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HP: 64
Where to find: Valen's Fortress
Coin Value: 250
Attacks: 1) Charge
Moves: Will charge you, pauses, turns around, and charges you again.
Black Bat**Flying monster**
HP: 3
Where to find: Carona Forest
Coin Value: 30
Attacks: 1) Charge
Moves: Randomly flies above you.
HP: 62
Where to find: Raging Mountain
Coin Value: 90
Attacks: 1) Hammer
2) Final Strike
3) Head Butt
Moves: Walks towards you and uses Hammer attack but will use Final Strike (earthquake-like attack) and Head Butt on occasion.
Cockadoo **Flying monster**
HP: 1
Where to find: Mel's Atelier
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Peck
Moves: Flies vertically in place and pecks if you get close enough.
Fire Blob
HP: 32
Where to find: Raging Mountains
Coin Value: 50
Attacks: 1) Sparks (red magic)
2) Head Butt
Moves: If you're close, it will use Head Butt, otherwise, it generally comes towards you and uses Sparks.
Elemental Weakness: Water
Elemental Resistance: Fire
HP: 1
Where to find: Mel's Atelier
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Sparkle (white magic)
2) Head Slam
Moves: Stands stationary and uses Head Slam attack, ducks into ground, and repeats attack. Does not attack if on giant ball.
HP: 24
Where to find: Gamul Forest
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Strike
Moves: Charges at you directly until you or it is dead.
Gargoyle**Flying monster**
HP: 30
Where to find: Carona Forest
Coin Value: 50
Attacks: 1) Sonic Wave (green magic)
2) Kick
Moves: Will go towards you, kick, use sonic wave, and jump or run away from you. Then repeats attack pattern.
HP: 30
Where to find: Underground Ruins
Coin Value: 40
Attacks: 1) Flame (red magic)
2) Tail Whip
Moves: Slow moving creature that uses tail whip, pauses, and repeats attack.
Elemental Weakness: Water
Elemental Strength: Fire
HP: 45
Where to find: Valen's Fortress
Coin Value: 150
Attacks: 1) Ice Blow (blue magic)
2) Flame (red magic)
Moves: Switches between ice and flame magic attacks.
HP: 1
Where to find: Mel's Atelier
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Shooting Star (white magic)
2) Strike
Moves: Remains in place, shoots star, jumps, and repeats attack pattern.
Jinn**Floating monster**
HP: 50
Where to find: Valen's Fortress
Coin Value: 200
Attacks: 1) Tornado (green magic)
2) Tail Whirl
Moves: Will generally use Tail Whirl in Arena and Tornado in Circular room.
King Ant
HP: 40
Where to find: Underground Ruins
Coin Value: 50
Attacks: 1) Single-way stream of flame (red magic)
2) Five-way flame shot (red magic) Moves: Will toggle between a single stream of flames (red butt is up), pause, and a 5-way flame shot (red butt is beneath it).
Elemental Weakness: Water/Ice
Elemental Strength: Fire
Mandala**Stationary monster**
HP: 30
Where to find: Carona Forest
Coin Value: 15
Attacks: 1) Bite
2) Seed (Red magic)
Moves: Remains stationary. When you're close enough, it will either throw out fiery seeds or bite you.
HP: 3
Where to find: Ghost Temple, Raging Mountain, Gamul Forest, Carona Forest
Coin Value: 40
Attacks: 1) Scratch
2) Stone
Moves: Remains in place and throws stones at you if far and will scratch you if you're close.
Pollywog**Floating monster**
HP: Regular=10, Black=22
Where to find: Carona Forest, Underground Ruins, Raging Mountain (Black Variety)
Coin Value: 10
Attacks: 1) Bite
2) Tail Whip
Moves: Chases after you and mainly uses bite attack.
HP: 25
Where to find: Maya's Tower
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Collide
2) Explode
Moves: Rolls towards you and collide then follows it up by blowing up (it'll turn red).
HP: 30
Where to find: Ghost Temple, Carona Forest, Underground Ruins
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Strike
Moves: Will attack you directly until you or it is dead.
Saber Tiger
HP: 20
Where to find: Carona Forest, Ghost Temple
Coin Value: 30
Attacks: 1) Thrust
2) Bite
Moves: Remains stationary until you get close, it'll howl, and either bite or lunge at you.
HP: 40
Where to find: Valen's Fortress
Coin Value: 150
Attacks: 1) Lightning (yellow magic)
2) Thrust
Moves: If it's stuck on a platform, it will use Lightning attack. If free to roam, it will charge you.
HP: 36
Where to find: Ghost Temple, Underground Ruins
Coin Value: 50
Attacks: 1) Strike
2) Fall Apart
Moves: Comes at you and strikes. If you use magic, after a certain point, it falls apart, reassembles, and attacks again.
HP: 40
Where to find: Ghost Temple, Carona Forest, Underground Ruins, Raging Mountain
Coin Value: 70
Attacks: 1) Water (blue magic)
2) Ice Blow (blue magic)
Moves: Uses Ice Blow magic, disappears, reappers, and repeats Ice Blow attack.
HP: 3
Where to find: Carona Forest, Ghost Temple
Coin Value: 20
Attacks: 1) Rolling Spine
2) Spine
Moves: If in wide open space, will use rolling spine attack. If enclosed, will use spine attack.
