Asking around in Winds. |
Better go pay this architecht a visit, to the northwest of Winds. |
Talk to the boss. He'll command his student Bun to build your houses. |
Now you can proceed further west. |
As you travel past the arcitecht's house, you might see a town around the mountains. |
ACCESS DENIED! (this is the town of Decatas, strangers are not welcome here) |
Travel to the southwest to find town of Giant. You will hear of a great farmer named Baz and an undefeatable Giant. |
Wow, look at the size of his house! |
You feeling lucky? You'll find Baz and Golon in the basement (I don't know how goes down the normal-sized staircase).
Just try to fight Golon. You'll quickly realize you can only hit him for 1 HP, and he has 65,535 HP (haven't checked, but this could be a flag for invincibility). He also will probably kill you in one hit. Wanna challenge him now? (checking the enemy data, there's no reward for beating him, even if you cheat). |
Since a direct attack is futile, you may wonder if there's a way to beat him. Try talking to some townspeople. You hear an inventor in Decatas has a shrink machine, which could possibly help with Golon. |
Talking to someone in town, you'll feel the ground shake, and then be told about Morgan the digger. |
To find Morgan, walk to the east along the edge of town, |
and then head north, staying next to the trees to avoid being warped back to the overworld. |
Morgan also speaks of Dynamite in Decatas. If you didn't stop in Decatas, go now and speak to the guards, then come back. Otherwise, just speak to Morgan again. |
Tell Morgan you can't enter, and offer him 100 Gold to get in. |
Morgan will dig an entrance hole along the side wall. Now you can enter. (walk behind the wall to get back out) |
You will find Decatas four regions. |
The poor part has cheap stuff in the shops. You can loot a lot of cheap stuff from the people's homes, but it might not be worth it. You do want to visit the weapon shop in the poor region, and buy a Scratcher. It can be used in battle to wake a sleeping party member, as often as you need it. |
You can't enter the rich part yet. It must have some good stuff. |
The east block doesn't have much to speak of, but there is some plot advancement. |
Take note of the item shop in the southwest corner of Decatas. |
Inside is a man named Connoiseur Harry. He can explain any items in your possession. Might want to know, since you otherwise can't view a description of your inventory items. |
You should visit the appartment complex in the poor part. You can't enter the middle house, but the right side has a minor subquest. Talk to the woman. |
Now go talk to Ben in the west cafe in the main part. |
He'll join you. |
Now go back and talk to his wife for 500 smackers. |
There's a government office. Kustera can bribe the official 1,000 Gold to remove the guards from the entrance. |
While a faster entrance and exit may not sound like it's worth 1,000 Gold, this transaction is actually bugged. If you want to cheat, check the Secrets page to see how you can exploit this. |
When you're ready to progress in the game, go to the main district and enter the lab. |
In the basement, you'll find a rocket left by Dr. Ash. You'll also be told a monster in a mysterious cove has some fuel. Remember this for later. |
Go up to the second floor to find Professor Dynamite working on a robot. |
Dynamite doesn't like being around other kids. He'll give you the Graviton if you lead him away. |
Dynamite joins your town. |
Found this mildly amusing. |
Now with the shrinking gizmo, time to return to Giant and defeat this, uh, Giant. Use the Graviton in the fight. |
Golon Jr. is infinitely more beatable than Golon. Golon Jr. is weak against magic. Pound him with your best Fire and Freeze spells.
HP: 384 MP: 0 Power: 59 Guard: 83 Speed: 40 1195 Exp. |
Meet Farmer Baz. |
Baz will move to your town. |
Time to return to Decatas. |
Asking around town for a clue where to go next. |
You don't want to know what studying physics will do to you. |
But I'm not a citisen. |
I don't know the candidates or the issues surround this election. |
But hey, someone just dropped a ballot on the floor, why not? |
The system works! |
Speak to the new mayor. You'll receieve a ticket to the circus. Go subsidies! |
You might want to visit the Antique Shop now (it looks like a warehouse). The guy will buy one of your Plum-Plums for 500 Gold. |
Now go to the circus. |
Lions and uh... lions. |
Enter the back room. |
The clown doesn't have much to say, but enter the maze. You'll have to feel your way around. There's 300 Gold in a pot on the left side. If you're having trouble, check the maps page. Be sure to climb the stairs at the end of the maze. Do not walk out the back door, or you'll have to start over. |
Walk around the rafters. You'll notice the floor below, which I have removed from the map. |
At the end, you'll find a lion, and the Star of Actos flashes. |
It's Cody. He works at the shrine, and he begs for you to tell the priest. |
The circus manager, Garados, appears. He runs the circus, so of course he works for evil. |
I was once just like you! |
The circus flees even faster than it came. |
As Cody requested, speak to the priest. |
You need to lower the bridge near Winds to reach the snowy town of Bonzley, where the circus came from. |