Clerical spells
Spirit - Mind - Body

 | Spirit Arrow |
SP cost: 1 (N/E), 0 (M) |
Damage type: Magic |
Fires an ectoplasmic bolt of negative spiritual energy at a single target. Spirit arrow can miss, but a higher skill in Spirit Magic increases your chances of hitting. The arrow causes 1-6 points of damage. |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Costs no spell points |
 | Bless |
SP cost: 2 |
Damage type: - |
Blessed characters have an increased chance to hit monsters in hand to hand combat and with missiles. A character’s bonus to hit is increased by 5 + 1 per point of skill in Spirit Magic. |
Normal: Duration 1 hour + 5 minute per point of skill Expert: Spell affects entire party Master: Duration 1 hour + 15 minutes per point of skill |
 | Healing Touch |
SP cost: 3 |
Damage type: - |
Cheaply heals a single character of 3-7 hit points. Skill increases the recovery rate of this spell. |
Normal: Heals 3-7 points of damage Expert: Heals 5-9 points of damage Master: Heals 7-11 points of damage |
 | Lucky Day |
SP cost: 4 |
Damage type: - |
Temporarily increases a single character’s Luck statistic by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill in Spirit Magic. |
Normal: Increases luck by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill Expert: Increases luck by 10 points plus 3 per point of skill Master: Spell affects entire party |
 | Remove Curse |
SP cost: 5 |
Damage type: - |
Removes the cursed condition from a character if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Spirit Magic the longer the condition could have been present before the “point of no return” is reached. After that, the only way to remove the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. |
Normal: Works if cursed less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if cursed less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if cursed less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Guardian Angel |
SP cost: 8 |
Damage type: - |
Sets up a compact with the Higher Powers to resurrect your characters and return them to the last temple you visited upon their deaths. The price for this service is half of the gold your characters have with them at the time of death. Guardian Angel lasts for 1 hour per point of skill in Spirit Magic. |
Normal: Characters are restored to life with 1 hit point Expert: Characters are restored to life with half their hit points Master: Characters are restored to life with full hit points |
 | Heroism |
SP cost: 10 |
Damage type: - |
Heroism increases the damage a character does on a successful attack by 5 + 1 point per point of skill in Spirit Magic. |
Normal: Duration 1 hour + 5 minutes per point of skill Expert: Spell affects entire party Master: Duration 1 hour + 15 minutes per point of skill |
 | Turn Undead |
SP cost: 15 |
Damage type: Magic |
Forces all visible undead monsters to flee until the duration of Turn Undead runs out. This spell lasts for 3 minutes plus 3 minutes per point of skill in Spirit Magic. |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Raise Dead |
SP cost: 20 |
Damage type: - |
Raises a character from the dead if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Spirit Magic the longer the character could have been dead before the "point of no return" is reached. After that, the only way to raise the character short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. Casting this spell will leave your character in the weak condition. |
Normal: Works if dead less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if dead less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if dead less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Shared Life |
SP cost: 25 |
Damage type: - |
Shared Life combines the life force of your characters and redistributes it amongst them as evenly as possible. All current hit points are totaled and 1 extra point per point of skill in Spirit Magic is added to this total. Then the points are distributed back to the characters, with no individual character being allowed to have more points than his maximum total hit points. |
Normal: Adds 1 hit point per point of skill to the pool Expert: Adds 2 hit point per point of skill to the pool Master: Adds 3 hit point per point of skill to the pool |
 | Resurrection |
SP cost: 30 |
Damage type: - |
Resurrects an eradicated (body destroyed) character if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Spirit Magic the longer the condition could have been present before the "point of no return" is reached. After that, the only way to resurrect the character is to visit a temple. Casting this spell will leave your character in the weak condition. |
Normal: Works if eradicated less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if eradicated less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if eradicated less than 1 day per point of skill |

