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Maps of DantooineVandar: Yoda wanna be. Talk to him to continue the main quest. Can affect alignment. Vrook: Complete and total git. Glad you can off him in the sequel. Can affect alignment. Zhar: Former master of Revan. Takes you under his wing to try to compensate for his past failure. Talk to him to start the Jedi trials. Can affect alignment. Dorak: A Historian geek. Talk to him to get your first Jedi level. Training Computer: Gives you data on different Jedi classes. Kel Algwinn: He's here if you saved him on Korriban. Workbench: Able to upgrade items. Works only on carried items and those equipped by NPC's in the party. Sol'aa: Pazaak Player, and merchant. Elise: Comes here after you tell her about her droid. Can affect alignment. Finish side-quest here. Footlocker: Medpac, Antidote Belaya: Juhani's "friend". Talk to her after offing Juhani, to get her to run away crying. Party Member: Juhani. Stays here after you save her, but before you talk to the council about the starmap. Karal: Droid Shop. Crattis: General Store. Deesra: Just another Jedi. Lur Arka: Looking for kidnapped girl. Can affect alignment. Has a side-quest.
Nemo: Dead man walking. At least you can loot his corpse. Jon: Wants revenge. Can affect alignment. Has a side-quest. Elise: Single white female desperately seeking droid. Can affect alignment. Adum Larp: Weapon and Armor Merchant. Yuthura Ban: She's here if you save her on Korriban.
Ambush Enemies: Kath Hound x3
Clearing Enemies: Kath Hound x4, Horned Kath Hound x1. Enemies: Wandering Horned Kath Hound (respawns) x1
Rocky area Enemies: Kath Hound x4, Horned Kath Hound x1.
Ruins Enemies: Wandering Horned Kath Hound (respawns) x1.
Enemies: x3 Duros warriors, x1 Mandalorian Mandalorian Corpse Blaster Carbine, Mandalorian Datapad 1 (if this is not the first encounter) Equipment Pack: Medpac x2, Computer Spike x2, Repair Kit Enemies: Zuulan, Guard Droid x2. This battle can be avoided. You can choose not to kill him. Can affect alignment. Zuulan's Speeder: Set a frag mine to kill Zuulan outright, or set the alarm off to fight him in combat. Only available on receiving the GenoHaradan Quest. Ahlan Matale Wants revenge. Can affect alignment. Has a side-quest. Zuulan's Corpse: Mandalorian Power Shield, Frag Grenade, Credits x200
Plains Area Enemies: Kath Hound x2 Enemies: Kath Hound x3 Enemies: Kath Hound x3, Horned Kath Hound x1 Enemies: Wandering Horned Kath Hound (respawns) x2 Enemies: Kath Hound x3. Appears with Casus' Corpse only after the grove is cleared. Dead Settler Remains: Cardio Package, Echani Light Armor, Echani Shield, Verpine Headband, Casus' Diary. Only appears after finishing the Jedi Trials and becoming a Padawan. Enemies: Juhani Party Member: Juhani. Once beaten into submission, you can either kill her or persuade her to return to the Jedi. Can affect alignment. This is the last of the Jedi Trials. Mandalorian Remains: Battle Stimulant x2, Medpac x2, Mesh Underlay Mandalorian Remains: Mandalorian Melee Shield Enemies: Duros warriors x2, Mandalorians x2 Enemies: Duros warriors x2, Mandalorians x2, Sherruk. They only appear after defeating all other mandalorian raiders, and in the same location as the previous group. Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Melee Shield, Vibro Double-blade, Eriadu Strength Amplifier, Mandalorian Datapad 1 (if this is not the first encounter) Mandalorian Corpse: Mandalorian Datapad 2 Backpack: Medpac x2, Advanced Medpac, Advanded Repair Kit Sherruk's Corpse: Red Lightsaber, Blue Lightsaber, Verpine Cardio Regulator, Sonic Nullifiers
West Entrance Area Enemies: Kath Hound x2, Horned Kath Hound x2 Bolook: Murder Mystery, You be the judge. Has a one time only side-quest.
