Goblin Fort
(Total Areas : 8)
You can build up your Fire Resistance by standing in the firepit between the outworks of Klantol. You can only build it up to 20 here, which roughly takes 10 minutes.
The little kid will smash his face on the ground and lose his Toy Ring in the process once a certain amount of time passes while you're between the outworks of Klantol. Most people would use this time to build up their Fire Resistance (see above). Make off with the ring, as you get no reward for returning it, nor does the game care. (I highly suggest you don't if you like collecting items.)
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#1-2 : Destroy the monument to unlock the gate.
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Tip : Use a programming error on walls to your advantage:
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#1 : Destroy the shelf for a Prison Key (It'll be a piece of Candy if you've a key in your inventory). This key is used to open the cell in Wizari's Palace 5.
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Destroy the crate for a Red Shoe. Give this to a little girl in the south-western room in Klantol Castle for a Blue Shoe. Sell that for 500 gold. (Advance Mode: Trade it for a Fancy Blue Shoe. Sell that for 5000 gold.)
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