
Plot Characters
Many of the weapons, shields, magic, and items are obtained
from storyline characters.
Below you can find just who these characters are, from where
they hail, and of what importance they are.
The High Aldwin
The High Aldwin, who serves as the village chief of
Nelwyn (as well as its sorcerer), provides Willow with the Magic Acorns, which represent the first magical item in the
Additionally, upon returning to visit the High Aldwin, Willow can
have his MP (Magic Points) restored.
The village of Nelwyn's weapon smith and leader
of the town's warriors is called Vohnkar.
Vohnkar will award Willow with the Long Sword, the first weapon
available in his adventure. He'll also provide brief training tips.
The Village Chief of Dew
A village not far north of Nelwyn is called the
village of Dew, where members of the Daikini race reside.
The village chief's son informs Willow of a devastating situation
that the citizens of Dew are experiencing. Evidently the chief's father has been overcome by
some evil and is terrorizing the villagers.
In a hope to aid Willow, the chief will provide the Healmace,
which restores some of the adventurer's HP (Hit Points) when used.
Bogarda (demon form)
The father of Dew's village chief, Bogarda has become possessed
or something. He desires the Gold Statue that Willow carries, and when the adventurer
refused to relinquish it, Bogarda attacks with a throwing axe.
Dew's village chief's father either paid a visit to
the Fountain of Youth, or the game programmers got something mixed up. Upon Bogarda's defeat, he
appears before you as a younger man.
Having snapped out from under the influence of his demonic
oppression, Bogarda recognizes himself and provides Willow with the magic of
Kchil of the Nail Clan
Just west of the village of Dew, Willow will first
encounter a member of the Nail Clan, a rabbit-esque type of creature. Its name is
Early on, Kchil serves only to inform Willow that Bogarda's magic
has bound the Nail to the east side of the bridge, but if Bogarda is defeated, the
bridge will be open for travel again.
Later, Kchil will provide Willow with a Wakka Seed, which is a
special item that allows for underwater breathing.
Originally found in Matanda's blue caves northwest of
the Forest of Death, a lesser dragon-type called Po is very relieved when Willow locates him.
Po will reward Willow with the magic Ocarina, which allows the
adventurer to summon Po anytime that he is outdoors.
Based on what locations Willow has visited, Po can provide quick
and safe transportation to one of six familiar places for a small cost of MP.
Having been sent to the blue caves by Franjean and
Rool, two members of the miniscule Brownie Clan, in hopes of recovering the Crystal of Light,
Willow soon locates a dragon called Matanda.
Contrary to what Willow had planned, the dragon does not wish to
fight. Instead, if Willow agrees to leave it alone, Matanda provides a Thieves'
Bracelet, which allows the pass headed west from the cave entrance to be opened so
that Willow can advance to Lake Cheef.
The fairy and protector of Lake Cheef, Cherlindrea is
quite happy to meet Willow for the first time. She explains that the evil queen
Bavmorda's magic has transformed the good sorcerer Fin Raziel into an opossum and that only Willow
will be able to transform her back to her normal state.
Concordantly, Cherlindrea will present Willow with her wand,
called the Magic Cane, so that Raziel can be transformed. Unfortunately, it will be
some time until Willow will have the ability to appropriately harness the power of the wand to
either use it as a weapon or transform Fin Raziel.
This Daikini appears to be a warrior and a scoundrel in
one. He's first located in the forest beyond Lake Cheef, bound up against a tree.
He'll send Willow looking for a Key to the cuffs. When he
returns with that Key, the Daikini will thank you in the only way he can - by providing you with
a low-quality glass Necklace. It doesn't serve any apparent purpose.
Willow will find Madmartigan again soon at the Inn of the
Traveler, as well as a couple more times throughout the adventure.
The Former Blacksmith of Dew
Early in Willow's adventure, this old man who resides in the
southeast corner of the village of Dew will serve only to restore the adventurer's health and magic.
After Bogarda is defeated, however, he will tell Willow to keep his eyes open for a Dragon Scale, as the
old man was once the village blacksmith and has always desired to forge a shield and a blade from
such a Scale.
After locating the Dragon Scale from Matanda's blue caves and
returning it to the old blacksmith, the old man will be ecstatic for the opportunity to craft with such
a meterial.
He will forge the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Shield for Willow
at this time.
From that point forward, the old blacksmith will also restore Willow's health
and magic at any time.
