Not much to do, but head west young one! You'll soon find a town called Winds. |
The devastation! This BadBad guy sounds like one bad customer. |
As if you haven't figured it out, you'd better skeedaddle if you know what's good for you! So it's time to vamoose off to the southern mountains. After you search town. |
So, mysterious child, left behind by a soldier, running wild? |
In the southeast house, you'll find some kids. Badbad kidnapped their friends. Better send them off to the Neverland Ranch, er Old Hill to be safe. |
Heading south, you might come across a mysterious shrine. Approaching the orange tile, you'll be told you need more experience. |
And if you approach the white tile, you'll be told... er, they mean to tell you only Kustera can open this gate. But the white gate will refill Aqutallion's HP/MP. (Likewise, the orange tile refill's Kustera's HP/MP.) |
Head south some more, and you'll find the town of Beegees. But, it appears only dogs live here. And there's one blocking your progress south. Better search for an explanation. |
In the church, you'll find some strange men. |
Three Bad Men will attack you. This shouldn't be too difficult if you're at about level 9. Just fight and heal.
HP: 40 each Power: 27 Guard: 28 14 EP, 8 Gold |
The priest will fill you in on the details. Badbad changed the townspeople to dogs, and his house is in the southern mountains. |
Tina will remind you about the other Aqutallions, give you a late-breaking update: you need to join them all together. |
Tina will become a Pennon, and join your party. Tina generally has lower HP and attach, but higher MP, and uses mostly healing and defensive magic. You may want to level Tina a little bit. She can equip a ShrtSwrd and HardSuit if you have one. Otherwise, you'll have to settle for a LethSuit from the Winds item ship. |
When you're ready to move on, you can head out the south exit of Beegees to find the cave to Badbad's house. |
Walk through the cave. One enemy you may encounter is the Echo Cat. Note that it may merge with the Pump King to form King Cat. It is worth noting that King Cat has a 1/16 chance of dropping a Moon-Drop. This rare item will restore all MP. Also, Bone has a chance of dropping a MidSwrd. If you get one, equip Ray with it. Remember that only the last enemy defeated can drop an item. |
Check the map if you need help through the cave. You'll reach the mountain path. Head north through the first part. |
Make sure you grab the Moon-Drop on the outside of the mountain. Grab these, but you will probably want to save them until the end of the game. |
One enemy worth nothing is the Ghost (and a later version called Specter). Ghost only has 2 HP, but it also has a 255 Evade rating, which means it will most likely avoid your attacks. Use magic for the win. If you're lucky, a Ghost may drop a pair of LethShoes, and Bone may drop a MidSwrd. Both of those are an improvement over your current equipment. |
You will soon reach the door to Badbad's house. Just walk in. |
Badbad must host a lot of slumber parties for his evil-evil cohorts. Remember you can sleep in a bed to recover all your HP. Take the left stairs to grab a HardSuit, then go down and around the bottom of the first floor to reach the right staircase. |
You will find Badbad on the second floor. He shouldn't be too hard to beat. Have Tina use Slow to reduce Badbad's Guard and Speed, while Ray attacks with his weapon.
HP: 280 MP: 0 Power: 42 Guard: 36 Speed: 24 542 EP |
Take the stairs hidden under the chair to his secret storehouse. |
Strange pills and 300 bucks... and a meatball. What kind of drug lord is he? |
Go back up to the second floor and down the next stairs to warp outside. |
Talk the Dog-Pill back to the priest in Beegees, and... |
Watch him "scatt the dog pill". I don't know what that is, but it does make a funny green mosaic light. And it turns dogs to people! |
In one of the houses, you'll meet a man who asks if your Aqutallion. Sure, tell him. It's a Kustera, specifically the ninja Ryu. Even though he resembles a certain anime character I've never seen, he's not very ninja like, lacking in the stealth department. But he'll be a help anyways, since David is probably kinda lonely on your Kustera team. And Ryu has some limited Heal capability. |
When you're ready to proceed, talk to the mayor in the southwest house. |
He'll realize you are ancestors (did you mean "decendants" Tecmo? Or maybe "ancestory"?) of Actos Star, you're perfectly capable of saving the poor kids from the lab to the south. It belongs to the Ringo Bros., those smooth criminals. |
Swipe his Moon-Drop on the way. |
Kustera can enter to grab a Derby and a ChainMale. Maybe it's Engrish, or maybe Tecmo knows it's just too manly for the ladies! (sorry, the joke was there. Actually, not ALL males can equip it either.) |
Now bring Aqutallion around, and have them cross the yellow gate on the side of the first floor. Then walk up and around until you reach the second floor.. |
As you make your way across the second and third floors, Aqutallion will walk over some catwalks to get across the sections of the lab where only Kustera is permitted. On a catwalk, just simply walk to the other side to find the stair to move on. |
Soon, you'll find these strange tubes holding the kids. Scary, but you must press on. |
Climb to the top to meet the Ringo Bros., members of the Homncruse family. |
Leach is the bigger threat, as she can use Fire 1, and Heal 1. She can also poison you. You can use Slow to lower Leach's Guard, but Bingo seems immune.
Bingo - HP: 180 MP: 0 Power: 44 Guard: 52 Speed: 17 Leach - HP: 140 MP: 72 Power: 40 Guard: 48 Speed: 30 Bingo - 1087 EP, Leach - 687 EP |
I just BEEEAT 'EM, BEEEAT 'EM, and saved the children. What's this? A stork is really Robin Hood? O RLY? |
Meeting of the evil minds, discusing their plans to crush my magical arse! |
Oh, yeah. Time to work on boonie-ville. |
Talking around to the villagers, Uncle Save suggests you look for builders and farmers. |