Important animal care advise: You must feed your animals everyday if they are inside their respective barn/chicken coop. But if you want to put them outside, make sure you have full grown grass on your feild for your cows/sheeps. Also, any cows/sheeps that's put outside after 12pm will not eat the grass, therefore, they will be hungry and will not produce anything the next day.
Eats: Nothing
Raise Love Points: Pick Up Daily
Life Expectancy: Doesn't Die
You'll receive your dog at the very beginning of the game. Its main
purpose is to chase away wild dogs that come to your farm at night when it's a full grown dog.
Don't worry too much, the wild dogs usually just break a log if you're
using it as a fence. HOWEVER, if you have any other animals outside,
the wild dogs can scare them and their Heart Level will decrease. So,
always keep your dog outside if any other of your animals are outside.
Your dog will be a puppy for the first year or so, after that it will
become a full grown adult and stay that way for the rest of the game.
Don't forget to pick it up (hug) it everyday. If you press L, you'll
whistle for your dog. The more Hearts it has for you, the further away
it can hear you call for it.
When your dog is an adult, you are able to play Frisbee with it (you
could buy a frisbee from Won for 5000 G). After getting one, pick up
your dog, go to Mineral Beach, and talk to the sign(not in winter). Just make sure you
have your frisbee in your inventory. The basic idea of the game is to
throw the frisbee as far as possible, making sure your dog catches it.
The bar on the left has two areas: red and green. Red represents the
distance your dog cannot catch, while green represents the area your
dog is capable of catching (it won't always get the frisbee even if the
arrow is in the green). When the game begins, you try to get the arrow
as high as possible while trying to stay in the green area. As you play
more and more, the green area becomes larger and your dog can catch the
frisbee at longer distances. Sometimes, your dog will stop and begin
digging in the sand. In this case, it may find an item. Your dog will
become tired of playing after a while, in which you have to pack it up
and come back another day. Keep at the game, and you'll easily win the
Frisbee Contest during Beach Day (1st of Summer), which will reword you with a power berry.
Eats: Nothing
Raise Love Points: Talk and
Brush Daily
Life Expectancy: Doesn't Die
Consider the horse your second pet of the game, for it never dies or
needs to eat anything. Even though the dog is your only friend from the
beginning of the game, the horse is more useful them him when he's an
adult. Barley will come by your farm during your first Spring on the
farm, and give you the horse as a colt (baby). But, don't think it's
yours now. Barley will come by the end of the year and check up on how
the colt is doing. If the colt's Heart Level isn't at least on 5,
Barley will yell at you and take it away. He's eventually return with
it, as a full-grown horse, but its Heart Level will be 0. If you've
been brushing and talking to it daily, when Barley stops by, he'll
allow you to keep it. It'll take about a year to grow to an adult.
Once it has become an adult horse, you will be able to ride it around
your farm and be used as a moveable shipping bin. Just like the real
shipping bin, you cannot retrieve items placed into its saddle.
If you press L, you'll whistle for your horse. The more Hearts it has
for you, the further away it can hear you call for it.
Eats: 1 Chicken Feed Daily or
Nothing If Left Outside
Raise Love Points: Pick Up Daily
Life Expectancy: 3 - 4 Years
Chickens are the simplest animals to care for and I recommend getting
one as soon as possible. One can be purchased for 1500G from the
Chicken Farm, and you really only need one for the rest of the game.
Just feed your chicken everyday, and it'll lay an egg everyday. Now,
place that egg into the incubator to the left wall of your coop and in
3 day for it to hatch as a chick. Chicks DO NOT need to be fed, and
will grow up to a chicken in another 7 days. Now keep on repeating the
process until you fill up your coop. You can only hold up to 4 chickens
when you first begin the game. When you get the extension on the
Chicken Coop, you are able to have up to 8 chickens.