Fin Raziel (opossum form)
One of the messengers sent to the earth from the Spirits of the
World, Fin Raziel represents the servant of the Spirit of the Skies. Evidently she recognized
the plot of the Spirit of the Skies' servant, her counterpart Bavmorda, and attempted to convince her to her place
of origin. Having none of that, Bavmorda used her evil magic to transform Raziel into a lowly
Now Raziel awaits the day when Willow becomes powerful enough in
sorcery to transform her back to her original state. She'll wait in her cave until Willow
returns at level thirteen to finish the deed. At that point, she'll empower Cherlindrea's Wand, a.k.a. the Magic
Cane, so that Bavmorda might be overpowered and sent back to the Skies.
A lonesome, wandering spirit, this ghost woman inhabits the area
near the bridge in the mountain caves under the islands. She is searching for her lost love,
and though she knows he is near, she fears that he is hiding from her, unwilling to show himself.
She will provide Willow with her Cross Flute, which is necessary
for the shattering of the demon's flesh that controls the creature not far from her in the caves.
Without the Cross Flute, the demon can rejuvenate infinitely, so
Willow will need to seek out Zhena before the encounter with the demonflesh creature.
Northwest of Zhena's spirit in a solemn cave can be found the
demonflesh creature that guards the exit from the under-island caves. It will attack on sight,
releasing a hail of teeth at Willow. The Dragon Shield can protect the adventurer from these teeth, but with lesser
shields Willow will be forced to dodge.
If Willow possesses Zhena's Cross Flute, when the creature runs
out of Hit Points it will be defeated and the demonflesh shell will be shattered. A half-dead Daikini
called Muzh will then appear.
Zhena's Cross Flute will then begin to play, summoning the
wandering spirit to Muzh, who is then overjoyed to see his love. He explains the situation - how
Bavmorda transformed him and bound him to the cave. Muzh and Zhena will reunite and disappear, but
not before Willow is awarded with the magic spell of Bombard.
The Spirit of the Skies
Bavmorda's former master, who sent her down to the earth as a
messenger of light, can be found atop the East Tower over Elora Danan and her caretaker.
He explains how he's only available momentarily and how Bavmorda
must be confronted and overthrown as he desires for her to return to the Skies where she belongs.
The Spirit will then present Willow with the Blue Crystal, one of
the two Crystals required for the Crest of the Spirits - the item necessary for the confrontation with Bavmorda
- that can be obtained from Elora Danan's caretaker.
The Spirit of the Earth
The Spirit who sent Fin Raziel to the earth as its messenger and
protector, the Spirit of the Earth can also only speak with Willow for a brief moment. He will present
Willow with the Red Crystal, the second of the two Crystals necessary for the Crest of the Spirits.
This Spirit resides atop the West Tower, which can only be
accessed once the Red Crystal is in hand.
Elora Danan
As the Prophecy states, Elora Danan, a Daikini child, will play a
part in the overthrow of Queen Bavmorda. She will one day rule the world as queen, but for the time being
Willow's aid is a necessity.
When Willow returns to Elora Danan, who is in the structure
between the Two Towers, with both the Blue and the Red Crystals, the Crest of the Spirits can then be awarded
to the adventurer.
At this point, Elora's caretaker will inform Willow that he must
now seek out Bavmorda in the Castle of Nockmaar and that Fin Raziel must first be consulted.
The Thunder Lady
This old woman doesn't have a name, but she is found in the
mountain maze northeast of the caves in which Muzh and Zhena are found.
She will restore Willow's stamina and magic at any time, though
she claims to have never heard of Nockmaar Castle (which is strange considering that she lives
directly south of it). She teaches Willow the Magic Word of Thunder,
which is the most powerful offensive magic spell available.
After Willow has made his way through the caves connecting Tir
Asleen to Nockmaar, the treasure chest that previously contained the Healball will be gone and Willow
can step directly back to the Thunder Lady's home. At this point she informs Willow that she
knew all along that he was the chosen man of prophecy, and also lets him know that Sorsha allegedly now
possesses the Crest of the Spirits.
Adik of the Eagle Clan
This strange creature is found in the caves on either side of the
cursed bridge that leads east into Tir Asleen. In fact, if Willow takes the northwest cave, Adik can be found
immediately east of the entrance.
Adik claims that Bavmorda's magic has burned his people, and that
he's also looking for his brother, Abang. He gives Willow his Wing Sword and asks the adventurer to search for
The Old Man in the Cave
Of course, this old man has no name, and the first time that
Willow speaks with him he doesn't say much.
After Willow makes his way to the cursed bridge and speaks with
the old lady in those caves who informs the adventurer that no one can cross the bridge to Tir Asleen,
return to this old man. He will then grant Willow a pair of Witch's Shoes, which allow the cursed bridge to be
crossed into Tir Asleen.
Airk, a warrior of Tir Asleen, is located near the southwest
corner of the first floor of Tir Asleen Castle.
