Weapons are used to kill those who won't listen to reason, or those that you don't feel like reasoning with, or those who GROK GROK FIRE BAD! KILL KILL! Weapons are very useful, and all but the most diplomatic characters will have to use them in order to survive. They fall into six classes, Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Throwing, Melee, and Unarmed. They are sorted by the skill that applies to them.
For Burst Weapons: It may seem like they do very little damage compared to single-shot weapons, the listed damage (like 10-14 for the Aveneger Minigun) are PER BULLET, meaning if you burst and it spends a quarter of it's clip of 120 bullets (being 30 bullets), you're looking at 300-420 damage spread over your targets.
Name | Image | Damage | Ammo | Required ST | Attacks | Range | Value |
Cattle Prod |  | 12-20 | Small Energy Cell (20) | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Swing (4AP) | 1 | 600 |
The prod can be bought in NCR or San Francisco, or found in New Reno and later areas. |
Club |  | 1-6 | None | 3 | Swing (3AP) | 1 | 30 |
The club can be bought in NCR or found in the Den or Sierra Army Depot. |
Combat Knife |  | 3-10 | None | 2 | Thrust (3AP), Swing (3AP) | 1 | 165 |
These first appear in Klamath and become very common thereafter. |
Crowbar |  | 3-10 | None | 2 | Swing (4AP) | 1 | 65 |
These first appear in Klamath and become very common thereafter. If your character is strong enough, the crowbar can be used to pry open some locked doors in the game, not all though. |
Knife |  | 1-6 | None | 2 | Thrust (3AP), Swing (3AP) | 1 | 40 |
These first appear in Klamath and become very common thereafter. |
"Little Jesus" |  | 5-14 | None | 5 | Swing (3AP), Thrust (3AP) | 1 | 200 |
The "Little Jesus" knife is found on Little Jesus Mordino in New Reno. |
Louisville Slugger |  | 12-30 | None | 4 | Swing (3AP) | 1 | 2700 |
This bat is given as a reward for completing a special side quest for Mrs.Wright in New Reno. |
Ripper |  | 15-32 | Small Energy Cells (30 clip) | 4 | Swing (4AP), Thrust (4AP) | 1 | 900 |
Available in the NCR weapon merchant and random encounters. |
Sharpened Pole |  | 2-4 | None | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Throw (6AP) | 2 (6 thrown) | 5 |
Left over from sprung spear traps, and found in containers in New Reno. |
Sharpened Spear |  | 4-12 | None | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Throw (6AP) | 2 (8 thrown) | 100 |
Upgraded from a normal spear by the bridgekeeper in Arroyo, also found in random encounters. |
Shiv |  | 1-4 | None | 1 | Thrust (3AP), Swing (3AP) | 1 | 2 |
Appears fairly late in the game, found in San Francisco. It cannot be detected when readied, meaning you can walk around NCR with it "active". In the version I have (1.02 US) the shiv can be readied, and it shows on the character as a small knife, but it has no attacks and cannot be used to start combat. The menu treats it as a generic object rather than a weapon. |
Sledgehammer |  | 4-9 | None | 6 | Thrust (5AP), Swing (4AP) | 2 | 120 |
First appears in Klamath, frequently thereafter. |
Spear |  | 3-10 | None | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Throw (6AP) | 2 (8 thrown) | 80 |
You begin the game with this weapon, it can be upgraded to a sharpened spear by the bridgekeeper in Arroyo. |
Super Cattle Prod |  | 20-32 | Small Energy Cells (20 clip) | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Swing (4AP) | 1 | 600 |
This can be obtained by getting a cattle prod upgraded by Skeeter (Gecko), Eldridge (New Reno), or Algernon (New Reno), as well as random encounters. |