East Area Enemies: Kath Hound x5, Horned Kath Hound x1 Enemies: Wandering Horned Kath Hound (respawns) x2 Enemies: Kath Hound x4, Horned Kath Hound x1 Enemies: Kath Hound x2 Enemies: Wandering Horned Kath Hound (respawns) x1 Enemies: Kath Hound x1, Horned Kath Hound x2 C8-42 Part of a side-quest. Can affect alignment. Can become enemy. Enemies: Duros warriors x4, Mandalorians x2 Mandalorian Corpse: Stabilizer Gauntlets, Mandalorian Datapad 2 Mandalorian Corpse: Adrenaline Amplifier Footlocker: Average Frag x2, Average Flash, Average Plasma x2, 50 Credits Metal Box: Medpac, Repair Kit Metal Case: Repair Kit Equipment Pack: Medpac Enemies: Kath Hound x3, Albino Horned Kath Hound x1 Enemies: Wandering Horned Kath Hound (respawns) x1 Enemies: Possible: War Droids x4, depends on the result of this side-quest. Sandral and Matale Families The culmination of this side-quest takes place here. Nurik Sandral: Lost his son to Kath hounds. Can affect alignment. Major participant in this side-quest. Rahaisa Sandral: Talk to her after talking to Nurik to get the key to the side entrance. Can affect alignment. Sandral Droid: Protocol droid. Talk to it if you have Casus' journal and you didn't give it to Nurik earlier. Footlocker: Advanced Medpac Footlocker: Medpac, Credits x25 Shen Matale: Won't leave until you convince Rahaisa to leave. Necessary to complete side-quest. Computer Panel: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice, 10 to Corrupt Patrol Droid Programming x5, 5 to Overload Power Conduit x4, 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Sandral War Droid x3 Footlocker: Parts Footlocker: Medpac, Credits x25 Enemies: Sandral War Droid x3 Footlocker: Lightscan Visor, Frag Grenade x2 Footlocker: Response Package Large Locker: Sonic Rifle Enemies: Sandral War Droid x2 Footlocker: Repair Kit x2 Footlocker: Computer Spike x1 Rahaisa Sandral: Talk to her after talking to Shen to get her to leave. Necessary to complete side-quest Footlocker: Medpac, Credits x25 Faulty War Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Enemies: Sandral War Droid x2 Footlocker: Prison Key Enemies: Sandral Sentry Droid x1 Minor Flash Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Minor Frag Mine: DC 20 to Disable. Sentry Droid Remains: Basic Targeting Computer, Energy Shield Level 1 Enemies: Sandral Sentry Droid x1 Sentry Droid Remains: Droid Medium Plating Type 1
Central Chamber Enemies: Kinrath x8, Hive Kinrath x1 Mandalorian Remains: Durasteel Bonding Alloy, Response Package Kinrath Egg x10: Red Crystal Large Cyan Crystal Formation: Rubat Crystal Small Cyan Crystal Formation: Green Crystal Large Orange Crystal Formation: Yellow Crystal Medium Cyan Crystal Formation: Rubat Crystal Small Central Crystal Formation: Blue Crystal Large Central Crystal Formation: Bondar Crystal Ancient Droid: A very very old droid. Nemo's Remains: Jedi Knight Robe (Blue), Sigil Crystal Ancient Terminal: Life Giving Planets. Part of Main Quest Enemies: Guardian Droid. Respawn upon answering test incorrectly. Wreckage: Droid Motion Sensors Type 1, Droid Light plating type 2, Environment Shield level 1 Ancient Terminal: Death Giving Planets. Part of Main Quest Enemies: Guardian Droid. Respawn upon answering test incorrectly. Star Map: Major quest item gained. Necessary to finally leave this backwater planet.