Wizari's Palace
(Total Areas : 14; There's also a 2-path area)
Wizari's Palace : Beforehand
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#1-2 :
Use the key you got from Goblin Fort 5 to rescue Princess Camille. Then grab the Princess Robe hidden in the cell (Advance Mode: ???). (If you don't have the key [you bastard!], try it again the next time you go through the dungeon)
(Two exits)
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(Two paths)
Path 1 | Path 2
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#1-3 :
You need to hit the cube with 2 Bombs to destroy it. Stand at the edge, and do a full-charge throw. Make sure you've no items that increase your throwing range equipped. Once destroyed, the purple chest will become visible. It contains Arbiter II (Advance Mode: Arbiter III).
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#1-3 :
You need to hit the cube with 2 Bombs to destroy it. Stand at the edge, and do a full-charge throw. Once destroyed, the wall at #3 will disappear.
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Wizari's Palace 14 : Boss
(Dialogue intro)
#1 : You need to first destroy Wizari's portrait to reveal the real Wizari and to be able to hurt the monsters.
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