Super Sledge |  | 18-36 | None | 5 | Thrust (4AP), Swing (3AP) | 2 | 3750 |
Available in New Reno and the Enclave Base. |
Switchblade |  | 2-5 | None | 1 | Swing (3AP), Thrust (3AP) | 1 | 50 |
Found in a grave on the Golgotha Plains, as well as on various junkies in New Reno. |
Wakizashi Blade |  | 4-12 | None | 2 | Swing (3AP), Thrust (3AP) | 1 | 200 |
These only appear on the Yakuza guards, a random encounter only found near New Reno. Pretty rare! |
Wrench |  | 3-6 | None | 3 | Swing (3AP) | 1 | 65 |
Used as part of a quest, a wrench can be found in the Vault City courtyard. They appear also in New Reno, and in San Francisco shops. |
Name | Image | Damage | Ammo | Required ST | Attacks | Range | Value |
Flare |  | 1-1 | None | 0 | Throw (0AP) | 15 | 35 |
These first appear in Klamath. They aren't really used as weapons, but if you throw a lit flare at enemies (at night or in low light) it will raise your ranged chance-to-hit. |
Gold Nugget |  | 3-6 | None | 2 | Punch (2AP), Throw (4AP) | 10 (thrown only) | 50 |
Found in a grave on the Golgotha Plains, as well as in random encounters. |
Grenade (Frag) |  | 20-35 | None | 3 | Throw (4AP) | 15 | 150 |
Found in the military base, Sierra Army Depot, San Francisco shops, NCR, and random encounters. |
Grenade (Plasma) |  | 40-90 | None | 4 | Throw (4AP) | 15 | 300 |
Found in many later-game areas, fairly common after New Reno. |
Grenade (Pulse) |  | 100-150 | None | 4 | Throw (4AP) | 15 | 250 |
This only works agains non-organic enemies (robots), however it will deal a lot of damage to an unarmored player since EMP resistance is attached to armors (not shown though). |
Molotov Cocktail |  | 8-20 | None | 3 | Throw (5AP) | 12 | 50 |
Found in Klamath, New Reno, and the Ghost Farm. Pretty rare. |
Plant Spike |  | 1-2 | None | 2 | Throw (4AP) | 8 | 0 |
Found on the ground when spore plants shoot a spike and miss, such as in Arroyo or random encounters. Pretty rare, didn't even see one the first three times through the game. |
Refined Uranium Ore |  | 3-6 | None | 2 | Punch (2AP), Throw (4AP) | 10 (Throw only) | 0 |
Gotten as part of a Broken Hills quest. |
Rock |  | 1-4 | None | 1 | Punch (2AP), Throw (4AP) | 15 (Throw only) | 0 |
Found frequently. On a strange note, there is always at least one rock on every special encounter map. |
Sharpened Pole |  | 2-4 | None | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Throw (6AP) | 2 (15 Thrown) | 5 |
Found on the ground after you spring traps, Temple of Trials is the only place that comes to mind that uses dart traps though. |
Sharpened Spear |  | 4-12 | None | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Throw (6AP) | 2 (8 thrown) | 100 |
Upgraded from a normal spear by the bridgekeeper in Arroyo, also found in random encounters. |
Spear |  | 3-10 | None | 4 | Thrust (4AP), Throw (6AP) | 2 (8 thrown) | 80 |
You begin the game with this weapon, it can be upgraded to a sharpened spear by the bridgekeeper in Arroyo. |
Throwing Knife |  | 3-6 | None | 3 | Swing (5AP), Throw (4AP) | 1 (16 thrown) | 100 |
Found in earlier areas such as Klamath and the Den. |
Uranium Ore |  | 3-6 | None | 2 | Punch (4AP), Throw (5AP) | 10 (Throw only) | 0 |
Gotten in the secret passage in the Broken Hills mine, can be used to start a Broken Hills quest. |
Name | Image | Damage | Ammo | Required ST | Attacks | Range | Value |
.233 Pistol |  | 20-30 | .233 FMJ | 5 | Single (5AP) | 30 | 3500 |
Found in later areas (NCR and on). Very powerful and valuable. |
.44 Magnum Revolver |  | 12-18 | .44 Magnum (FMJ/JHP) | 5 | Single (4AP) | 15 | 600 |
Fairly rare, can be upgraded to reload with fewer APs. |
