Price of Loyalty

Information for Price of Loyalty Campaign
Scenario 1: "Uprising"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 2: "Island of Chaos"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 3: "Arrow's Flight"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 4: "The Abyss"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 5: "The Giant's Pass"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 6: "Aurora Borealis"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 7: "Betrayal's End"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Campaign information not available at the moment.
Scenario 8: "Corruption's Heart"
"Subdue the Unruly local lords in order to provide the Empire with facilities to operate in this region."
In this scenario, you begin as a Barbarian. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either the Medal of Valor (artifact), Stealth Shield(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Congratulations! You've completed your Campaign!
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