Legends of the Hidden Temple
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The Temple is a large area, and there are three main floors. After you go down the first steps, you'll reach the first main area, B1. This area is full of booby-traps that can crush you, but they're not that difficult if you remember that you can simply attack them with your weapon and destroy them. This floor should go swimmingly until you reach this screen, where you will seemingly reach a dead-end. Just attack the wall and a path will be revealed. On the other side will be a Savage, which will fall easily to the Whirl Spell combined with the Sword or Kong's Claw. Grab the Key and head down to B2. |
The second floor is pretty straight-forward, and its full of Stoneogres. These things give 70 Experience points a pop, and you can probably kill them with one hit if you have plenty of MP for the Whirl Spell. That said, you might want to level up here for a while. You can get to about level 70 before they stop regularly giving experience points, and this is probably the quickest place to gain levels. Once you're buffed up, you can find this hidden passage by attacking this wall here to find Kong's Tear. Now just continue along the regular path, where you'll encounter another Savage, which you can dispose of in the same manner as the last one. Grab the Key, unlock the gate and head to B3. | ![]() |
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The third floor is a bit tricker, since you'll have to cross bottomless pits on moving platforms. Navigate your way to the third screen with moving platforms, and instead of heading south, go toward the left side of the wall, and attack it here to reveal a hidden path. In the next room, there's another hidden path. Just make your way to the far left platform, and attack the southern wall (if you are having difficulty making the path appear, make sure you're right against the southern wall as you attack it). From there you'll find a staircase, which will warp you to another part of the floor, and you'll find another staircase you can go up. At the top will be a locked chest. If you got the Agnos Key from Revolver, just approach it to reveal the Whisper. After getting the Whisper (and making sure you got Kong's Tear as well) you're ready to leave the Temple. |
Once you're out of the Temple, return to the Marsh, and then to the screen where you defeated the second Twinmires. There should be a rock blocking the northern path. Use the Whisper here to destroy that rock and you'll make it to the Cavern. Head north until you reach the fork in the road, then go east. From here, head south and follow the path until you reach this dead end. A CavernBig will try to ambush you, but just give him the ol' Whirl/Kong's Claw combo and he'll die and drop the Yellow Stones. | ![]() |
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After getting the Yellow Stones, head back to the intersection, and take the upper-path. Keep following the path until you reach this strange obstacle blocking your path. Use Kong's Roar to clear the path, and to the south, you'll encounter the Bigflower. The only weapon that can harm it is the Yellow Stones, so pelt it with them until it disappears, revealing a staircase. |
The staircase will lead you to another part of the Cavern. Head north and you'll encounter the Badpriest. He's basically an upgraded version of The Nasty, so just use the Makapora Spell and kill him instantly. In the next screen you'll encounter another (more powerful) Revolver, which can be defeated by using F. Balls or Whirling. | ![]() |
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The next screen will have a chasm, but you can just build yourself a bridge by using Kong's Tear. Cross the bridge and follow the path until you reach the Kong Statue. It will ask for an offering, so give it the Dorian Fruit. Once you place it on the alter, Lady Kong will appear and start following you around. |
With Lady Kong following you, just follow the path south past the staircase, and the previously impenetrable yellow rock will be destroyed. Go through the path, head north and then east to reach the helipad. As long as you fixed the Radio, you can use it here to call for the helicopter and finish the game. Congratulations and stuff! | ![]() |
- All copywrites belong to their respective owners. Last updated June 2008.