10mm Pistol |  | 5-12 | 10mm AP/JHP | 3 | Single (5AP) | 25 | 250 |
Found in early areas, fairly weak. |
10mm SMG |  | 5-12 | 10mm AP/JHP | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 25 | 1000 |
Found in early areas, weak, but good against crowds. |
14mm Pistol |  | 12-22 | 14mm AP | 4 | Single (5AP) | 25 | 1100 |
Fairly common later on, but uses fairly rare ammo. |
9mm Mauser |  | 5-10 | 9mm Ball | 3 | Single (4AP) | 22 | 1500 |
Very rare, and uses very rare ammo. Not really special aside from the low ST requirement. |
Assault Rifle |  | 8-16 | 5mm (JHP/AP) | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 40 | 1300 |
Given as a reward in a Modoc Quest. Can be upgraded with an expanded clip. |
Combat Shotgun |  | 15-25 | 12 ga. Shells | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 20 | 2750 |
Powerful, valuable, and fairly common mid-game. A solid weapon. |
Desert Eagle .44 |  | 10-16 | .44 (JHP/FMJ) | 4 | Single (5AP) | 25 | 800 |
A reward for the smith quest in Vault City. Can be upgraded with an expanded clip. |
FN FAL |  | 9-18 | 7.62mm | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 30 | 1500 |
Weak with rare ammo. Can be upgraded with a nightsight (removes darkness modifier from accuracy checks). |
FN FAL HPFA |  | 11-22 | 7.62mm | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 30 | 2250 |
Even rarer than the FN FAL, but not much better. |
H&K CAWS |  | 15-25 | 12 Ga. Shells | 6 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 25 | 4750 |
One of the best shotguns in the game, found mid-to-late game. |
H&K G11 |  | 10-20 | 4.7mm | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 30 | 6500 |
A burster wit a HUGE clip (50 bullets), found on Frog Morton in Redding, NCR, or San Francisco. |
H&K G11E |  | 13-23 | 4.7mm | 6 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 35 | 8000 |
A big improvement to the G11, found on Snake or Newt Morton in random encounters, or NCR and later shops. |
H&K p90c |  | 12-16 | 10mm (JHP/AP) | 4 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 30 | 2500 |
Better than the 10mm SMG, but not by much. Found mid-to-late game. |
Hunting Rifle |  | 8-20 | .233 FMJ | 5 | Single (5AP) | 30 | 1000 |
The best early-game sniper weapon, but it quickly loses it's punch. Can be upgraded with a scope, improving range. |
Johnny's BB Gun |  | 1-3 | BBs | 3 | Single (5AP) | 22 | 200 |
Found in Modoc's well. |
M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG |  | 10-20 | .45 Caliber | 4 | Single (4AP), Burst (5AP) | 20 | 1750 |
Fairly rare, and uses rare ammo. |
M72 Gauss Rifle |  | 32-43 | 2mm EC | 6 | Single (5AP) | 50 | 8250 |
The single best sniping weapon in the game, but 2mm is rare until the endgame. |
Needler Pistol |  | 12-24 | HN Needler | 3 | Single (5AP) | 24 | 2200 |
Found very rarely, or from Myron or Sherrif Marion (Redding). |
Pancor Jackhammer |  | 18-29 | 12 Ga. Shells | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 30 | 5500 |
Best bursting small gun, and uses fairly common ammo! |
Pipe Rifle |  | 5-12 | 10mm (JHP/AP) | 5 | Single (5AP) | 20 | 200 |
Weak, you have to reload between each shot. |
Red Ryder BB Gun |  | 1-3 | BBs | 3 | Single (5AP) | 20 | 200 |
Found in NCR. |
Red Ryder LE BB Gun |  | 25-25 | BBs | 3 | Single (5AP) | 20 | 3500 |
A joke from "A Christmas Story". Frequently criticals on shots to the eyes. Found in NCR, or Dobb's corpse at S.A.D. |
Sawed-Off Shotgun |  | 12-24 | 12 Ga. Shells | 4 | Single (5AP) | 7 | 800 |
A decent shotgun, but a small clip (2 shells). Found on Morton's thugs in Redding. |
Shotgun |  | 12-22 | 12 Ga. Shells | 4 | Single (5AP) | 14 | 800 |
