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Maps of KorribanMechanic: Your friendly neighborhood mechanic. Port Authority: Prevents entry into Dreshdae unless you pay 25 credits. However he's a good sport, so he'll let you pass for free quite easily. Shaardan: Sith Student that can't think of anything cruel, and really shouldn't be out here. Enemies: Sith Apprentice that has been driven insane with (a really pathetic amount of) power. Appears after talking to Academy Guard. Can affect alignment. B'ree: Weapons Merchant Lashowe: She and her friends are looking for some fun. Very easily entertained. Sith Apprentice's Corpse: Bondar Crystal, Sith Medallion Enemies: Sith Thug Leader, Sith Thug x3. Appears after talking to Academy Guard. Battle can be avoided. Can affect alignment. Czerka Representative: Czerka Store Prospective Sith (Male): Loser Sith wannabe. Can affect alignment. Sith Thug Leader's Corpse: Sith Medallion, Battle Stimulant, Construction Kit Lurze Kesh: Been waiting for that shipment of spice for a long time. Deliver it to him for a reward. Pilots: Wishes he had a ship like the Ebon Hawk. Most likely to be silenced by the Mika Dorin: Bartender and part-time black market contact. Toll Apkar: Pazaak Player with unlimited funds. Prospective Sith (Female): Yet another loser Sith wannabe. Can affect alignment. Yuthura Ban: Your only ticket into the academy lies with her. Can affect alignment. Dak Vesser: This is where Dak comes crying if he sees Juhani. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Dak Vesser's Corpse: Jedi Knight Robe, Adhesive Grenade, Eralam Crystal, Credits x150 Crate: Repair Kit, Parts, Credits x150 Enemies: Belaya (Only here if you killed Juhani on Dantooine). You can finally off that witch. Pathetically easy (Only level 8! Sheesh). Mekel: Sadistic moron, who'll end up dying sooner or later. Preferably by your hand. Prospective Sith Student (Walrusman): Get him to fight the guard for some laughs. Can affect alignment. Prospective Sith Student (Asianguy): On the verge of collapse. Talking to him can be hazardous to his health. Can affect alignment. Prospective Sith Student (Other Moron): Stubborn as a mule. About as intelligent as well. Sith Academy Guard: Talk to him to have Yuthura and the other Sith students appear. Can become Enemy. Belaya's Corpse: Environment Shield Level 3, Echani Battle Armor, Credits x150 Metal box: Repair Kit Metal box: Computer Spike
Every NPC in this area that remains when you take the final test can become your enemy in certain situations. The entire academy will become hostile in those situations.
Sith Encounters only happen if the entire Academy is hostile. They result in the following:
Four sith chosen from the following list
Yuthura Ban: Uthar's apprentice. Wants to off her master. Footlocker: Advanced Medpac, Dark Jedi Knight Robe, Medpac x3, Credits x150 Kel Algwinn: A pathetic Sith doubter that trusts far too much for his own good. Footlocker: Sith Sniper Rifle, Sith Assassin Pistol, Heavy Repeating Blaster Lashowe: Just as she was easily entertained, she's easily manipulated with flattery. Shaardan: Needs to gather his wits. Utterly fails. Mekel: A moron who's never been on that side of the fence before. Not to worry, he soon will be. Dustil Onasi: Carth's Boy that's all grown up.
Master Uthar's Personal Quarters Sith Encounter: See note. Bed: (Uthar's) Place poison here. Footlocker: Datapad, Frag Grenade, Hyper-battle Stimulant. (Only appears if you have started Carth's Side-quest) Footlocker: Sith Mask, Jedi Master Robe, Credits x450 Enemies: Tariga, Sith Teacher x3, Sith Guard Adrenas: Take the datapad with instructions to poison Yuthura to him. Disappears if the Academy goes hostile. Plasteel cylinder: Computer Spike, Advanced Repair Kit Footlocker: Construction Kit, Advanced Medpac Computer panel: Use to extract information from the nameless Mandalorian victim. No spikes necessary. Disappears if the Academy goes hostile. Sith Interrogator: Apparently an inexperienced whelp can do his job better. Can become enemy. Can affect alignment. Disappears if the Academy goes hostile. Sith Victim: Either a masochist or a moron (maybe a bit of both). Proof: Prefers being tortured to telling where a useless weapons cache is. Can affect alignment. Disappears if the Academy goes hostile. Metal box: Droid Heavy Plating Type 3 Computer panel: Use to arrange duels. Computer Spikes needed: 1 to Slice, 3 to hack security cameras. 5 to hack academy's datafiles. Disappears if the Academy goes hostile. Enemies: Captive Republic Soldier x3, one at a time using the Dueling Computer to release them. Can affect alignment. Sith Encounter: See note. Sith Duelist: A rather pragmatic Sith who can see how merely executing prisoners is a waste. Can affect alignment. Disappears if the Academy goes hostile. Metal box: Ion Grenade, Computer Spike Enemies: Sith Guard x3
Every NPC in this area that remains when you take the final test can become your enemy in certain situations. The entire academy will become hostile in those situations. Calo Nord Encounter: Calo Nord, Sith Elite Warrior x2 (Only appears if you have not fought him yet after Taris.) Darth Bandon Encounter: Darth Bandon, Dark Jedi x2 (Only appears if you have triggered his cutscene and not fought him yet) Sith Apprentices Encounter: Sith Apprentice x3 (Only appears if you kill Master Uthar, and either kill or redeem Yuthura) Calo Nord's Corpse: Credits x2000, Mandalorian Heavy Pistol x2, Calo Nord's Battle Armor Darth Bandon's Corpse: Credits x3000, Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor Shyrack Encounter: Encounter results in the following:
