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Maps of the Unknown WorldEnemies: Rakatan Warrior x5 Stranded Duros: A few moronic Duros who refuse to enjoy the hospitality of your ship. Can become Enemy. Can affect alignment. Party Members: All remaining party members will gather here after you exit the temple. Can become Enemy (Dark side Only). Can affect alignment (Dark Side Only). Battered Foot Locker: Advanced Medpac x3, Advanced Repair Kit x3 Enemies: Rakatan Warrior x5, Rakatan Elite Warrior Encounter: Rakatan Warrior x4. These guys appear if you talk to the Elders first and agree to get rid of "The One".
Welcoming Committee: Rakatan Elite Warrior, Rakatan Warrior x3, Young Rancor x2. You can only fight them in the following circumstances: If you side with the Elders and have yet to betray "The One", or if you reject their offer to meet "The One". Wanderers: Rakatan Warrior x3, Young Rancor x2, Warleader Garn. They appear only if you accept the welcoming committee's offer to talk to "The One". Warleader Garn: It's a sad day when the Warleader can't take care of business. Needs your help. Can become Enemy. Footlocker: Advanced Medpac x4, Advanced Repair Kit x4, Deadly Plasma Mine x2, Thermal Detonator x6, Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh, Verpine Prototype Shield, Thermal Shield Generator. Only appears after completing Garn's side-quest.
Enemies: Wild Rancor x2 OR Rakatan Elite Warrior x2, Rakatan Warrior x2, Young Rancor x2. You will encounter the Rakata and Young Rancor if you haven't talked to "The One" yet, otherwise the Wild Rancor will appear. Sometimes the Wild Rancor will spawn here. Rakatan Guides or Elder Guides: Who ends up here depends on which side you team up with. Opens the force field allowing you into the temple. Enemies: Wild Rancor x4. (Respawns occasionally) Enemies: Mandalorian Warrior x3, Mandalorian Elite x2, Mandalorian Captain Mandalorian Elite's Corpse x2: Mandalorian Captain's Corpse:
Plasma Vent x5: DC 30 to Disable. Ship Parts: Ship Parts Enemies: Wild Rancor x2. (Respawns occasionally) Explosive Defense System: Cannot be disabled. Universal Damage (Cannot be blocked). Insta-kill. Elder Hologram: Welcomes you into the Elder's Compound. Either that or kills you if you make a wrong move.
All Rakata in this settlement start off friendly towards the PC. However if the PC refuses to cooperate with "The One", all Rakata become hostile, except for the Elder Rakata that is caged. Enemies: The One, Rakatan Elite Warrior x2, Young Rancor x4 The One: Conceited bastard. Must be a side effect of being force sensitive. Can cause the entire compound to become your Enemy. Can affect alignment. Elder Warrior: It's either kowtow to The One's wishes, or save this guy. Your pick. Wicker Footlocker: Arkanian Energy Shield, Combat Suit, Eriadu Stealth Unit, Energy Shield, Light-Scan Visor, Mandalorian Melee Shield, Strength Gauntlets x2, Zabrak Combat Suit Wicker Bin x3: Random Contents Wicker Footlocker x3: Random Contents Storage Bin: Antidote Kit x2, Battle Stimulant, Carbonite Projector, Life Support Pack x2, Sensor Probe, Verpine Demolitions Probe Storage Bin: Computer Spike x3, Deadly Plasma Mine x2, CryoBan Grenade x3, Thermal Detonator x2, Poison Grenade x5, Green Crystal, Wookiee Warblade Wicker Bin: Mandalorian Battle Armor, Jedi Master Robe, Bothan Droid Disruptor, Zabrak Tystel Mark III, Mandalorian Heavy Repeater, Medium Repeating Blaster, Quarterstaff x2, Stun Baton, Rakatan Battle Wand x2, Sith Tremor Sword Ship Parts: Hidden in of the cages. Enemies: Rakata x6 Enemies: Rakata x9 Wicker Footlocker: Advanced Medpac, Medpac x3 Wicker Footlocker x2: Random Contents Enemies: Luo, Rakata x2 Wicker Bin x2: Random Contents Wicker Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Loremaster Gjarshi, Rakata x6 Loremaster Gjarshi: Gives you 1600 XP if you listen to his bull. Wicker Bin: Repair Kit x3 Wicker Bin x2: Random Contents Wicker Footlocker x2: Random Contents
All Rakata in this settlement start off friendly towards the PC. However if the PC has met "The One", he may become violent towards the Councillors, which causes all creatures to become hostile, except for the Black Rakata which are in Cages in the Genetics lab. Enemies: Elder Councillors x3, Elder Warrior, Elder Elite Warrior Elder Councillors: They ask for proof that you have repented before they offer to help. Can cause the entire compound to become your Enemy (only if you've met "The One" and not slaughtered him). Can affect alignment. Elder Councillors' Corpses x3: Advanced Medpac x2 Enemies: Elder Rakata x2, Elder Droid x1 Enemies: Elder Rakata x2, Elder Droid x1 Enemies: Researcher Ll'aw, Elder Researcher x2 Researcher Ll'awa: Looking for Genetic samples. No, not yours, those of other Rakata. Rakatan Warrior x3: Really exhausted by the rigors of constantly providing "genetic samples". Can become Enemy. Researcher Ll'awa's Corpse: Cage Key, Rakatan Battle Wand Elder Researcher's Corpses x2: Rakatan Battle Wand Enemies: Elder Worshipper x3 Enemies: Elder Rakata x3 Wicker Bin x2: Random Contents Enemies: Elder Rakata x2, Elder Droid x1 Plasteel cylinder: Adhesive Grenade x5, Concussion Grenade x5 Plasteel cylinder: Advanced Medpac x2, Advanced Repair Kit x2 Metal Box x2: Medpac x2, Repair Kit x2 Enemies: Elder Rakata x2, Elder Droid x1, Keeper Orsaa Keeper Orsaa: Loremaster Gjarshi's long lost twin brother. only this guy gives a mere 500 XP. Keeper Orsaa's Corpse:Ancient Tome, Rakatan Battle Wand Rakatan Computer: Super intelligent computer, that you can easily deceive. What the hell? Provides you with useless trivia. Wicker Bin: Random Contents Wicker Footlocker x6: Random Contents
