After jumping into the pit Merlin fings himself on another mine cart. This time around there are missing pieces of rail and springs to reverse his direction. The goal is reached by reaching the northern loop heading east. Then on the way south take the second west turn off and keep strait. (See Mine Carts.) |
After getting off Merlin will grab the piece of ore by the back. Head to the lift and grab on. |
When on top use the ore on the refining machine. It will extract the violet gem for him. |
As Merlin enter Bloop's room the Shadow King makes his first appearance. He sends a few wave of flying eyeballs. Distract them with the Mirror and attack with the Star. After them the King puts up his dukes. Aproach him to get a slug in the face as he escapes. |
When Merlin tosses the violet gem into the Rainbow Pool he gets the Match Stick and the Rainbow Gem for using all the other ones. Imediately aftwerards is the last Meanwhile scence. The Meenies have trapped Sterm, Melody, and Cassolari, and taken them through that golden arch. |
Head back to Pindale and use the Rainbow Gem on the arch. This opens the gate to the Rainbow World. The first objectives are to get Wooden Hearts. They do not need to be taken in any order, so your way may be different than the one here.
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The sruface of the Rainbow World consists of isolated fields. These can be travserce either by walking into giant flower teleportors or taking the tunnels below the surface. Also if Merlin wishes to return to Pindale he just has to wlak into the rainbow.
Sine there are no flower teleporters in the first field Merlin has to crawl into the ahnt nest to enter the tunnels. In here are Ahnts which can be eliminated with the Match Stick. |
Walk around the cave to the south east corner. There is another heart container. Back track to the entrance and take the exit south of it. |
Merlin will end up here in this field with three blue 'Shroom Goons. Use the Match on them and frab the Wooden Heart. |
Back track to Pindale and use the Heart on the stump west of the gate. This will create a bit of soil, which needs a Tulip. |
Use the Tulip on the soil and viola! The more powerful Silver Star appears, along with the Lady of the Lake. |