Wabbit**Flying monster**
HP: 34
Where to find: Maya's Tower
Coin Value: 100
Attacks: 1) Wing Slap
Moves: Will either duck when you get close and then attack or use Wing Slap attack, then ducks, and repeats attack pattern.
Witch**Stationary monster**
HP: 10
Where to find: Maya's Tower
Coin Value: 150
Attacks: 1) Pumpking Cannon
Moves: Remains stationary and spins around, locks on you, and shoots a pumpkin.
Nightmare Estimated HP: 100
Where to find: Carona Forest
Coin Value: 1000G
Attacks: 1) Charge
2) Stomp
Moves: Will stomp on top of you and then charges. Repeats attack pattern.
Skull Beast Estimated HP: 100
Where to find: Underground Ruins
Coin Value: 2000G
Attacks: 1) Single Flame shot (red magic)
2) Arch Flame Shot (red magic)
3) Stomp
Moves: Does flame shots and stomps from one platform to another. Pauses (i.e. it blinks) and repeats attack pattern.
Gorotan Estimated HP: 250
Where to find: Mel's Atelier
Coin Value: 5000G
Attacks: 1) Lightning Chase (yellow magic)
2) Lightning Pillar (yellow magic) Moves: Will call forth shield around itself. Shield will move away from Gorotan. Will call Lightning Chase before, during, or after it's shield is called and moves away. Once shield is away, it will use Lightning Pillars.
Elemental Srength: Lightning
Chimera Estimated HP: 200 each
Where to find: Haunted Temple
Coin Value: 2000G
Attacks: 1) Boomerang
2) Lightning Pillar (yellow magic)
3) Charge
4) Fire Breath (red magic)
5) Swings Weapon
Moves: Will go through all five attacks randomly.
Cloud Whale Estimated HP: 200
Where to find: Gamul Forest Lake
Coin Value: 2000G
Attacks: 1) Waves
2) Vacuum
Moves: Will fly left, right, and then straight at you. Each time it passes, waves will crash on your platform in the direction it was moving. Then it will try to suck you into its mouth and repeats attack pattern.
Estimated HP: 100
Where to find: Carona Forest
Coin Value: 200G
Attacks: 1) Charge
Moves: Will charge at you directly, pauses, and repeats attack pattern.
Estimated HP: 100
Where to find: Carona Forest
Coin Value: 200G
Attacks: 1) Charge
Moves: Will charge and run around you, pauses, and repeats attack pattern.
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Estimated HP: Underground Ruins) 150
Mel's Atelier) 200
Ghost Temple) 350
Raging Mountain) 150
Where to find: Underground Ruins, Mel's Atelier, Haunted Temple, Raging Mountain
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: Varies depending on his current "role". See walkthrough for more details.
Moves: Varies depending on his current "role". See walkthrough for more details.
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Estimated HP: Undergound) 65
Gamul Forest) 150
Raging Mountain) 150
Where to find: Underground Ruins, Gamul Forest, Raging Mountain
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: 1) Shield
2) Diamond throw
3) Explosion
Moves: Will call forth shield around her. Sends shield onto you or throws diamond shaped attacks. If you don't kill her quickly enough, she'll do big explosions wherever you were.
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Estimated HP: Test) 150
Full Fight) 300
Where to find: Raging Mountain
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: 1) Cross fire breath
2) Wind attack
3) Strike
Moves: Will do stream of fire breath that ends with a cross pattern on the ground, fly around causing pockets of wind that'll throw you in the sky if you get sucked in, and then he will land and attack you directly.
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Trap Master Estimated HP: Carona Forest) 200
Raging Mountain) 200
Maya's Tower) 300
Raging Mountain Revisited) 300
Where to find: Carona Forest, Raging Mountain, Maya's Tower
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: 1) Exploding platforms
2) Spiked balls
Moves: Will cause certain platforms to explode and will drop down spiked balls from time to time.
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Mode Master
Estimated HP: Maya's Tower) 300
Raging Mountian) 300
Where to find: Maya's Tower (as Maya), Raging Mountain Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: 1) Morph
Moves: Mode Master will Morph to either you, Maya, or the following monsters: Gargoyle, Behemoth, Bubba. She will use each respective monsters attacks. For Maya she will summon pumpkins, kick you, and turn you into a pumpkin!
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Psycho Master
Estimated HP: Carona Church) 200
Valen's Fortress) 350
Where to find: Carona Church, Valen's Fortress
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: 1) Chase, grab, and throw
2) Circular flame attack
Moves: He will teleport randomly and either stand still, chase after you, or do a circular flame attack.
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Doll Master/Arm of Death Estimated HP: Maya's Tower) Invincible
Valen's Fortress) 400
Where to find: Maya's Tower, Valen's Fortress
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: His attack will differ depending on whether you're playing Mint or Rue. See walkthrough for more details.
Moves: His attack will differ depending on whether you're playing Mint or Rue. See walkthrough for more details.
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Atenacius Estimated HP: 300
Where to find: Inside the Book of Cosmos
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: 1) Long Range Blue Steam
2) Purple Wave
3) Beard Whips
Moves: He doesn't move.
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Final Boss: ?????
Estimated HP: Atelier) Defeated once Dew RedMoon is
Atelier Rooftop) 500
Where to find: Valen's Atelier
Coin Value: Coin Not Available
Attacks: See walkthrough for more detail.
Moves: See walkthrough for more detail.
Elemental Weakness: ?????
Elemental Resistance: ?????