Enemies: Patrol Droid x2 Enemies: Sith Acolyte Footlocker: Random Contents Metal box: Random Contents. I have trouble getting this one. Usually I skip it. Enemies: Sith Acolyte, Sith Assault Droid Footlocker: Random Contents Enemies: Sith Acolyte, Sith Assault Droid Enemies: Dark Jedi x2 Dark Jedi's Corpse: Lightsaber x2, Dark Jedi Knight Robe, Sith Energy Shield x2 Dark Jedi's Corpse: Lightsaber, Dark Jedi Knight Robe, Sith Energy Shield x2, Sith Power Gauntlets Enemies: Sith Master x2 Sith Master's Corpse: Lightsaber, Dark Jedi Master Robe, Upari Crystal, Sith Energy Shield x2, Nerve Amplifier Belt, Sith Power Gauntlets Metal box: Advanced Medpac x5, Life Support Pack x2 Large locker: Advanced Stealth Unit, Stealth Field Generator, Sonic Nullifiers, Sith Energy Shield x2, Bothan Perception Visor Large locker: Powered Light Battle Armor, Verpine Prototype Shield, Powered Battle Armor, Sith Energy Shield Large locker: Sith Assault Gun x4, Sith Sniper Rifle x2 Large locker: Light Repeating Blaster x2, Zabrak Disruptor Cannon x2 Footlocker: Adhesive Grenade x5, CryoBan Grenade x5, Frag Grenade x5, Ion Grenade x5, Plasma Grenade x5, Poison Grenade x5, Sonic Grenade x5, Concussion Grenade x5, Thermal Detonator x5 Footlocker: Random Contents Workbench: Able to upgrade items. Works only on carried items and those equipped by NPC's in the party. Computer: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 2 to Unlock armory security door, 3 to overload computer power conduits (any one), 8 to Deactivate sentry turrets, 8 to Deactivate patrol droids (any of the two), 10 to Corrupt droid targetting program (works for any except for the East Guard post), 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Sith Acolyte Footlocker: Random Contents Rusted Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Metal box: Advanced Repair Kit x2, Construction Kit x2, Droid Heavy Plating Type 3, Droid Heavy Plating Type 2, Droid Medium Plating Type 3, Energy Shield Level 3 Metal box: Random Contents Metal box: Advanced Repair Kit x4, Construction Kit x2 Metal box: Computer Spike x2, Parts x6 Metal box: Advanced Repair Kit x2, Construction Kit x2, Droid Motion Sensors Type 2, Droid Motion Sensors Type 3, Environment Shield Level 3, Universal Computer Interface Deadly Frag Mine x2: DC 30 to Disable. Rune Covered Pillar: Sapith Crystal Enemies: Prototype Droid x2 Strong Box: Credits x5000 (I think the programmers did this just to spite us), Red Crystal x2, Construction Kit x2, Life Support Pack x2 Enemies: Patrol Droid x2 Computer: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 2 to Unlock armory security door, 3 to overload computer power conduits (any one), 8 to Deactivate sentry turrets, 8 to Deactivate patrol droids (any of the two), 10 to Corrupt droid targetting program (works for any except for the East Guard post), 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Sith Acolyte Metal box: Advanced Repair Kit x4, Construction Kit x2 Enemies: Sith Acolyte, Sith Assault Droid Enemies: Sith Acolyte Footlocker x5: Random Contents Enemies: Sith Acolyte Plasteel cylinder x2: Advanced Medpac x4, Life Support Pack x2 Enemies: Sith Sentry Droid Footlocker: Random Contents Metal box: Advanced Repair Kit x4, Construction Kit x2 Metal box: Computer Spike x2, Parts x6 Enemies: Heavy Defense Turret x2 Computer: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 3 to overload computer (bad idea), 10 to disable droid shields, 10 to Corrupt droid targetting program, (Disable prototype droids never works), 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Heavy Defense Turret x4 Enemies: Sith Sentry Droid x2 Rakata Computer: An even more intelligent computer. The only difference is that this one has something worth saying. Enemies: Guard Droid x2 Deadly Frag Mine x3: DC 30 to Disable. Footlocker: Datapad Rune Covered Pillar: Sapith Crystal Storage Cylinder x2: Random Contents Rakatan Computer: Use this to disable the disruptor field, and open the front doors. Bastila: She's back, and more arrogant than ever before (which is saying something). Can join party. Will affect alignment. Bastila's Inventory: Bothan Perception Visor, Vacuum Mask, Hyper-adrenal Alacrity x4, Hyper-adrenal Stamina x4, Hyper-adrenal Strength x4, Life Support Pack x6, Antidote Kit x4, Thermal Detonator x10. You get these items if she joins you. Plasteel cylinder x5: Random Contents