After the opening scene Merlin ends up here. This is the Rainbow Pool and is in the north west most part of Elven Hollow. He will be visiting here often. |
As the game prompts Merlin grab the violet gem and throw it into the pool with Y. A Shooting Star will appear on the left side of the pond. |
Grab the Star and walk east to a Meenie Tree. Just pelt it with stars until it explodes. Don't get too close or it will throw Merlin back. |
Behind the Meenie Tree is an orange gem and an empty bottle. Grab them and head back to the Rainbow Pool. Toss the gem in for a bag of Stun Dust, which will be used throughout the quest. Since the pool has a bottle sign Merlin can fill up here. The Rainbow Pool gives rainbow water, which heals one heart. |
Head south west of the pool to the Snarl Shoots. A dash of Stun Dust will freeze them for Merlin to get across. Across them is the Oinkmer field. |
The Oinkmers are pretty easy for Merlin. Just Dust them and fire with the Star. In the northeast corner of the field is the Tulip Pond. Grab the Tulip and replenish the bottle if needed. This pond gives clear water, which heals three hearts. |
Directly south of the Tulip Pond is the first Heart Container. It will increase Merlin's health by one heart, but does not fill it for him. Head back to the pond for healing if needed, otherwise head west. |
Blocking Merlin's path is the Thunder Pig. It just sits there and throws its boomeranging hatchet wherever Merlin is at the time. Dodge the hatchet and walk right up to the Pig. Freeze it with Stun Dust, hit it with the Star and immediately Stun it again. Repeat until it disenchant. Write down the password and watch the Meanwhile scene. |