There are 3 methods to keep your chickens fed: 1) buy fodder from the
Chicken Farm for 10G a piece and place it in their nest, 2) place a
piece of corn into the windmill to produce 30 pieces of fodder and
place it in their nest, or 3) place the chickens outside in a fenced
area on Sunny Days. ...Did you just catch that? Yes. Yes. Yes. You
could simply place your chickens on your farming field and they'll feed
themselves by eating the worms in the ground. Make sure to fence the
area so it'll be easier to collect the eggs and hug them. If it rains
in the morning, place them back in their coop and feed them accordingly.
The eggs that the chickens lay come in different sizes and quality,
which are sold for different amounts of money.
Small Egg
0-3 Heart Level
Medium Egg
4-7 Heart Level
Large Egg
8-10 Heart Level
Spa-Boiled Egg
Throw any egg into the Hot Springs
Gold Egg
8-10 Heart Level + won Chicken Festival
8-10 Heart Level, won Chicken Festival, had 600+ hours of being outdoors
1 out of 255 chance from a P-Egg Chicken
When you have a chicken that only lays Small and Medium Eggs, I
recommend running over to the Hot Springs and throwing them in there.
You'll get Spa Boiled Eggs, which will sell for 80G each. If you
entered a certain chicken in the Chicken Festival and it won, when it
reaches a Heart Level of at least an 8, it will lay Gold Eggs. If you
placed your chicken outside for at least 600 game hours along with the
Gold Egg requirements, it will lay P Eggs. And every once in a while,
that P Egg might be an X Egg.
Once you get the extension on your Chicken Coop, Saibara will now be
able to make a Mayonnaise Maker for you. Depending on which type of Egg
you drop in there, you'll get a different size and quality of
Mayonnaise (S)
Drop a Small Egg into MayoMaker
Mayonnaise (M)
Drop a Medium Egg into MayoMaker
Mayonnaise (L)
Drop a Large Egg into MayoMaker
Mayonnaise (G)
Drop a Gold Egg into MayoMaker
Mayonnaise (P)
Drop a P Egg into MayoMaker
Mayonnaise (X)
Drop a X Egg into MayoMaker
Eats: 1 Fodder Daily or Tile of Grown Grass Daily if Left On Grass Field
Raise Love Points: Talk, Brush, and Milk Daily
Life Expectancy: 5 - 6 Years
Cows are my second choices of animals because they can be milked
everyday when they are adults. Cows can be purchased at the Yodel Ranch
for 5000G each, but cannot be milked right away. Purchased cows are not
quite adults yet, and you'll have to wait 7 days before you are able
to. Like the chickens, only one is needed to fill up your entire Barn.
However, it will take a long time to do so. For full details, check out
the section on this page Impregnating A Cow/Sheep. Cows eat 1 piece
of Fodder each day, which can be purchased from Yodel Ranch for 20G
each. Or they can be left outside on full-grown grass fields, in which
they will devour 1 square of grass a day. Before expanding your Barn,
you could hold a combination of 8 cows and/or sheep. After expansion,
the total doubles to 16.
The milk that the cows produce comes in different sizes and quality,
which are sold for different amounts of money.
Milk (S)
0-3 Heart Level |
Milk (M)
4-7 Heart Level |
Milk (L)
8-10 Heart Level |
Milk (G)
8-10 Heart Level and won Cow
Milk (P)
8-10 Heart Level, won Cow
Festival, had 600+ hours of being outdoors
Milk (X)
1 in 255 chance from a P-Milk Cow
Once you get the extension on your Barn, Saibara will now be able to
make a Cheese Maker for you. Depending on which type of Milk you drop
in there, you'll get a different size and quality of Cheese.
