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To access the Status Screen just press the X or Y button. With the left
and right directions you can change the caracter selected.
- Main Status Screen
- [Cash]: Displays how much money you currently have.
- [Character's Stats]: Displays the Stats of each character.
- LV: You can see here your Level. Each time you gain a Level your other
stats will rise.
- ACT: You can see here your Action Points. They determine how many steps
you can make in each turn.
- EXP: You can see here your Experience Points. Each 100 Experience Points
you'll gain a Level.
- SPEED: You can see here your Speed Points. They determine the action
order in battle.
- CRITICAL: You can see here your Critical Points. They determine the extra
ammount of damage you can do randomly.
- EVADE: You can see here your Evade Points. They determine the possibility
of dodging attacks.
- ATTACK: You can see here your Attack Points. They determine the damage you
make normally.
- FGUARD: You can see here your Front Guard Points. They determine the damage
you absorb from front attacks.
- BGUARD: You can see here your Back Guard Points. They determine the damage
you absorb from back attacks.
- HP: You can see here your current and max HP. If your current HP reach 0
points the character will faint and will be unusable in the rest of the battle.
- SP: You can see here your current and max SP. SP is used to make Techiques.
- Ailments Protection: You can see here your Ailments Protection Points. They
determine if Poison, Delusion, Confusion and Sleep attacks will affect you.
- ELM: You can see here your Elemental Protection Points. They determine if you
receive extra damage from elemental attacks, they are: Fire, Lightning, Ice and Earth.
If they are highlighted it means that you are vulnerable to them.
- Items Menu: Here you'll see the items each character has. Use the A Button
to display another menu.
- [Use]: With this option you'll use an item if it's possible, and in the case of
equipment you'll equip it.
- [Toss]: This option lets you throw an item to an ally (or enemy if you are in
battle), making him to suffer the item effect.
- [Hnd]: This option lets you give an item to an ally.
- [Rid]: With this option you'll throw away an item.
- Tech Menu: You can see here a list of the techniques each character has, with
a brief description on it.
- Cnfg Menu: You can change some game options here.
- [Cursor1]: If you select the mem option the last position of the cursor on the
Status Screen will be saved.
- [Cursor2]: If you select the mem option the last position of the cursor on the
Battle Menu will be saved.
- [Buttons]: You can change your buttons with the "new" option.
- [Sound]: You can change sound output to mono or stereo here.
- End: Use this option to exit the menu, or use the B Button.
When you touch an enemy you'll enter the battle mode and the fight begins,
read this information carefully to learn about it.
- Main Screen
- [Grid]: You can see here how the combat field is distributed.
- [Grid Cost]: Here you can see how many ACT Points cost each step, when you
step on a certain grid type it will be filled. If you aren't on any special grid each
step will cost 1 ACT Point.
- [Act Meter]: You can see here how many steps you can do on the grid you are.
- [Character Stats]: You can see the name, HP and ACT Points of the character
you are controlling in each momment.
- Options Menu: Press the X or Y Button to show it.
- [Item]: This menu lets you the same options as the one in the Status Menu.
- [Tech]: Use this menu if you want to use any gained Technique.
- [Ally]: With this option you'll be able to see your character's stats and
- [Stat]: This option lets you see your character and enemies' stats.
- [End]: Use this option or press the B Button to exit this menu.
(c)2006 RPGClassics.com. All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.