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Villainous Campaign
This is a Walkthrough of the Heroes of Might and Magic Villainous Campaign

Scenario 1: "First Blood"
"King Archibald requires you to defeat the three enemies in this region. They are not allied with one another, so they will spend most of their energy fighting amongst themselves. You will win when you own all enemy castles and there are no more heores left to fight."
In this scenario, you begin as a Necromancer. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either 2000 additional gold, Mage's Ring(artifact), or Minor Scroll(artifact). You have three opponents on this large
map, each one lying to the west of your starting castle. The resources are plentiful, so their should be little trouble in gathering enough resources to raise your castle. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Scenario 2: "Barbarian Wars"
"You must unite the barbarian tribes of the north by conquering them. As in the previous mission, the enemy is not allied against you, but they have more resources at their disposal. You will win when you own all the enemy castles and there are no more heroes left to fight."
Before beginning, you can choose between either Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian. This is a very small map and your 3 enemies surround you. Depsite the opening quote, there are plenty of resources around you. Capture all enemy castles and heroes to win.
Scenario 3: "Necromancers"
| Scenario 4: "Slay the Dwarves"
"Do-gooder wizards have taken a Necromancer's castle. You must retake it to achieve victory. Remember that while you start with a powerful army, you have no castle and must take one within 7 days, or lose this battle. (Hint: The nearest castle is to the southeast.)"
In this scenario, you begin as a Warlock and get to choose between either 2000 gold, Mass Curse, or Defender Helm. You have three opponents on this large map, one to the east, one to the south, and one to the southeast. You hsould have no trouble as long as you take a quick offensive. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory. The award received for this is "Necromancer guild".
"King Archibald requires you to defeat the three enemies in this region. They are not allied with one another, so they will spend most of their energy fighting amongst themselves. You will win when you own all enemy castles and there are no more heores left to fight."
In this scenario, you begin as either as a Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian. You have only one opponent on this large map, so you should be cautious - one on one means a hard opponent. You start with three towns and one castle. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory. The awards received for becoming victorious is the title "Dwarfbane" and "Ogre Alliance"(all ogres join you instantly).
Scenario 5: "Turning Point"
"Betrayal": "Switching sides leaves you with three castles against the enemies one. This battle will be the easiest one you will face for the rest of the war...traitor."
If you are a traitor, click here after chooing to begin as either a Wizard, Sorceress, or Knight.
"Turning Point": "Your enemies are allied against you and start close by, so be ready to come out fighting. You will need to own all four castles in this small valley to win."
Choose to begin with either Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian. In this small map, you have three opponents placed in whichever corner you're not in. It's three to one, but there are several resource areas and tons of places to cash in your Necromancer guild award or the Ogre alliance. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Scenario 6: "Rebellion"
"You must put down a peasant revolt led by Roland'd Forces. All are allied against you, but you have Lord Corlagon, an experienced hero, to help you. Capture all enemy castles to win.."
In this scenario, you can begin as either Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian. You have two opponents on this large
map, each one lying to the west of your starting castle. The resources are plentiful, so their should be little trouble in gathering enough resources to raise your castle and look about. Don't bother with the legion of peasants just north of the castle, for there are 6 groups of 700. Head norst west to find the enemy, but beware, because they might get tricky and go around, via ocean, and land right at you castle. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Scenario 7: "Dragon Master"
"There are two enemies allied against you in this mission. Bith are welled armed and seek to evict you from their island. Avoid them and capture Dragon City to win."
In this scenario, you can begin as either Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian. Begin by collecting the surrounding resources and building up you armies to near maximum. Then heard for Dragon City, located in the desert in the far northwest.
Scenario 8: "Country Lords"
"Your orders are to conquer the country lords that have sworn to serve Roland. All enemy castles are unified against you. Since you start without a castle, you must hurry and capture one before the end of the week. Capture all enemy castles for victory"
You begin as a single hero with no castle. There is an unclaimed castle to the east, but also a treasure trove of resources and artifacts directly to the west. Start to the west and defeat the hero, then capture the new by castle. You can then send a new second hero to collect the resources. After that, simply power through this, making several characters. Don't forget that with the new dragon alliance, they are added to your garrison, which is a big help. Capture all enemy castles to win.
Scenario 9: "The Crown" | Scenario 10: "Greater Glory" |
"Find the Crown before Roland's heroes find it. Archibald will need the crown for the final battle with Roland."
In this scenario, you begin as either Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian. You have several opponents on this large
map. Just keep spitting out half way decent charcters to roam about and stop the opposing heroes while one great hero is sent to the crwon. Find and claim the Crown for victory. Victory gives you the Untimate Crown Bonus.
"Gather as large and army as possible and capture the enemy castle within 8 weeks. You are opposed by only one enemy, but must travel a long way to get to the enemy castle. Any troops you have at the end of this scenario will be with you in the next."
In this scenario, you begin as a powerful Knight. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either Black Pearl(artifact), Dragon Sword(artifact), or Breastplate(artifact). You have one opponent on this large
map. The resources are plentiful, so their should be little trouble in gathering enough resources to raise your castle. Take about 5 of the 8 weeks to build up your army. taking two hero's is best for the journey. The enemy castle is directly opposite you on the map. Defeat all enemy heroes and castle to claim victory.
Scenario 11: "Apocalyse"
"This is the final battle. Both you and your enemy are armed to the teeth, and all are allied against you. Capture Roland to win the war, and be sure not to lose Archibald in the fight!"
In this scenario, you begin as a Necromancer. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either Tax Lien(artifact), Hideous Mask(artifact), or Fizbin Medal(artifact). I find that the medal is the easiest to counteract, so I chose this one. Let Archibald hang back and guard your castle while you send other heroes, armed to the teeth in whatever time it takes, to seek out and capture Roland. He's always in a different spot when found, so just search everywhere. Capture Roland for victory on both the Scenario and the Campaign!
Congratulations! You've completed your Campaign!