously. Enemies: Sith Heavy Trooper, Sith Grenadier, Sith Elite Trooper x2 Deadly Gas Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Enemies: Dark Jedi x3 Deadly Frag Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Dark Jedi's Corpse: Short Lightsaber Dark Jedi's Corpse: Jenruax Crystal, Sith Energy Shield, Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier Dark Jedi's Corpse: Jenruax Crystal, Sith Energy Shield, Advanced Aural Amplifier Footlocker: Bio-Antidote Package, Hair Trigger Footlocker: Eriadu Strength Amplifier Enemies: Selkath Apprentice Footlocker: Credits x150, Medpac Selkath (dying): Tells you to warn Shasa in its final moments. How touching. Footlocker: Medpac, Repair Kit Shasa: The little tadpole that you've been sent to rescue. A moronic twit. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Selkath Apprentice x3: Brainless sheep that follow Shasa. Can become Enemy. Shasa's Corpse: Bavakar Cario Package, Sith Energy Shield, Mandalorian Heavy Pistol Footlocker: Neural Band, Advanced Medpac Enemies: Selkath Apprentice, Practice Droid x2 Enemies: Dark Jedi Master, Selkath Apprentice x2 Deadly Plasma Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Dark Jedi Master Corpse: Luxum Crystal, Retinal Combat Implant, Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Dark Jedi Master Robe Footlocker: Echani Dueling Shield, Dark Jedi Knight Robe Footlocker: Advanced Medpac x2 Footlocker: Datapad (Incriminating)
Footlocker: Antidote Kit x3 Footlocker: Repair Kit x2 Mercenary: A sniveling worm. Disappears if you leave him for too long. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Footlocker: Antidote Kit x3 Footlocker: Sonic Grenade x2, Credits x50 Calo Nord Encounter: Calo Nord, Thug x2 (Only appears if you have not fought him yet after Taris.) Darth Bandon Encounter: Darth Bandon, Dark Jedi x2 (Only appears if you have triggered his cutscene and not fought him yet) Calo Nord's Corpse: Credits x2000, Life Support Pack x2, Antidote Kit x2, Calo Nord's Battle Armor Thug's Corpse: Thermal Detonator x2, Frag Grenade x2 Thug's Corpse: Zabrak Disruptor Cannon, CryoBan Grenade x3 Darth Bandon's Corpse: Credits x3000, Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor Equipment pack: Thermal Detonator, Credits x135 Security Panel: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 5 to gas storage areas x2, 10 to corrupt droid programming x2, 8 to Deactivate shield on droid, 5 to overload power conduit, 5 to reveal map. (the dialog is incorrect) Footlocker: Computer Spike x2 Enemies: Patrol Droid x3 Faulty Patrol Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Enemies: Insane Selkath x4 Remains: Jedi Master Robe, Sigil Crystal Footlocker: Parts x3 Enemies: Assault Droid x2 Equipment pack: Medpac Footlocker: Frag Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Poison Grenade Enemies: Insane Selkath x4 Deadly Flash Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Footlocker: Medpac, Sonic Emitter, Scientist's Memo Enemies: Heavy Sentry Droid Footlocker: Frag Grenade x2, Sonic Grenade Whimpering Locker: A hopeless abject coward. Wants to become fish fodder. Can kill. Can affect alignment. Large locker: Parts x3 Large locker: Adrenal Alacrity x2 Large locker: Computer Spike, Hyper-adrenal Stamina Dead Soldier: Arkanian Energy Shield, Improved Energy Cell Environmental suit: A longer way of saying an Envirosuit. That's exactly what you get. Enemies: Insane Selkath x6 Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Footlocker: Medpac, Sonic Emitter, Scientist's Memo Enemies: Patrol Droid x3 Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Deadly Frag Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Enemies: Insane Selkath x2 Average Gas Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Insane Selkath Corpse: Verpine Prototype Ion Blaster, Advanced Medpac x2 Footlocker: Medpac, Credits x200 Footlocker: Advanced Medpac, Hyper-battle Stimulant Enemies: Insane Selkath x2 Average Gas Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Enemies: Insane Selkath x5 Insane Selkath Corpse: Energy Projector Footlocker: Advanced Repair Kit Faulty Patrol Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Deadly Gas Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Footlocker: Plasma Grenade Enemies: Firaxa x5 Survivor: Survivor? Only temporarily. Fish food? Definitely Footlocker: Average Frag Mine x2 Footlocker: Nerve Amplifier Belt Enemies: Insane Selkath x4 Footlocker: Antidote Kit x2, Computer Spike x4 Deadly Flash Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Deadly Frag Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Enemies: Insane Selkath x3 Insane Selkath Corpse: CryoBan Grenade x3 Footlocker: Antidote Kit x2, Computer Spike x4 Large locker: Average Plasma Mine x2 Large locker: Hyper-adrenal Strength Corpse - Republic soldier: Echani Dueling Shield, Breath Mask Deadly Gas Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Computer Panel: Computer Spikes needed: 5 to Deactivate Depressurization Sequence. Kono Nolan: Heartless, baby-seal killing, pollution spewing scientist. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Sami: Namby-pamby tree-hugging pot-smoking hippie scientist. Can become Enemy. Footlocker: Medpac x2 Footlocker: CryoBan Grenade x2 Footlocker: Advanced Medpac, Repair Kit, Computer Spike x2 Kolto Control Panel: Tonight's menu: Shark fin Soup or Hydrolium (IE Dihydrogen Monoxide). Use to access to the Star Map. Enemies: Firaxa x2 Sea Beast: Will kill you if given the chance. Instant kill. Need to pacify to gain access the starmap. Star Map: Major quest item gained. Necessary to find the Star Forge.