Welcome to the shrine of Harvest Moon:
Friends of Mineral Town / More Friends of Mineral Town for the GameBoy Advance.
Both games are remakes of Harvest Moon: Back
to Nature for the Playstation. However, there are some new features
added into these games:
- You are now able to marry the Harvest Goddess(boy version only)
- A more complex mining system with more items.
- There's a new Frisbee game you can play with your dog.
- You can link up to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for the
GameCube and bring in 2 new characters. For more info on this, check
out the Tricks and Tips Section.
The girl version of the game, Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, is slightly different from the boy version:
- You are now able to marry the 5 rivals/bachelors (of course).
- 3 new bachelors including Kappa, The Gormate, and Won.
- The town house is a lot cheaper.
- You'll have a daughter insead of a son.
- You can change your outfit.
- You can now sell items to Won, including non-shippable items.
- A new Point System.
- Other than the three original jewels, there are 9 new Rings to collect.
The object of the game is to
maintain a farm and ultimately get married. Unlike the original Harvest
Moon for the SNES, there is no limit of time you have to play the game.
The years will keep on going as long as you want.
The animal, berry, fishing, town, TV shopping, mining, and building upgrade sections are done by my predecessor Finality :)
Created and Maintained by:
Harvest Moon: Friends of
Mineral Town © 2003
(c)2006 RPGClassics.com. All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.