After getting the password, grab the Dwarven Key (four arrow thingy) and head inside. In order to put out the flames each basin must be filled with the coresponding water. Rainbow water goes with the Rainbow, clear water with the tulip, and blue water with the Daisy. |
Push the pillars out of the way and head left. Use the Balloon in the middle of the higher platform to reach the heart container. |
Around the palace are puzzle locks. These are solved by pushing all the present pillars on the switches. If Merlin messes up, he can use the Dwarven Key to reset them. See Dwarven Puzzles for solutions. |
In the south east corner of the palace is a green gem. Toss it in the Rainbow Pool to get the Magic Mirror. Another Meanwhile scene will show the Dwarvens increasing security again. |
In the north western section is Bloophapeshifting piece of slime. He takes five and then splits into four smaller faster pieces. Use the Mirror as a decoy and wait for it to split. Dust the pieces and then blast them with the star. Be careful since the last piece will turn red and move very fast. Also if one piece survives Bloop will regenerate completely. Since it is confined to this room, the hall on the right is a useful hiding spot. |
After disposing Bloop take the opened gate to the refining room. Pick up the silver key and head to the north east section of the Palace. |
The Stone Knight will perpetual watch Merlin so use the Mirror to get past. |
Past the Knight is the Captured Elf. Use the Silver Key to release him, and he summons the Lady of the Lake for another password. |