Name |
Cheese (S)
Drop a Small Milk into Cheese
Cheese (M)
Drop a Medium Milk into Cheese
Cheese (L)
Drop a Large Milk into Cheese
Cheese (G)
Drop a Gold Milk into Cheese
Cheese (P)
Drop a P Milk into Cheese Maker
Cheese (X)
Drop a X Milk into Cheese Maker
Eats: 1 Fodder Daily or Tile of
Grown Grass Daily if Left On Grass Field
Raise Love Points: Talk and
Brush Daily, Shear Wool When It Has Its Coat
Life Expectancy: 5 - 6 Years
I recommend getting the Sheep last of the three livestock, for they
cannot give you a byproduct everyday. Sheep can be purchased at the
Yodel Ranch for 4000G each, with a full coat on them. If a Sheep has a
full coat, you can use the Scissors to trim his wool. It will take
about a week for the Wool to grow back. Like the chickens, only one is
needed to fill up your entire Barn. However, it will take a long time
to do so. For full details, check out the section on this page Impregnating A Cow/Sheep.
Sheep eat 1 piece of Fodder each day, which
can be purchased from Yodel Ranch for 20G each. Or they can be left
outside on full-grown grass fields, in which they will devour 1 square
of grass a day. Before expanding your Barn, you could hold a
combination of 8 cows and/or sheep. After expansion, the total doubles
to 16.
The wool that the sheep produce comes in different sizes and quality,
which are sold for different amounts of money.
Small Wool (S)
0-3 Heart Level |
Wool (M)
4-7 Heart Level |
Wool (L)
8-10 Heart Level |
Wool (G)
8-10 Heart Level and won Sheep
Wool (P)
8-10 Heart Level, won Sheep
Festival, had 600+ hours of being outdoors
Wool (X)
1 in 255 chance from a P-Wool
Once you get the extension on your Barn, Saibara will now be able to
make a Yarn Maker for you. Depending on which type of Wool you drop in
there, you'll get a different size and quality of Yarn.
Yarn (S)
Drop a Small Wool into Yarn Maker
Yarn (M)
Drop a Medium Wool into Yarn
Yarn (L)
Drop a Large Wool into Yarn Maker
Yarn (G)
Drop a Gold Wool into Yarn Maker
Yarn (P)
Drop a P-Wool into Yarn Maker
Yarn (X)
Drop a X-Wool into Yarn Maker
| 4000G
Unhappy Animals
If you happened to not feed your livestock (chickens, cows, and sheep)
or left them outside in the rain the entire day, they'll become
unhappy. Instead of having a heart in the bubble appear over their
heads, three dots will appear. Unhappy animals will not
produce any byproducts. To make them happy again, feed and care for
them properly. Most of the time they'll be happy the next days, but
sometimes they become sick.
Sick Animals 
You'll know an animal is sick when a skull appears over their heads
instead of the heart. Purchase Animal Medicine from either the Chicken
Farm or Yodel Ranch for 1000G, and then use it next to the sick animal.
If you don't cure a sick animal, they will die after awhile.
Impregnating A Cow/Sheep 
Unlike the chicken, cows and sheep give birth to their offspring after
pregnancy. In order to even impregnate either of these animals, the cow
must be an adult and the sheep must have its full coat. Only then can
you use the Sheep or Cow Magic Potion you can purchase from Yodel Farm
for 3000G. Use the potion near the desired animal and it'll become pregnant. It'll take 20 days before a baby is born. They'll have either
0 to 4 Hearts when they are born. If you don't like the number of hearts the newborn baby has, save on the day before, and reset the game until you like what you see. Newborn cows will take 14 days to
mature into a medium cow and then another 7 days to become adults.
Newborn sheep only take 14 days to mature into adults.
Animal Care Tools
Raises Heart Level of Cows,
Sheep, and Horse.
800G from Blacksmith
Extracts milk from an adult cow.
2000G from Blacksmith
Cuts the wool of an adult sheep.
1800G from Blacksmith
Animal Medicine
Cures a sick animal.
1000G from Yodel Ranch/ Chicken
Calls cows and sheep to you.
500G from Yodel Ranch