Now Merlin needs more Wooden Hearts. Use the teleporting flowers to visit the other fields. |
The second Wooden Heart is in the Troll field. Use the Mirror and Silver Star on them. |
While flower hopping Merlin may come across a field where Blue Shroom Goons keep popping up. On the west side of it is a path hidden by the flowers. They lead to another Heart Container. |
Wheather Merlin gets the Heart Container, return to the stump. Use the Wooden Heart and Rose on it for the Golden Comb. |
Flower hop again in the Rainbow Wrold to a field full of Villettes. Use the Comb to swoon them with Merlin's good looks and grab the Heart. |
Return to the stump again. This time the Heart and Daisy produce the Snowflake. Take this time in the real world to fill the bottles with clear water from the Tulip or Mermaid Fountain, a boss battle is eminent. |
From the first field in the Rainbow World enter and exit the ahnt nest to get to the field with the first Wooden Heart. Enter the ahnt nest there to end up in the underground section just south of the first one. Follow the path to confront Spyder and her Offspring. |
This is the most complex battle yet. First use the Mirror to distract the spiderlings away from Merlin. Always have a dopleganger present. Now use the Snowflake until the egg sack is frozen. This may take a few times, since there can be a swarm of them. When the sac is frozen hit it, not Spyder, with the Silver Star. This unfreezes everything and relases about four spiderlings. |
Reapeat this several times until the sac is destroyed and Spyder leaves. Grab the Wooden Heart. |
Now head back to the surface and go either to the field with the Villettes or bunch of Shroom Goons. The two nests here are connected unground. However there is another exit in the middle of them. Head underground and exit from that middle one. |
Merlin will end up in a field with a wall of three red Shroom Goons. Use the Snowflake on them. Walk past and grab the Golden Foxglove they were guarding. |
Back at the stump, the Foxglove and Heart will give Merlin the poweful Hour Glass. |
Head back to where Spyder was and follow the tunnel. Merlin will eventualy come across a gate. Stepping on the pad will open it, but stepping off closes it. Use the Hour Glass while on it to freeze time and just walk across. |
Right around the bend is the final Wooden Heart and Dafodil. Use the other pad and Hour Glass to return to the stump. |
With the Dofodil and Heart Merlin will get the super powerful Lightning Bolt and the final password from the Lady of the Lake. |