
Boss Monsters
As is the case in virtually all adventures, Willow will be
forced to encounter and defeat a number of 'boss' creatures.
Here are the monsters in the order that they are found,
and strategies you may employ to defeat them.
The first boss monster that Willow will encounter is a demon called
Bogarda. Supposedly he was formerly a member of the village of Dew,
but he has been transformed into a hideous creature. He uses an axe
that he throws toward Willow, and the axe will hover for a moment and then
return to him in a boomerang-like fashion.
Strategy is simple here. Simply wait for the axe to be thrown,
and take a stab (not a swing) with a sword. If Willow strikes true,
Bogarda will reciprocate with another toss as soon as his axe returns to
him. If Willow is familiar with the sword he is using, two stabs can
be employed between each throw of the axe. Dodge both the throw and
the return, taking one or two pokes each time. Bogarda will fall
easily using this technique.
Willow doesn't encounter Muzh until much more exploration beyond
Bogarda's Caves. Provided that everything is done in order and the
adventurer has appropriately equipped himself, this guy is even more of a
piece of cake than Bogarda was. Make certain to visit Muzh's lover,
the ghost woman Zhena, on the bridge before confronting Muzh or he will be
invincible. Consult the maps if you're having trouble locating the
ghost woman, whose Cross Flute is imperative for this fight.
Encased in a demon's shell, Muzh will attack Willow on sight.
When Willow strikes with his sword, Muzh will draw in his spikes and
become temporarily impervious to damage. At this point, the demon
will quickly launch seven spikes at Willow. Make sure to obtain and
equip the Metal Shield from the under-island caves so that the spikes can
be deflected; otherwise Willow will have to run around and dodge the
spikes, which is more of an agitating chore than one of difficulty.
Strike and either absorb the spikes or flee from them. Muzh is
slow, so this should be a simple one for Willow.
The Edorsisk
Once again, Willow finds himself waiting a long time between his
encounter with Muzh and the guardian of Tir Asleen Castle, the Edorsisk.
Also, once more, this fight is surprisingly simple provided that Willow
has equipped himself appropriately.
One screen south of the Edorsisk's lair is Airk, a warrior of the
country of Tir Asleen. He claims that the Edorsisk is too strong for
him and relinquishes his blade to the studly Willow. The Kaiser
Sword is sufficient to destroy the Edorsisk if Willow hasn't yet found the
Wonder Sword, which rests on the second floor, though the shield equipped
might pose a problem. If a trip was made upstairs for the Battle
Shield, this is a piece of cake.
The Edorsisk will begin by rearing its head back to the top of the
screen and then moving forward about 3/5 of the distance toward the south
door. It moves very slowly but is exceptionally powerful. It
will write slowly, releasing fireballs that spread around the room like
molasses in January. Either take caution to dodge the fireballs or,
preferably, absorb them with Willow's shield. In close range, a
swing with a sword will strike anywhere from one to four times, doing
damage each. If the Edorsisk is lucky enough to be alive after about
ten seconds, it will begin again. Either way, this should not pose a
problem for Willow unless the one controlling him is manipulating the
control pad with his toes.
General Kael
Atop the third floor of Nockmaar Castle beyond Sorsha and Madmartigan,
Bavmorda's main man Kael awaits Willow. Clumsy, stupid, and bound to
the rules of an 8-bit system, the general requires a bit more strategy
than some of the other boss monsters, but not much.
Kael will tell you that he has already delivered the Crest of the
Spirits to Queen Bavmorda, and with that he starts his attack. He is
very slow but wields his heavy sword quickly and with great
strength. With the Fury Shield, Willow can deflect Kael's attack,
which comes in waves of two strikes, and then counterattack with a stab or
even a slash if within range.
The best strategy for Kael is to absorb two of his slashes and then
stab. After the stab, get out of range or stay in place to absorb
more. Keep in mind that, as is the case with any other swordsman who
uses a shield, Willow's defenses will be down temporarily after making an
Avoid Kael's sword and pierce each time the general is within range to
receive a hefty experience bonus and passage to the tower where the evil
queen awaits.
Queen Bavmorda
Finally, a fight with a bit of technique involved!
After defeating Kael and climbing the unnecessarily elaborate tower,
Willow will encounter Bavmorda's chambers. The evil queen informs
her nemesis that she will soon become immortal, and that the adventurer
shall go no further.
Bavmorda, always facing south, will scamper erratically around her
quarters like a puppy that doesn't want to be held. She drops little
balls of fire that, of course, do not damage her, but will harm
Willow. The only offense applicable here is the Magic Cane that was
obtained long ago at Lake Cheef from the fairy queen Cherlindrea. If
Willow has not had the Cane empowered by Fin Raziel, it will be of no use.
With a bit of practice, pinning Bavmorda in a corner and blasting her
with the little Cane bubbles over and over is a cakewalk; however, if
Willow either does not have at least fourteen levels or full MP, he will
not be strong enough to bring about the evil queen's downfall. The
little fireballs can also prove to be a hindrance, for they will absorb
the Cane bubbles if hit.
Once Bavmorda's HP have been depleted, she will beseech Willow not to
remove the Crest of the Spirits from her possession, or she will be
destroyed. With that, a second battle ensues.
This battle is very simple. Willow's sword once again comes into
play, and finding a spot in a corner near the top or the bottom of the
screen will be a safe haven for the adventurer. Simply swing the
sword (any sword but the Devil Eye) over and over and the queen, employing
her sophomoric battle techniques, will run into the weapon over and over,
making this about a ten second fight.
That's it.