NormalNavi |
800 |
(Throws a BigBomb hitting one row)
Cannon (A weak and slower version of a Cannon)
CrossBomb (Throws a CrossBomb hitting in a
cross formation)
(Note: Some of these are BattleChips which can be broken/interrupted
with a Jealousy chip or a RollArrow attack.) |
Gate Security (Town Area3)
City/Den Battle Tournament (Yuko)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament (Flave)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament (Jack) |
NormlNavα |
1000 |
NormlNavβ |
800 |
NormlNavΩ |
1200 |
Heal Navi |
HealNavi |
800 |
VolGear/VulGear/ValGear (Depending on the Navi
version, a VolGear type virus will be summoned to the field)
(Note: Some of these are BattleChips which can be broken/interrupted
with a Jealousy chip or a RollArrow attack.) |
LCD Comp (Elec Town2)
During "Breaking and Entering"
(Park Area2)
During "Net Crisis"
(Park Area1)
City/Den Battle Tourament (Gantestu)
Den Battle Tournament (Dex)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament (Rika)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament (Paulie)
Blue Moon Tournament (Chaud)
Red Sun Tournament (Raika) |
HealNavα |
1100 |
HealNavβ |
1100 |
HealNavΩ |
1400 |
BurnerMan |
BurnM |
700 |
Torches (Two torches move, one after another, on the top and
bottom row, with an attack that hits the entire column, can be blocked)
Flame Dash (BurnerMan will do a flame-on move
and dash straight)
Flame Shot (A FireArm attack that shoots
straight onto the entire row) |
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Normal (Atsuki) |
BurnMα |
1100 |
Park Area2 on Normal (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Hard (Atsuki) |
BurnMβ |
1500 |
Park Area2 on Hard or Super Hard (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Super Hard (Atsuki) |
BurnMΩ |
1900 |
Random Encounter (Park Area2) |
ColdMan |
ColdM |
800 |
Clouds (Clouds will move toward you, can be blocked)
Body Smash (ColdMan curles up and attempts to
jump at you)
Tri-IceCubes (Creates three IceCubes and if
they're in his field, he will push them at you)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament on Normal (Chilliski) |
ColdMα |
1200 |
Sharo Area on Normal (Static)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament on Hard (Chilliski) |
ColdMβ |
1500 |
Sharo Area on Hard or Super Hard (Static)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament on Super Hard (Chilliski) |
ColdMΩ |
1900 |
Random Encounter (Sharo Area) |
KendoMan |
KendM |
800 |
Slash (KendoMan charges straight and will attempt to stab
MegaMan wherever he is)
Slash (A wide attack)
Tri-Slash (KendoMan will make 2 clones of
himself that will attack MegaMan in a delta formation) |
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament on Normal (Mr. Famous) |
KendMα |
1200 |
NetFrica Area on Normal (Static)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament on Hard (Mr. Famous) |
KendMβ |
1600 |
NetFrica Area on Hard or Super Hard (Static)
Blue Moon/Red Sun Tournament on Super Hard (Famous) |
KendMΩ |
2000 |
Random Encounter (NetFrica Area) |
LaserMan |
LasrM |
1000 |
(LaserMan fires a laser that hit's in a cross, while
cracking the panels)
DarkLaser (Freezes time, then fires a laser
onto one row)
LaserAttack (A laser attack onto a forward
Rock Drop (LaserMan will fire into the air and a total of 10 rocks will
Super Armor (LaserMan can't be stunned) |
MeteorComp4 on Normal (Storyline) |
LasrMα |
1400 |
MeteorComp4 on Hard (Storyline) |
LasrMβ |
1800 |
Undernet5 on Super Hard (Static)
MeteorComp4 on Super Hard (Storyline) |
LasrMΩ |
2200 |
Random Encounter (Undernet5) |
ShadeMan |
ShadM |
500 |
(When hit, ShadeMan turns into 2-3 bats that retreat, where one of the
bats is ShadeMan)
ClawGrab (A claw will come up from a panel)
ClawSwipe (ShadeMan will do a wide attack)
DarkWing (ShadeMan will send three bats that
