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Heroic Campaign
This is a Walkthrough for the Heroes of Might and Magic II herioc campaign

Scenario 1: "Force of Arms"
"Roland needs you to defeat the lords near his castle to begin his war of rebellion against his brother. They are not allied with each other, so they will spend most of their time fighting one another. Victory is yours when you have defeated all of their castles and heroes."
In this scenario, you begin as a Wizard. Before you begin, you have the choice to begin with either 2000 additional gold, Thunder Mace(artifact), or Gauntlets(artifact). You have three opponents on this small map, each one lying to the north of your starting castle. The resources are plentiful and close, so their should be little trouble in gathering enough resources to raise your castle. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Scenario 2: "Annexation"
"The local lords refuse to swear allegiance to Roland, and must be subdued. They are wealthy and powerful, so be prepared for a tough fight. Capture all enemy castles to win."
Before this scenario begins, you choose which castle you begin with, either Wizard, Sorceress, or Knight. In your beginning castle, you receive additional untis: 4 Genies! You have three opponents here: one to the south east, one to the south west, and one to the north. They begin stronger than you, but the abbundance of resources around your castle on this small map even the odds. Defeat all enemy heroes and castle to claim vistory.
Scenario 3: "Save the Dwaves"(optional)
"Your task is to defend the Dwarves against Archibald's forces. Capture all of the enemy towns and castles to win, and be sure not to lose all of the dwarf towns at once, or the enemy will have won."
You again get to choose either Wizard, Sorceress, or Knight to be your starting castle. You begin with 5 Dwarven towns and your starting castle. Also, in each castle is an army of dwarves at your command for no cost! You beginnings set you surrounding your opponents in this middle sized map, but they start strong, while you start weak. Defeat all enemy castles and heros and hold as many dwarven towns as you can to claim victory. Once won, you receive a Dwarven Alliance(all dwaves join you).
Scenario 4: "Carator Mines"
"You will face four allied enemies in a straightforward fight for resources and treasure. Capture all enemy castles for victory."
Once again, you get to choose either whether you would like to haove either Wizard, Sorceress, or Knight as your starting castle. You have four opponents and and start even less powerful than normal. Your enemies begin one to the south, two to the east, and one to the north. There are many resources near by and I suggest getting as strong as you can in 4 days and forcefully head south*wink wink*. Remeber: If you suceeded in winning the Dwarven Alliance, all dwarves will join you when you approach. Deafeat all enemy heros and castles to claim victory. Once you have claimed victory, a choice is given to you: whether or not to change sides.
Scenario 5: "Turning Point"
"Betrayal": "Switching sides leaves you with three castles against the enemies one. This battle will be the easiest one you will face for the rest of the war...traitor." If you are a traitor, click here after chooing to begin as either a Necromancer, Warlock, or Barbarian.
"Turning Point": "Your enemies are allied against you and start close by, so be ready to come out fighting. You will need to own all four castles in this small valley to win."
Choose to begin with either Wizard, Sorceress, or Knight. In this small map, you have three opponents placed in whichever corner you're not in. It's three to one, but there are several resource areas and tons of dwarves to join you. Defeat all enemy heroes and castles to claim victory.
Scenario 6: "Defender"
"The Sorceress' guild of Noraston has requested Roland's aid against an attack from Archibald's allies. Capture all of the enemies castles to win, and don't lose Noraston, or you'll lose the scenario. (Hint: There is an enemy castle on an island in the ocean.)"
You begin as a in this scenario. Before you begin, shoose to have either the Mirror Image, Summon Earth, or Ressurect spells to be granted to you. Two of your opponents are to your north, while a thrid is south, across the sea. These guys get strong very fast, so be ready. What makes this map particulary difficult is that it creates a two-front war. So basically, you need to accomplish what Germany was never able to do. It seems that the best way to approach this is to take one of your heros and ship them south on a boat and have the other secure the local land. Just be careful not let be captured, it's an auto-loss. Winning grants yu an alliance from the Sorceress Guild.
You must now choose between either Scenario 7 or 8 |
Scenario 7: "The Gauntlet" | Scenario 8: "The Crown" |
"Gather as large an army as possible and capture the enemy castle within eight weeks. You are opposed by one one enemy, but must travel a long way to get to the enemy castle. Any troops you have at the end of this sccenario will be with you in the final battle."
(Special thanks to ClothHat for help on this scenario)Before start, you have a choice of etiher Black Pearl, Dragon Sword, or Breasrplate artifact. You need to go through this map pretty fast. You don't have time to pick up all the resources, you won't need very many anyway. In this scenario, you just go through and battle everything you can find and get your army as powerful as possible. There usually only two types of towns you run into, so your best guess would be to pick the first one you find and buy out the creatures everytime you run into another town like it. You cannot upgrade any of the towns to castles. The only exception to this is Olympus, a warlock town that you need to upgrade to castle in order to buy a shipyard and then boat to cross a river to get to the enemies only castle. This castle is in the farthest corner from your starting point. Make sure your armies is especially strong for this one, as any remaining troops will join you for the final battle...That and the town you go up against has 10+ dragons. The award for winning this scenario is "Carry over forces".
"Find the Crown before Archibald's heroes find it. Roland will need the crown for the final battle."
You will have the choice to begin as either Wizard, Sorceress, or Knight. This scenario isn't the usual fight to the death, there is only one opponent. The main goal here is to visit all (or sometimes olny most) of the obelisks(the towerlike stuctures) and gain puzzle pieces. You'll need to dig up the crown, as it is buried somewhere on the map. Remember, "X" Marks the spot! Should you suceed, you will gain the "Ultimate Crown" award.
Scenario 9: "Corlagon's Defense"
"Three allied anemies stand before you and victory, including Lord Corlagon. Roland is in a castle to the northwest, and you will lose if he falls to the enemy. Remember that capturing Lord Carlagon will ensure that he will not fight against you in the final scenario."
Before start, choose either 20 crystals, gems, or mercury. You begin with one of each good castle on the west side of the map. There are three enemies and are about in the same spot as you, only directly across, to the east. You will need to focus wither entirely offense or entirely defense to win here. For offense, don;t even wait a full week before beginning to move in. As for defense, as long as you can keep from passing that dirt/grass line on the map just west of you, you should be fine until your strong enough to go offensive.
Scenario 10
"This is the final battle. Both you and your enemy are armed to the teeth, and all are allied against you. Capture Archibald to end the war!"
Before beginning, it's a 'choose your poison' decision: Tax Lien, Hideous Mask, or Fizbin Medal artifact choice. As you begin, there are enemy heros by each of your castles, my suggestion is to retreat to your castle for reinforcments until turn two(your castles begin quite more advanced than usual). Roland will also join you in this scenario, and will have either the carry over forces or Ultimate Crown, whichever you chose. The map is extra large and you have four enemies, all to the north. This map isn't as difficult as previous ones, except that your opponents are numerous and attacked in string waves. You will defeat the campaign and end the war if you capture Archibald. Roland must survive.
Congratulations! You've completed your Campaign!