 | Meditation |
SP cost: 1 |
Damage type: - |
Temporarily increases a single character’s Intellect and Personality statistics by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill in Mind Magic. |
Normal: Increases Intellect and Personality by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill Expert: Increases Intellect and Personality by 10 points plus 3 per point of skill Master: Spell affects entire party |
 | Remove Fear |
SP cost: 2 |
Damage type: - |
Removes the afraid condition from a character if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Mind Magic the longer the condition could have been present before the "point of no return" is reached. After that, the only way to remove the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple." |
Normal: Works if afraid less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if afraid less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if afraid less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Mind Blast |
SP cost: 3 |
Damage type: Magic |
Fires a bolt of mental force damaging to a single targets’ nervous system. Mind Blast does 5 points of damage plus 1-2 per point of skill in Mind Magic. |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Precision |
SP cost: 4 |
Damage type: - |
Temporarily increases a single character’s Accuracy statistic by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill in Mind Magic. |
Normal: Increases Accuracy by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill Expert: Increases Accuracy by 10 points plus 3 per point of skill Master: Spell affects entire party |
 | Cure Paralysis |
SP cost: 5 |
Damage type: - |
Cures paralysis if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Mind Magic the longer the character could have been paralyzed before the "point of no return" is reached. After that, the only way to remove the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. |
Normal: Works if paralyzed less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if paralyzed less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if paralyzed less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Charm |
SP cost: 8 |
Damage type: Magic |
Calms a single targeted creature and removes any hostile feelings it has towards your characters. If this creature takes any damage, it will immediately become hostile again." |
Normal: Duration 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Duration 6 minutes per point of skill Master: Duration 12 minutes per point of skill |
 | Mass Fear |
SP cost: 10 |
Damage type: Magic |
All creatures in the caster’s sight fear the caster and flee. If a creature takes damage while under the influence of this spell, the spell will be broken. Mass Fear will not work on Undead creatures. The duration of Mass Fear is 3 minutes per point of skill in Mind Magic. |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Feeblemind |
SP cost: 15 |
Damage type: Magic |
Feeblemind removes the ability of a target to cast spells until this spell wears out. The duration of this spell is 5 minutes per point of skill in Mind Magic |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Cure Insanity |
SP cost: 20 |
Damage type: - |
Cures insanity if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Mind Magic the longer the character could have been insane before the “point of no return” is reached. After that, the only way to remove the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. |
Normal: Works if insane less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if insane less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if insane less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Psychic Shock |
SP cost: 25 |
Damage type: Magic |
Similar to Mind Blast, Psychic Shock targets a single creature with mind damaging magic, only to a much greater effect. Psychic Shock does 12 points of damage plus 1-12 per point of skill in Mind Magic. |
Normal: Slow recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Telekinesis |
SP cost: 30 |
Damage type: - |
Telekinesis lets you manipulate an object at a distance at a strength equal to your character’s skill in Mind Magic. Switches can be thrown, objects picked up, and doors opened with this spell, all from a nice safe distance from those nasty traps." |
Normal: Strength of effect is 1 point per point of skill Expert: Strength of effect is 2 point per point of skill Master: Strength of effect is 3 point per point of skill |

 | Cure Weakness |
SP cost: 1 |
Damage type: - |
Cures the weak condition from a character if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Body Magic the longer the character could have been weak before the “point of no return” is reached. After that, the only way to cure the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. |
Normal: Works if weak less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if weak less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if weak less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | First Aid |
SP cost: 2 |
Damage type: - |
Cures 5 hit points on a single target when cast. Recovery is reduced by an amount equal to the caster's skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Cures 5 hit points Expert: Cures 7 hit points Master: Cures 10 hit points |
 | Protection From Poison |
SP cost: 3 |
Damage type: - |
Increases all your characters’ resistance to poison by an amount equal to your skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: 1 point of resistance per point of skill Expert: 2 points of resistance per point of skill Master: 3 points of resistance per point of skill |
 | Harm |
SP cost: 4 |
Damage type: Magic |
Directly inflicts magical damage upon a single creature. Harm does 8 points of damage plus 1-2 per point of skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Cure Wounds |
SP cost: 5 |
Damage type: - |
Cures hit points on a single target when cast. The number cured is equal to five plus 2 per point of skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Moderate recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Cure Poison |
SP cost: 8 |
Damage type: - |
Cures poison in a character if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Body Magic the longer the character could have been poisoned before the "point of no return" is reached. After that, the only way to remove the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. |
Normal: Works if poisoned less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if poisoned less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if poisoned less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Speed |
SP cost: 10 |
Damage type: - |
Temporarily increases a single character’s Speed statistic by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Increases Speed by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill Expert: Increases Speed by 10 points plus 3 per point of skill Master: Spell affects entire party |
 | Cure Disease |
SP cost: 15 |
Damage type: - |
Cures disease in a character if you cast this spell in time. The greater the skill and rank in Body Magic the longer the character could have been diseased before the "point of no return" is reached. After that, the only way to remove the condition short of Divine Intervention is to visit a temple. |
Normal: Works if diseased less than 3 minutes per point of skill Expert: Works if diseased less than 1 hour per point of skill Master: Works if diseased less than 1 day per point of skill |
 | Power |
SP cost: 20 |
Damage type: - |
Temporarily increases a single character’s Might and Endurance statistics by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Increases Might and Endurance by 10 points plus 2 per point of skill Expert: Increases Might and Endurance by 10 points plus 3 per point of skill Master: Spell affects entire party |
 | Flying Fist |
SP cost: 25 |
Damage type: Magic |
Flying Fist throws a heavy magical force at a single opponent that does 30 points of damage plus 1-5 per point of skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Slow recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |
 | Power Cure |
SP cost: 30 |
Damage type: - |
Cures hit points of all characters in your party at once. The number cured is equal to 10 plus 2 per point of skill in Body Magic. |
Normal: Slow recovery rate Expert: Faster recovery rate Master: Even faster recovery rate |