will follow you slightly)
NoiseCrash (A triangular attack that hits 1x3
panels, and 1 panel ahead) |
ElTwrComp2 on Normal (Square)
ToyRoboComp4 on Normal (MelSquar)
Undernet4 on Normal (Static) |
ShadMα |
800 |
ElTwrComp2 on Hard (Square)
ToyRoboComp4 on Hard (MelSquar)
Undernet4 on Hard (Static) |
ShadMβ |
1200 |
ElTwrComp2 on Super Hard (Square)
ToyRoboComp4 on Super Hard (MelSquar)
Undernet4 on Super Hard (Static) |
ShadMΩ |
1500 |
Undernet4 (Random Encounter) |
SparkMan |
SprkM |
600 |
(SparkMan will flash the screen and an image of MegaMan
will appear behind you, using a WideSword)
SparkMine (SparkMan sends out a mine that
goes straight, when it stops, it does a spark attack on each of it's
Spark Path (A spark on 1x2 panels will travel
on each column, going up then down) |
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Normal (Terry) |
SprkMα |
1000 |
ACDC Area3 on Normal (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Hard (Terry) |
SprkMβ |
1400 |
ACDC Area3 on Hard or Super Hard (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Super Hard (Terry) |
SprkMΩ |
1800 |
ACDC Area3 (Random Encounter) |
TopMan |
TopM |
600 |
(3 tops appear and move diagonally, while TopMan turns
into a top to drop on you)
TopDash (TopMan will turn into a top and move
straight and back)
TopBounce (TopMan will turn into a top and
move diagonally) |
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Normal (Tensuke) |
TopMα |
900 |
Town Area1 on Normal (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Hard (Tensuke) |
TopMβ |
1200 |
Town Area1 on Hard or Super Hard (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Super Hard (Tensuke) |
TopMΩ |
1600 |
Town Area1 (Random Encounter) |
VideoMan |
VideM |
800 |
(A roll of film appears on 2x2 panels)
Copy1 (Creates an image of MegaMan who tosses
a LilBomb)
Copy2 (Creates and image of Megaman who
shoots a Cannon)
Copy3 (Creates an image of MegaMan who uses
ExcessFilm (Two lines of film will always
appear in between you and VideoMan)
Forward (VideoMan turns red and speeds up)
Rewind (VideoMan turns blue and regenerates
HP) |
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Normal (Viddy) |
VideMα |
1100 |
Park Area3 on Normal (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Hard (Viddy) |
VideMβ |
1400 |
Park Area3 on Hard or Super Hard (Static)
Hawk/Eagle Tournament on Super Hard (Viddy) |
VideMΩ |
1700 |
Park Area2 (Random Encounter) |
MegaManDS |
MgaMDS |
(Your Current Max HP) |
(Any Chip in Curent Folder, even
GigaChips, but I don't remember it using any NaviChips?) |
Before Duo (Storyline)
Black Earth 2 |
Duo |
Duo |
2000 |
(A constant red laser stream on the middle row where a
ring will appear on one column at a time)
FistBarrage (A barrage of fists will come down on random
panels while cracking them)
FistSwing (Duo will swing his fist on your
back 2x3 panels, then the front)
FloatingMine (A mine will come out from Duo's
chest moving in a diagonal motion and is usually paired with his
MissileBarrage (Missiles will randomly fire
out from Duo's chest and travel straight)
SigmaBlast (Face's that look like Sigma will
fire out cracking 2x2 panels)
Super AirShoes (Duo's floating in his back
2x3 panels, so ground chips won't affect him) |
ControlArea on Normal (Storyline) |
Duoα |
2500 |
ControlArea on Hard (Storyline) |
Duoβ |
3000 |
ControlArea on Super Hard (Storyline) |
DuoΩ |
3500 |
ControlArea on Super Duper Hard (Storyline) |
Bass |
Bass |
2000 |
(Bass's typical shot attack that randomly hits panels)
DarkSword (Becomes a widesword or longsword)
HellSpheres (Bass tosses two spheres to your
back panels)
RollingHell (After he tosses two wheels at
you, he'll attack with his 'DarkSword')
Undernet5 (Requires 150 Standard Chips and 6 Soul
Unisons) |
BassΩ |
3000 |
Black Earth2 (Random Encounter after defeating
MegaManDS) |