He claims that there is a creature in the room to the north that
he is too weak to defeat. With that, he relinquishes his sword, the Kaiser Sword, to Willow, and then asks
that the adventurer destroy the monster.
If desired, head upstairs to the second floor of the Castle and
recover the Wonder Sword (as well as the Battle Shield) before the battle, since the Wonder Sword is
stronger than Airk's Kaiser Sword anyway. The creature in the room past Airk is incredibly slow
and simple to beat if Willow decides to confront it at this time.
Franjean and Rool
Two members of the Brownie Clan that serve Lake Cheef's fairy
Cherlindrea, Franjean and Rool, who are said to have once lived in Milwaukee, make appearances several
times throughout Willow's adventure. It's only at this point, however, where they serve much purpose.
After defeating the Edorsisk behind Airk and entering the next
room, Willow finds himself in a prison cell with Madmartigan and Bavmorda's General, Kael. Kael informs
Willow that he's fallen into a trap, then takes the Crest of the Spirits away and leaves the adventurer alone
with Madmartigan.
This is when the Brownies make their appearance. They help
Willow escape and offer him the Powder of Unrequited Love. Additionally, they help Willow find his
way to the cave southeast of Tir Asleen and discover the hidden series of tunnels that lead to Nockmaar Castle.
Abang of the Eagle Clan
Willow, by this point, will have already met Abang's brother, Adik,
in the caves west of Tir Asleen. Abang is found in the southwest corner of the first floor of Nockmaar
When Abang is approached, he will identify himself and then
recognize his Wing Sword. Assuming that the sword was given by his brother, Abang realizes that Willow must be
the man of prophecy. He will then place his strength behind the Wing Sword, making it the most
powerful sword available (with the exception of the Devil Eye, which only damages non-living creatures).
Abang then informs Willow that he will be unable to advance further
in Nockmaar Castle. Evidently an old woman that the Tir Asleen warrior Airk had rescued from Nockmaar has a
key to the castle. Willow will have to locate that woman if he wishes to proceed.
The Old Woman from Nockmaar
After speaking with Abang of the Eagle Clan in Nockmaar Castle,
Willow must leave the castle and seek out this old woman. She can be found southwest of the gates of Tir Asleen
Castle in a boarded-up home.
Once Willow has spoken with Abang, the solid door will be possible
to open. The old woman wishes for Willow to take her key to Nockmaar Castle and give it to Airk, who saved her
from there. Of course, Willow won't say a word and keeps the key for himself.
Now the adventurer can advance above the first floor of Nockmaar
Castle by revisiting the southwest corner where Abang was located.
Fin Raziel
Once Willow has reached his thirteenth season, he will need to head
back to the Tavern of the Traveler and head north and through the underwater channel to revisit Fin Raziel.
She will not recognize that Willow had been there before, but at this point she can be transformed via Willow's sorcery.
Raziel then powers up Cherlindrea's Wand (the Magic Cane) and
instructs Willow to seek out Bavmorda. She states that she is unable to be present at the final battle, since
Willow is the man of prophecy, so empowering the Magic Cane is all that she can do.
Fortunately, it's enough.
Sorsha serves little purpose (if any at all) in Willow's adventure,
save blocking off the passageway beyond Matanda's caves and into the mountain. Her obligatory appearance is on the
second floor of Nockmaar Castle in the northeast corner where she holds the captive Madmartigan, who seems to make a
habit of getting caught.
Sorsha, Princess of Nockmaar and the daughter of Bavmorda, intends
to slay both Madmartigan and Willow, but Willow has other plans. He lobs some of the Powder of Unrequited Love
her way, but she dodges and gets Madmartigan with it. He quickly falls in love with Sorsha, but then goes off on a
liberal tangent and somehow manages to persuade Sorsha to see the light.
Of course, she takes the bait. She informs Willow that she
will fight for him, and that the Crest of the Spirits should be in a chest underneath the castle.
The leader of Queen Bavmorda's army is a massive fellow named
General Kael. He can be found in the room directly behind Sorsha and Madmartigan and up the stairs. In fact, the
entire third floor of Nockmaar Castle is his lair.
Kael informs Willow that the Crest of the Spirits has already been
turned over to Bavmorda, and then attacks.
Willow also bumps into Kael once a bit earlier after the Edorsisk
is defeated in Tir Asleen and he finds himself caught in a trap.
These two instances are the only times that Kael will be spotted.
Not long after Kael is destroyed will Willow encounter Queen
Bavmorda, the Messenger of the Spirit of the Skies. She is not particularly excited to see Willow show up to her lair,
considering that prophecy states that he will be the one to destroy her. She boldly proclaims that she will not give up the
Crest of the Spirits.
Bavmorda must be destroyed for peace and balance to return to the
world, and Willow is the only man for the job.