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Sacred Phases From the start of Chapter 1 onwards, your mission will begin. Asgard needs warriors-Einherjar- to be sent to Valhalla to aid the gods in the upcoming ultimate battle taking place at the end of the world, called Ragnarok. As Lenneth Valkyrie, you are required to seek out brave and intruiging souls worthy for such a task. You determine which ones stay and which ones are to be sent. At the end of every chapter, you will meet with Freya and she will brief you about the status of Asgard and how your Einherjar are doing. I recommend that you send two up per chapter, except for when you are in Chapter 4-5 in Hard Mode, (if you want to get the A ending) and obviously for when you are playing Easy Mode (where you will only send one up during Chapter 2 and afterwards). Each Einherjar sent MUST be levelled up and equipped beforehand with necessary maxed out (or close to it) skills, necessary hero value, and proper equipment, or else they'll die, and you wont be able to use them when they are allowed to return to your party. You wont be able to send anyone who has below 0 Hero Value. Yes, Valhalla WILL be picky. Especially since the Materialize Points and Artifacts from Odin, you receive, will depend on whether you did a good job in "training" the Einherjar or not. The Battle Status is also effected. So try to keep this all in mind when you play. This one can be forgotten about. Since you don't have a Sacred Phase between 0 and 1, you may be stuck on who to send during Chapter 1. In easy mode, don't send anyone. In Normal Mode, send either Belanus of Llewelyn, or both, if you don't want them, near the end of the chapter (so you don't have to go through a dungeon with one less person). At the beginning of next chapter you'll be getting a new Einherjar anyways, and Arngrim is always there as the other back up. In Hard Mode, you can do this as well. It wont hurt to lose two Einherjar right away in Chapter 1, and your war status will go up faster because of it. You'll also please Freya in the process and score more MP + Artifacts. Since you get two extra Einherjar in Hard Mode (Lyseria and Gandar) you should have a few people left over for Ragnarok. It's your call, honestly- chapter 1 doesn't effect you too much, but I prefer to get rid of characters I don't want or need. Whatever characters you choose to send up during the first chapter (if you do), make sure their Hero Value is hovering around 45-50.
Asgard War Status:Should be around 24. If you sent someone up during Chapter 1, this will increase by 1 or 2, and the Vanir should fall about 1. The Other Forces hardly moves, and it doesn't matter anyways. My/Freya's imput:As said before, if you sent at least one Einherjar up, more than likely she will say that your performance is magnificant. That was always my status, and very rarely did it change. You should be coming out of this with around 3000 MP. Same as above. In all modes, I was praised at this point, however, in easy mode the War Status for Asgard remained unchanged, and the Vanir increased. Basically, I was doomed at that point. In Normal and Hard Mode things were pretty decent for chapter 1.
Asgard War Status: Should have increased by 2 or 3, and the Vanir should fall 1 or 2. You should be in fair shape or close to it. My/Freya's imput:Performance is magnificent. MP given, should be about 7000 MP. Not too shabby. Odin should also be impressed and you will get around 8-10 artifacts. In Easy Mode, I didn't do so well, and that's understandable. I got praised and had a good amount of artifacts, however the War Status was still in the doomed stage.
Asgard War Status: Yeah, your Asgard warriors should be around 27 by now. Freya should tell you all is well...hopefully. It'll be different for Easy Mode; very well may be still stuck in the Doomed staged. The Other forces should have dropped a bit by now; hovering around 24, maybe. My/Freya's imput: In Normal and Hard, Freya was very pleased as usual. None of my Einherjar were dying, and only 1 or 2 (if that) had negative encounters in Valhalla. Most of them were rank 15 gods. The MP given should be around the 10000 mark. In Easy Mode, the few Einherjar I sent were doing just as good. Though, Freya may tell you that you must try harder. The artifacts weren't as great nor as numerous, as Normal and Hard mode, I found.
Asgard War Status:Asgard forces should have increased by 1 or 2...you should be doing quite well; with the Vanir dropping by just as much. This may happen in Easy Mode as well, though you'll probably only be in fair shape. My/Freya's imput:Praised, as usual. Even if you were opting for the A ending and you only sent 1 Einherjar up in Normal and Hard, you'll still be doing just as great. As long as that Einherjar met Freya's requirements exactly. From now on, in these two modes, you should be doing magnificent, and you should be getting most or all of what Odin has to give to you. The MP given should be around 13000. In Easy Mode, your MP and Artifacts will be less.
Asgard War Status: You should be routing the enemy! The Asgard forces should be up to up about 34, with the Vanir down to roughly 22. The Other Forces should be idling 1 or 2 numbers below that. Easy mode should be in fair shape, or even doing quite well. My/Freya's imput:You should be shining as usual =D Your given MP should be around 16000 MP and and should should get roughly 8 artifacts. At this point in the game, none of your Einherjar will be suffering, and they should be retaining their godly ranks. In other words, you should have no problems here. In Easy mode, as usual, your artifacts and MP may be a bit less.
Asgard War Status: Asgard's forces should be in the mid to high 30's by now. The Vanir forces should be 15 or more less than them. The routing continues and all is well. In Easy Mode, you may be also routing the enemy, but you more than likely will be doing good. My/Freya's imput: Freya gives you a mission this time; to repair the Accursed Flame Gem, to prepare for the defending, for when Jotunheim attacks. You must take it to the Forest of Spirits to get it repaired, and it should be the only artifact that you should send up through the entire game. Well that's what I did anyways. Anyways. the usual praise, and artifacts will be distributed here. The MP given should be about 19000 MP. They may be lower in Normal and Hard if you were aiming for the A ending, because chances are, you only sent one Einherjar up during Chapter 5 and 6. After this Sacred Phase, you will see a scene involved Lucian and Frei, provided, your Seal Rating was below 37 prior to this. In Hard Mode, Odin may or may not brief you about Lyseria's whereabouts. Either way, from this point on, you are expected to see her in the Arkdain Ruins.
Asgard War Status:Your Asgard forces should be in the mid to high 30's; it's not unusual if you're in the low to mid 40's. Needless to say, you should be really routing the enemy. The Vanir should be down to around 21 by now. In Easy Mode, the Asgard forces should be around 32 or so, with the Vanir down to roughly 23. My/Freya's imput: You should get around 5 artifacts now, and roughly 22000 MP. Freya should also tell you your performance is magnificent. It isn't that hard to accomplish this each and every chapter, as I did. The same thing that I have been saying about Easy Mode, for every chapter can be applied here as well. If you have sucessfully gotten the A ending, then you will also watch many scenes leading up to the ending, instead of getting briefed as usual. |