A decent weapon for close combat, otherwise worthless. |
Sniper Rifle |  | 13-34 | .223 FMJ | 5 | Single (6AP) | 50 | 2200 |
A powerful weapon with a high skill, especially deadly with aimed shots. Found on Carla's corpse outside of Vault 15. |
Tommy Gun |  | 3-20 | .45 Caliber | 6 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 20 | 1200 |
More of a novelty than a viable weapon. Sold by Eldridge in New Reno, and found on the Bouncers there. |
XL70E3 |  | 12-19 | 5mm (JHP/AP) | 5 | Single (5AP), Burst (6AP) | 30 | 3000 |
Extremely rare, only found by stealing from female punks on the oil tanker. A decent weapon, but far too weak by that point in the game. |
Name | Image | Damage | Ammo | Required ST | Attacks | Range | Value |
Avenger Minigun |  | 10-14 | 5mm (JHP/AP) | 7 | Burst (6AP) | 40 | 5500 |
Extremely powerful, appears late in the game (NCR and San Francisco). |
Bozar |  | 25-35 | .223 FMJ | 6 | Burst (6AP) | 35 | 5250 |
Extremely powerful, found on Buster's guards in NCR. |
Flamer |  | 45-90 | Flamethrower Fuel | 6 | Burst (6AP) | 5 | 2000 |
Uses expensive ammo, very heavy, but lots of fun. Can be upgraded (algernon only) to use Flamethrower Fuel MKII. |
Light Support Weapon |  | 20-30 | .223 FMJ | 6 | Burst (6AP) | 40 | 4750 |
Fairly powerful, but very uncommon. |
M60 |  | 18-26 | 7.62mm | 7 | Burst (6AP) | 35 | 3500 |
Uncommon ammo, sold be Eldridge in New Reno and in San Francisco. |
Minigun |  | 7-11 | 5mm (JPH/AP) | 7 | Burst (6AP) | 35 | 3800 |
The low-end of the bursting weapons, and fairly rare. |
Rocket Launcher |  | 35-100 | Rockets (Explosive/AP) | 6 | Single (6AP) | 40 | 3800 |
This is what big guns are all about. Found in the military base as well as S.A.D. |
Vindicator Minigun |  | 14-19 | 4.7mm | 7 | Burst (6AP) | 30 | 15250 |
Wonderfully powerful, the vindicator can shred most anything to bits. Sold in San Francisco, and rare enouncters. |
Name | Image | Damage | Ammo | Required ST | Attacks | Range | Value |
Alien Blaster |  | 30-90 | Small Energy Cell | 2 | Single (4AP) | 10 | 10000 |
Bought from random encounter with Willy the Salesman, or a reward from the easter egg terminal (use repair on the terminal in the maze) in the enclave base. |
Gatling Laser |  | 20-40 | Micro-Fusion Cell | 6 | Burst (6AP) | 40 | 7500 |
Bought in San Francisco. |
Laser Pistol |  | 10-22 | Small Energy Cell | 3 | Single (5AP) | 35 | 1400 |
Found frequently after New Reno and NCR. Can be upgraded (algernon only) to do more damage. |
Laser Rifle |  | 25-50 | Micro-Fusion Cell | 3 | Single (5AP) | 45 | 5000 |
Found later in the game, as well as on the final floor of the military base. Can be upgraded (algernon only) to double clip size. |
Plasma Pistol |  | 15-35 | Small Energy Cell | 4 | Single (5AP) | 20 | 2750 |
Found later in the game, in most enclave areas. Can be upgraded (algernon only) to double clip size. |
Plasma Rifle |  | 30-65 | Micro-Fusion Cell | 6 | Single (5AP) | 25 | 4000 |
Found later in the game, in most enclave areas. Can be upgraded (algernon only) to increase damage. |
Solar Scorcher |  | 20-60 | *See Below | 6 | Single (5AP) | 20 | 2000 |
Found on floor of Vault 13 in the 'Guardian Portal' special encocunter. Can be reloaded for free, but only when standing in sunlight. |
YK32 Pulse Pistol |  | 32-46 | Small Energy Cell | 3 | Single (5AP) | 15 | 12500 |
Found in a locker of the Brotherhood Bunker (San Francisco) as well as enclave areas. |
YK42B Pulse Rifle |  | 54-78 | Micro-Fusion Cell | 6 | Single (5AP) | 30 | 17500 |
The most powerful sniping energy weapon! Found in a locker of the Brotherhood Bunker (San Francisco) as well as the enclave base. |