The Meenies have stolen Chime's reflection. Maybe she'll do Merlin a favor if he helps her. |
Head south west from the Thunder Pig to this bridge. The Meenie will scrap with Merlin a bit before letting him cross. Just walk over it. |
South of the plank bridge is the Daisy Pond with Chime in the tree. She is very anxious to get her reflection back. Grab the Daisy and fill up the bottle with Blue Water. It will make Merlin invincible for a while and will be useful in a moment. |
As Chime directed, south east of the pond is ant Meenie Tree. This one is a lot stronger. Drink the Blue water and creep up to it. When in range pelt it with the Star. Get too close and it throws Merlin away and the invincibility wears off by the time he gets back. |
On defeat the Meenies will retreat to the river. Merlin automatically follows and picks up the yellow jewel behind the tree. After a battle Merlin is tossed on his duff. The Reflection Crystal is behind the Meenies but there are too many to cross. |
Head all the way back the Rainbow Pool and change the jewel for a Balloon. (Yes it does have a use.) Then head back to the plank bridge. Follow the bank south west to pick up the Lantern at the end. |
Directly west of where the Thunder Pig sat is an old mine. Directly south of it is another heart container. Grab it and head inside. |
Inside the Mine are Dark Dwarves. They are stronger than Oinkmers but are susceptible to Stun Dust. From the entrance head north. At the very top is a broken ladder. Enter the shaft and use the Balloon to get up the platform. Grab the red jewel and head to the Rainbow Pond. |
At the Rainbow Pond the jewel will changed to a Bubble Wand. After getting it head back to the group of Meenies and use it on them. They will carried away by the bubbles and let Merlin grab the Reflection Crystal. |
Use the Reflection Crystal by the daisy Pond to restore Chime's reflection. Merlin will get full healing, a password, a Meanwhile scene, and access to Pinedale. |