Yep, gifted video game doctor. They always do bad expirements and vanish. |
Search around for the Iron Suit in one of the buildings. It's an upgrade for Ray or Cody, and you can save 3000 Gold by not having to buy one in the shop. |
In one of the buildings, you'll met another Kustera, Evelyn. She's a thief. Who wears sky blue clothes. And can't steal. Still, she's got decent strength, can hit twice with her best weapon (Best Claw), and has the fastest-growth Experience table. |
Might as well store that Tacosmin, since you can't exchange it for a chalupa. |
After you've upgraded your equipment, you'll want to head for Alazina. Ignore what Dr. Ash said, this route should be faster. Start by heading east along the edge of the continent. |
Once you reach the patch of sand, head southeast, continuing along the edge of the continent. |
Continue taking the path along the southern edge of the continent when you reach the grass patch. At the next fork, head southeast again. |
At this ring-shaped path, take the east path. |
At the next turn, head east and you should see the town of Alazine. |
Unfortunately, they can't magically restore the damage. |
I've entered a town of puppets? |
They say the town has been devastated by attacks from Gara, but I think the Pump business has dried up. (okay, so I know pumps are a type of womens shoe, but I couldn't resist taking a jab at the Pump, especially on a floating continent) |
If you return to Old Hill (through the Fly By spell), you'll find the town has been restored. One of the additions in a dance hall. |
Also, Dynamite has created a robot with a sound CPU. Now, you can go to the second floor of the lab and listen to any music track in the game. See the Secrets page for more details. |
When you are ready, head back to Alazina. Now head directly south to find Booth's Castle. |
Each floor in Booth's Castle has two tiers. Stepping on the white tiles will switch you between the two tiers. Start off by walking up to the first white tile. |
On the upper tier, head west to find the tile to transfer back to the lower tier. |
Follow the path, then head right at the next fork. Take the right path again. While lined up with the lower transfer tile on the east side of the room, head right to reach the tile. Use it. |
Grab the Moon-Drop on the upper tier. |
Go back down to the lower tier, head left, up to the wall, then head west and follow the north path at the fork. Follow it to transfer back to the upper tier, and follow that to reach the stairs to the second floor. |
On the second floor, follow the path until it becomes obscured by the upper tier. Take a step forward, then head east to the wall. Head directly south, and drop off the southeast corner of the floor. |
Grab the Fire Sword from the east chest outside. This sword can be combined with fire magic to create a Unity Magic. You can also use it as an item in battle to allow any character to cast Fire 1. |
Head back up to the second floor, and when you reach the point where you dropped out, stop and head west to the transfer tile.. |
Head right and straight up to find a chest with the Fire Armor, which reduces fire damage. Head directly west, the north when you can to find the stairs to the third floor. |
Now comes the tricky part. The path to the transfer tile on the third floor is hidden. If you need a visual reference, head east when the 90-degree turn in the wall is along the bottom of the screen. If you're still having trouble, here is a shot with the upper tier hidden, through the power of emulation. Now head stright up when you can. |
After stepping on the transfer tile, head east to the wall, then head directly south to the bottom of the room, to reach the path to the stairs to the fourth floor. |
Nead straight up to find Booth. |
Booth is the first boss invulernable to Slow. You'll want to use Mirror to reduce damage from spell, which he'll use a lot of. Use Power on Ray and Cody. Tina should heal, Leona should use Bolt and Dan should Bomb. HP: 2220 MP: 65535 Power: 120 Guard: 136: Speed: 71 7410 EP |
Gara appears, inviting you to her castle. |
Flee is blocked on the fourth floor, so go down a floor and use it to escape. |
Return to Dr. Ash and tell him the news. |
He'll give you the Niagaran. It allows the Aqutallion ship (only) to magically climb the waterfall north of Elekees. |