Enemies: Sith Guard x3 Dak Vesser: An old friend of Juhani's. Truly a man with strange tastes. Galon Lor: A stereotypical archeologist geek. You can make him run off if you show him your sword, unless you lie about it being the right sword. Sith Student: Warns you about going inside the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, as if that's going to stop you. Runs away if you successfuly deal with the droid. Metal box: Life Support Pack, Adrenal Alacrity Metal box: Hyper-battle Stimulant, Parts Enemies: Tuk'ata x2, Tuk'ata Queen. Appears when you approach Lashowe. Lashowe: Practically demands that you kill her. Over my dead body? That's the plan. Only appears if you convince her to let you help. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Lashowe's Corpse: Holocron, Verpine Headband, Credits x150 Metal box: Repair Kit Metal box: Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier, Medpac
Shyrack Encounters in this area result in the following:
The Tuk'ata Encounter in this area results in the following:
Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Flash Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Plasma Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Thalia May & Company (Sith Rebel x2): A bunch of pansies that can't even get past a Terentatek. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Thalia May's Corpse: Yusanis' Dueling Shield, Crystal, Jenruax, Advanced Medpac Corpse: Response Package Enemies: Terentatek, Shyrack Wyrm x3 (Wyrms appear on Terentatek's death) Shyrack Encounter: See note. Corpse: Massassi Ceremonial Armor, CryoBan Grenade, Credits x900 Remains: Qel-Droma Robes, Duron's Journal
Enemies: War Droid Mark III x8, War Droid Mark IV x3, War Droid Mark V x6 Average Gas Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Plasma Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Average Flash Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Corpse: Sound Dampening Stealth Unit, Medpac, CryoBan Grenade, Data Recorder, Credits x450 Enemies: Assault Droid Mark II x2, War Droid Mark III x3. Only if the Rogue Droid goes hostile. Rogue Assassin Droid: Believes in the sanctity of life, enough to kill but not enough to die for. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Sith Sarcophagus: Sigil Crystal, Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets
The Tuk'ata Encounter in this area results in the following:
Average Flash Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Spirit of Ajunta Pall: A broken old spirit that's been here so long that he's gone completely batty. Wants you to play a guessing game. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Sith Statue: (Use correct sword) Sith Sarcophagus: Notched Steel Sword, Silver Lined Sword, Vibrosword Corpse: Retinal Combat Implant, Credits x450
The Tuk'ata Encounter in this area results in the following:
The Tuk'ata Queen Encounter in this area results in the following:
The Shyrack Encounter in this area result in the following:
Jorak Uln: Uthar's old mentor. Batty as a march hare. Tests your capacity to be a Sith. Either that or your capacity to take punishment. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Mekel: Lacking in Gumption. Weak as a newborn babe. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Jorak Uln's Corpse: Opila Crystal, Advanced Medpac, Ancient Sith Tablet, Credits x450 Mekel's Corpse: Phond Crystal, Credits x150 Sith Sarcophagus: Tulak Hord's Mask Clay Urn: Bondar Crystal Clay Urn: Violet Crystal Clay Urn: Firkrann Crystal
The Wraid Encounters in this area results in the following:
Enemies: Terentatek x2 (Solo? Yes Solo. Holy Toledo!) Deadly Gas Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Lever: Use this to open the door to the next room. Skeletal human remains: Verpine Droid Disruptor, Medpac, Datapad, Credits x450 Skeletal human remains: Solari Crystal, Shaela's Journal Pillar of Fire: Special Fire Grenade Pillar of Ice: Special Cold Grenade Computer Terminal: Use this terminal to solve the Towers of Hanoi puzzle here. Wraid Encounter: See note. Average Frag Mine: DC 25 to Disable. Skeletal human remains: Zabrak Blaster Pistol, Nextor Crystal, Cardio Package Skeletal human remains: Eriadu Strength Amplifier, Sith Assault Gun, Cinnagaran Carbine Monument to Naga Sadow: Naga Sadow's Poison Blade Enemies: Uthar Wynn or Yuthura Ban or both. Depends on your choices. Deadly Plasma Mine: DC 30 to Disable. Uthar Wynn: An old fool, about to be usurped by a couple of young upstarts. Maybe. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Yuthura Ban: A self serving wench that is willing to turn on the only friend she's ever had. That is if you don't turn on her first. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Uthar Wynn's Corpse: Security Domination Interface, Cinnagar War Suit, Credits x3000 Yuthura Ban's Corpse: Poison Grenade, Hyper-adrenal Alacrity, Credits x1500 Star map: Major quest item gained. Necessary to find the Star Forge. Sith Statue: Sith Lightsaber