If you have put the clues together, you might have figured this out about Ash: He built a rocket in Decatas. The rocket is powered by a mysterious fuel. The fuel can be made from a monster in the mysterious cove. You might be able to summon the monster with two mysterious stones. So, now we have to find the stones. Now that you have a ship (and a map from this site, or in the game manual if you have it), you can just explore the rest of the world. Or just let me tell you where to go. Start by going to the town of MoreEyes. If you haven't been there, it's on a big island in the southwest part of the world. Just warp to Bonzley and followed the coastline and islands to the southwest. |
In the shrine on the island, you will find a mysterious man. If you have not yet become Aqutallion, he will request you go do that, and then come back. |
The man tells you that pirates stole the island's golden Moai statue. He asks if you will retrieve it. Of course you will. |
He tells you it is in the Ghost Cave. If I remember the manual right (I don't have one, but I used to rent the game alot with the manual), the map labels the cave north of Brasca as the Ghost Cave. Regardless, that is incorrect. The Ghost Cave is marked correctly on my map, and it is on a small island directly north of MoreEyes. |
Some NPC I felt neeeded to be immortalized. |
You may want to buy some Calm Herbs before entering the cave, as you could need them for the boss. While working your way through the Ghost Cave, beware of the Summoners. They have a 18/256 chance of dropping a BrknMoon (which partially restores MP), but you're probably better off running from them, since they know Vanish 1 (which kills one party member). |
The cave is very straight-forward, and I don't have to tell you where to go. But be sure to get the Moon-Drop in the lower-left chest of the four open to everyone. |
As soon as you step inside the northern-most room of the third area (where you will see a chest), you will be attacked by an Undead pirate. |
Undead has a weakness to Bolt. Use Slow to lower his Guard and Speed, and Power to raise Ray and Cody's Power. Hit him hard. You could also try Evade 2 to lower his hit rate, but be careful as he will use Evade 3 to confuse your party members. Have the Calm Herbs ready. HP: 1010 MP: 65535 Power: 98 Guard: 120 Speed: 68 5855 EP |
Now grab the Golden Moai from the chest in the back. |
Take it back to the man in the shrine in MoreEyes. |
He'll introduce himself as Murray of Kustera, and join you. |
Murray will also give you the Blue Orb, the treasure of MoreEyes. |
Now, you could explore to find out where to go, but there's really only one new place left on the map you can currently reach. It is Jabon Island in the northeast corner of the map. Use Fly By to go to Giant, then head northwest and you should see the island. Let's check out the northern town on the island, Edon. |
Walking in to the castle, you'll hear that one of the mysterious stones is in this country, and you'll hear about a legendary animal in the msyterious cove. |
Check the basement of the castle for a Broken Moon. |
Now talk to the leader in the middle room of the top floor. He'll agree to give you the treasure. But you must defeat the samurai hired by the leader of the rival town, Onsaka. |
Head southwest to Onsaka, and enter the largest house. |
In the right side of the house, you'll meet Jubei. |
He calls you a spy and attacks. He's a pretty strong fighter, so use Slow to weaken him while Ray and Cody fight. Have Leona use Evade 2 to lower his hit rate, and Dan should Bomb him. HP: 960 MP: 0 Power: 101 Guard: 127 Speed: 67 5207 EP |
Just in case you forgot, his name's Jubei. Oh wait, he's a Kustera too. And he'll join you. |
Go back to the leader of Edon. He'll congratulate you for making the island more peaceful. |
And you get the Red Orb. |
Now with both orbs, head over to the Mysterious Cove southwest of Bonzley. |
Oh, spooky. |
Clarken (probably a mistranslation of Kraken) attacks. Weak against Bolt magic. Actually, use a similar strategy as Undead. |
You got the legendary feul, and it's call Tacosmin? Unfortunately, it doesn't include Nachosmin or a large Pepsismin. |
Now head back to the lab in Decatas. |
Go to the rocket in the basement. |
We have lift-off!. |
Going up! |
Landing. |
Got out of a rocket in time! |
Now, drop down the hole in the corner. |
You'll meet Dr. Ash. |
Go west, got it! |
Must avenge robot family. |
Next, we'll search for the town of Alazina. But, going east will probably be faster. |