There are a total of 6 tools you get in the game, but you only start
out with 5. The Fishing Rod needs to be obtained from Zack. You start
out with Level 1 tools, which really suck. So, you'll need to upgrade
your tools to make them more efficient. There are 7 Levels of tools,
each one better than the other. Check out the Upgrading the Tools section on this
page to find out how to obtain those levels, but this section will
introduce you to the tools and tell you the productivity of each level.
The sickle is used to cut down various things. You could clear your
field by slashing the bushes or if you don't want a specific crop to
grow anymore, just cut down the stalk. Be careful when using it around
your animals, you'll lower their love for you if you hit them.
Normal Sickle
Cuts a 1x1 area.
Copper Sickle
Cuts a 1x3 area.
Silver Sickle
Cuts a 2x3 area.
Gold Sickle
Cuts a 3x3 area.
Mystril Sickle
Cuts a 5x5 area.
6 / |
Cursed/Blessed Sickle
Cuts a 9x9 area.
Mythic Sickle
Cuts a 15x15 area. |
The hoe is used for two primary reasons. The first one is to cultivate
land, meaning you prepare the land so you could distribute seeds. So,
don't just throw your seeds on your field without hoeing (Ahaha...
"hoeing") your land. If you accidentally placed down the wrong seeds,
use the hoe to re-prepare the land and throw the correct seeds on it.
The second reason is to dig when you are in the mines. By simply using
the hoe on the dirt inside the mines, you could find valuable ores or
gemstones. Be careful when using it around your animals, you'll lower
their love for you if you hit them.
Normal Hoe
Prepares 1x1 plots of land.
Copper Hoe
Prepares 2x1 plots of land.
Silver Hoe
Prepares 3x1 plots of land.
Gold Hoe
Prepares 4x1 plots of land.
Mystril Hoe
Prepares 6x1 plots of land.
6 / |
Cursed/Blessed Hoe
Prepares 12x3 plots of land.
Mythic Hoe
Prepares 18x5 plots of land.
Watering Can
After you have placed down the seeds for seasonal crops, you'll have to
water them in order for them to grow. And there's where the watering
can comes into play. You'll need to fill up the can with water, do so
by using the little pond on your farm. Water your plants everyday in
order for them to grow on time.
Normal Watering Can
Waters a 1x1 area.
Copper Watering Can
Waters a 1x3 area.
Silver Watering Can
Waters a 2x3 area.
Gold Watering Can
Waters a 3x3 area.
Mystril Watering Can
Waters a 3x5 area.
6 / |
Cursed/Blessed Watering Can
Waters a 6x13 area.
Mythic Watering Can
Waters a 12x21 area.
You'll find a whole load of small and large rocks populating your
field. If you want, you could smash the small rocks immediately. But I
recommend picking them up and saving those to build fences later on.
The large rocks cannot be picked up, so you'll need to level up your
hammer to get rid of those. There might also be a boulder (it looks
like a few small rocks fused together) on your field as well, which
will require at least a Silver Hammer. And there's only one large
boulder in the game located near the lake and you'll need at least
cursed/blessed hammer for that. Be careful when using it around your
animals, you'll lower their love for you if you hit them.
Normal Hammer
Can only break small rocks.
Copper Hammer |
Break large rocks in 3 hits.
Silver Hammer |
Can break boulder in 6 hits.
Gold Hammer |
Can break boulder in 3 hits.
Mystril Hammer |
Can break boulder in 2 hits.
6 / |
Cursed/Blessed Hammer |
Can break large boulder in 1 hit.
Mythic Hammer |
Breaks every rock and boulder
There's only one reason to use the axe, but it's an important one. You
get lumber pieces by chopping logs and stumps. Lumber is needed to
extend buildings on your farm or you could use individual pieces to
build a fence. You could check out the amount by pressing SELECT. Be
careful when using it around your animals, you'll lower their love for
you if you hit them.
Normal Axe
Can only chop logs.
Copper Axe |
Chops stumps in 6 hits.
Silver Axe |
Chops stumps in 3 hits.
Gold Axe |
Chops stumps in 2 hits.
Mystril Axe |
Chops stumps in 1 hit.
6 / |
Cursed/Blessed Axe |
Chops all logs and stumps
Mythic Axe |
Energy use is decreased by 50%.
Fishing Rod
When you look in your Tool Box at the beginning of the game, you won't
see the Fishing Rod. It's the only tool that you'll need to acquire on
your own. By visiting Zack's place on Mineral Beach a couple of times,
he'll eventually give it to you ONLY IF you have an empty slot for
tools. The Fishing Rod is not essential to the game, it really only
gives you extra cash by peddling fish. You'll also need fish to cook
some recipes, too. Other than those, the other reason for the Fishing
Rod is that you'll need to catch every single fish in order to marry
the Harvest Goddess.
Normal Fishing Rod
Pull in small fishes.
Copper Fishing Rod |
Pull in small and medium fishes.
Silver Fishing Rod |
Pull in medium fishes.
Gold Fishing Rod |
Pull in medium and large fishes.
Mystril Fishing Rod |
Pull in large fishes and the
Power Berry during winter.
6 /
Cursed/Blessed Fishing Rod |
Pull in large fishes, King
Fishes, Fossil, and Pirate Treasure.
Mythic Fishing Rod |
Chances of pulling in Fossil and
Pirate Treasure increases.
Levels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 tools need to be upgraded. Only Level 6
tools must be dug up. Upgrading refers to fusing your tool with a
certain ore. But, you can't just dig up an ore and expect to upgrade
immediately. You'll need to "Level Up" each tool before they are ready
for a certain level. Every time you use a tool, even if you're just
fooling around, that tool gains experience. You could check out the
experience meter by pressing SELECT and pressing LEFT. There will be a
screen with all of your current tools. Look at this picture:

Notice the empty bar. That means you haven't used your tool AT ALL
yet. When you begin to build up experience, the bar will fill up and
look like this:

Once it reaches 100%, a small ore will appear beneath the bar
indicating you could upgrade to that level. This picture is indicating
that you could upgrade your Hoe to Level 2 (Copper).
Now, you could either a) upgrade to Level 2 or b) continue leveling up
your tool and skipping Level 2. Yes, you do not have to go through all
the upgrades. You could keep on using that one tool from the beginning
until it can become a Level 5 tool. The pro of this method is that you
don't have to go dig up every single ore or pay for each level. The con
of this method is that the lower the level of the tool, the less
experience you gain and you'll have to wait one day for each level you
are skipping. So if you jump from Level 1 to Level 5, you won't see
your tool for 5 days. I recommend upgrading it only at certain levels,
so you save money and don't have to wait forever to gain experience.
When you have upgraded a tool to Level 5, you'll see this:

Here is the rundown of the levels that Saibara can upgrade and what
is needed for each:
Upgrade Name
| Ore
| Cost
Copper Tool

Silver Tool

Gold Tool

Mystril Tool

Cursed/Blessed Tool
Mythic Tool

run to the cave next to the spring and start using the tool, once you turn blue, go to the spa and relax, when you regain your energy, go to the cave again, and use the tool, keep repeating until you're tools are leveled up.
To get that Level 7 upgrade I mentioned earlier, you'll need the
Level 6 Tools (which have two variations: Cursed and Blessed).
Don't even think about getting the Level 6 Cursed Tools without
having obtained all the Level 5 tools. If you do have all the Mystril
Tools, the Cursed Tools will begin to appear in the Lake Mine (so that
means you'll have to wait for winter... unless you find another way
around. *hint*). All you have to do is go to different levels, and dig
until they appear. Make sure you have empty tool slots or they won't
show up. The Fishing Rod can be found on Level 29, the Hoe on Level 39,
the Axe on Level 49, the Hammer on Level 59, the Watering Can on Level
69, and the Sickle on Level 79. Without a doubt, these are EXTREMELY
better than Mystril Tools. However, there's a downside to balance
everything out. I mean, the Cursed Tools are called "The Cursed Tools"
for a reason. Each one uses up huge portions of energy. It'll take only
a few uses to exhaust your character. There are two things you could do
now: 1) deal with it, or 2) get the Blessed Tools.
Getting the Blessed
Cursed Tools are much more superior to your Mystril Tools, but they
use way too much energy. In order to get rid of the huge energy usage,
you'll need to transform each tool into their Blessed counterparts. To
uncurse the Axe and Fishing rod, use each 255 times. (Easy Tip: equip the tool you want to uncurse at a festival or during an event and use it 255 times, you won't lose your energy this way.)
To uncurse the Sickle and Hammer, have them equipped on you for 10 days straight. And
to uncurse the Hoe and Watering Can, have Carter bless them 10 times
each during a confessional (it'll cost 1000G for each time Cater
blesses a tool). Afterwards, they'll magically become Blessed Tools.
These are more than enough to suit you for the game, but there is one
last level of the tools.
Once you have gotten ALL the Blessed Tools, the rare Mythic Stone
(it sells for 20,000G!!!) will begin to appear on Floor 60 of the
Spring Mine. Once you have one or a few in your possession, run on over
to Saibara's Blacksmith to get the final upgrade to your tools.
However, he'll charge 50,000G per final upgrade. So, in order to not
burn a hole in your pocket, I recommend digging up some extra Mythic
Stones to sell on the side. After all of your tools have become Mythic,
you have obtained the most powerful tools in the game. :D
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