
Player Status Screen will have all the player's stats & abilities listed such as Level, Hit Points, Attack, Defense, Equipment, etc.
Hector StatsTrevor Stats

PlayerPlayer is you, of course; the person playing this game (yes, YOU with the controller in your hands).
LVThe level of your character.  Level increases when enough experience is gained.  Increased levels also yield increased stats for Hector.
HPPlayer's Hit Points.  When HP reaches 0, game over.  1st number is current HP, 2nd is max HP (63/100).  Increases with levels & power ups.
ATKYour attack power.  Is factored by your STR & weapons attack power.  The higher the number, the more damage is inflicted on enemies.
DEFYour defensive power.  Is factored by your CON & your armor/helmet's defense rating.  The higher the number, the less damage you take.
STRYour character's strength; raw power.  When your STR. increases by 2 points, your ATK will increase by 1.  Increases with level.  Bonus given by Innocent Devils will be listed as *+* next to base number.
CONYour character's endurance; durability, if you will.  When your CON increases by 2 points, you DEF will increase by 1.  Increases with levels.  Bonus given by Innocent Devils will be listed as *+* next to base number.
LCKYour character's Luck.  Works for many different circumstances, such as a monster's item drop rate & performing critical hits.  Increases with levels.  Bonus given by Innocent Devils will be listed as *+* next to base number.
EXPYour total amount of experience that you have from killing enemies.
NextHow much more exp you need to reach your next level.  Exponentially increases with each level.
GoldHow much money you have on you.  Used to buy items in Julia's Shop located in Baljhet Mountains.
TimeTime you've spent playing this game.  Recorded as - Hours:Minutes:Seconds
SummonChose between the different Innocent Devils you have on hand.
ItemSelect between the different types of items:  Usuable, Rare, Material & Devil Shard.
EquipEquip a weapon, head gear, armor, & up to 3 accessories (must have the Rare Item 'Kit Bag' in order to equip a 3rd Accessory.)
CombineAllows you to combine materials to make weapons & armor (must have Skill 'Combine' to use this option)  New recipes will appear as 'New'.
SkillView all the different Skills that Hector has learned as you progress further into the game.
BestiarySee a detailed list off all the enemies Hector has defeated.  (Must have Skill 'Bestiary' in order to view Bestiary List).
TipsView different game tips that you learn throughout the game.
OptionsChange game options, such as music or fx volume, controller configuration, camera control, etc.
PoisonYour resistance to poison.  Poison will slowly take damage over time.
CurseYour resistance to curses.  When cursed, you can't attack.
StoneYour resistance to petrification.  While petrified, you can not act.  Must move left analog around to break free.
ParalyzeYour resistance to paralysis.  Paralysis will not allow you to attack, much like the Stone status.  Must move left analog around to break free.
FireYour resistance to fire based magic/attacks.
IceYour resistance to ice based magic/attacks.
ThunderYour resistance to lightning based magic/attacks.
WindYour resistance to wind based magic/attacks.
EarthYour resistance to earth based magic/attacks.
LightYour resistance to light based magic/attacks.
DarkYour resistance to dark based magic/attacks.
WeaponThe weapon you have equipped.  Different weapons will have different attack powers & weapon speeds.
HeadHeadgear you are wearing.  Increases defense along with armor.
ArmorArmor you are wearing.  The better the armor, the better the defense offered.
ACCY.Accessory you have on.  Resistance against a status or elemental attack, or have some other added affect.
ACCY.Same here as other ACCY.
ACCY.Same here as other ACCY.  *Must have Rare Item 'Kit Bag' in order to equip a 3rd accy.*
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PlayerPlayer is joo, fool.
HPHit Points.  Left number is current HP; right number is max HP.  If it reaches 0, game over.
HeartsHearts used for Sub-Weapons.  Can be refilled by picking up hearts dropped by enemies or by entering save rooms.
ATKAttack Power.  Factored by your base attack & compared to what whip you have equipped.  The number shown with the Vampire Killer equipped is your BASE ATK.  Attack can increase through power ups as well.
DEFDefensive Power.  Helps protect against enemy attacks.  Can increase through power ups.
EquipEquip the different types of whips that you have collected.
OptionsChange game options, such as music or fx volume, controller configuration, camera control, etc.
See what whip you currently have equipped.
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