Rare Items

This page will consist of maps & other special items.
Pic Name Description Location
Abandoned Castle Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Abandoned Castle 2F (Upper left room outside).
Baljhet Mountains Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Baljhet Mountains (Inside Julia's Shop).
Garibaldi Temple Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Garibaldi Temple (In the lower room past stairs leading to 2F).
Mortiva Aqueduct Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Mortvia Aqueduct (South from the entrance, left-most round room).
Forest of Jigramunt Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Forest of Jigramunt (intersection north of warp room).
Cordova Town Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Cordova Town (just above the entrance in the octagon shaped room *with fountain in center*).
Machine Tower Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Eneomaos Machine Tower, 1F (room to the right of save point).
Aiolon Ruins Map An overall map of the area, lacking in finer details. Aiolon Ruins (in a chest near the cannon).
Dragon Crest A crest made from a carved dragon bone.  Looks like it should be placed into something, somewhere... Abandoned Castle (use Fairy on chest outside of Fairy I.D. room on 2nd Floor).
Extra I.D. Pocket Increases the number of Innocent Devils you can carry around in your deck. Mortvia Aquaduct (South from entrance, upper-most right room).
Kit Bag Increases the number of accessories that can be enabled. Tower of Eternity, F50.
Music Box Opens up the option 'Sound Select' on the title screen. Located in a warp room, after you've completed the game.