Fire Storm | Range: Single |
Purify Weird Soul:I invoke the rites of fiery Muspelheim and give my soul up to the inferno's embrace! Ifrit Caress! |
Starting Spell for: |   |
| Fire Lance | Range: All |
Purify Weird Soul: The time of exorcism is at hand! Venomous servants, unleash thy dark flames! Calamity Blast! |
Starting Spell For: |  |
| Fire Storm | Fire Lance |
Energy: | 50 | 40 |
Hits: | 1 | 2 |
Frigid Damsel | Range: Single |
Purify Weird Soul: If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then yea; let these chains of aster surround thee! Absolute Zero! |
Starting Spell for: |  |
| Icicle Edge | Range: All |
Purify Weird Soul: Surely, thou can feel it! Thy days are numbered; thy death is at hand! Crystal Strike!! |
Starting Spell For: |  |
| Frigid Damsel | Icicle Edge |
Energy: | 45 | 15 |
Hits: | 3 | 3 |
Prismatic Missile | Range: Single |
Purify Weird Soul: Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths; descend down as a storm upon my foes! Gravity Blessing! |
Starting Spell for: |   |
| Lightning Bolt | Range: All |
Purify Weird Soul: As the harmoniums of Asgard sound, their very melodies stir the ancient lightning to wake! Dragon Bolt! |
Starting Spell For: |  |
| Prismatic Missile | Lightning Bolt |
Energy: | 50 | 24 |
Hits: | 5 | 3 |
Stone Torch | Range: Single |
Purify Weird Soul: Hark! It is an omen! As hymns resound, thou shall be offered as a sacrifice upon the feast of madness! Carnage Anthem! |
Starting Spell for: |   |
| Poison Blow | Range: All |
Purify Weird Soul: Lo, ye shall look upon the calamities of heresy with beclouded eyes! Petro Disruption! |
Starting Spell For: |   |
| Stone Torch | Poison Blow |
Energy: | 5 | 5 |
Hits: | 1 | 1 |
Dark Savior | Range: Single |
Purify Weird Soul: If ye trust that thy eternal bonds shall be broken, then let my words be as a vengeful blade upon thee! Cosmic Spear! |
Starting Spell for: |   |
| Shadow Servant | Range: All |
Purify Weird Soul: No mercy for the damned; thus, thou has no escape from the grasp of catastrophe! Meteor Swarm! |
Starting Spell For: |  |
| Dark Savior | Shadow Servant |
Energy: | 15 | 30 |
Hits: | 3 | 2 |
Sacred Javelin | Range: Single |
Purify Weird Soul: Ye of detestible name and virtue.. false apostle; thou art bayed back to the abyss! Seraphic Law! |
Starting Spell for: |   |
| Mystic Cross | Range: All |
Purify Weird Soul: Ye must desire respite from thy empty existence.. thou shall have it! Celestial Star! |
Starting Spell For: |  |
| Sacred Javelin | Mystic Cross |
Energy: | 25 | 30 |
Hits: | 5 | 3 |
Heal | Range: All |
Notes: Heals entire party |
Starting Spell for: |  |
Normalize | Range: All? |
Notes: Cures abnormal status |
Starting Spell for: |  |
Invoke Feather | Range: Single |
Notes: Revives one character to 80% full DME |
Starting Spell for: |  |
Sap Power | Range: Single |
Notes:Reduces enemy's ATK, Amount reduced depends on enemy's resistance. Lasts 5 turns. |
Starting Spell for: | -none- |
Sap Guard | Range: Single |
Notes: Reduces enemy's RDM. Amount reduced depends on enemy's resistance. Lasts 5 turns. |
Starting Spell for: |   |
Might Reinforce | Range: All |
Notes:Spell that multiplies allies ATK by 1.5, Can only be cast once per battle. Lasts for 10 turns. |
Starting Spell for: |   |
Guard Reinforce | Range: All |
Notes:Spell that multiplies allies RDM by 1.5, Can only be cast once per battle. Lasts for 10 turns. |
Starting Spell for: |    |
Spell Reinforce | Range: Single? |
Notes:Spell that multiplies ally's Magic Damage by 1.5, Can only be cast once per battle. Lasts for 10 turns. |
Starting Spell for: | -none- |
Shield Critical | Range: Single |
Notes:A spell which seals your foe's special attack. Chance of success depends on foe's resistance. Lasts 3 turns. |
Starting Spell for: |   |
Dampen Magic | Range: Single |
Notes:A spell which seals your foe's magic. Chance of success depends on foe's resistance. Lasts 3 turns. |
Starting Spell for: |  |
Reflect Sorcery | Range: All |
Notes:A spell that causes foe's magic spells to be reflected back on themselves. Lasts 3 turns. |
Starting Spell for: | -none- |
(c)2006 RPGClassics.com. All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved. |