I remade all of Rirse's old maps. I R TEH DEV0L!
They should be pretty self-explanatory. Mouse over a screen to see which enemies you'll find there (enemies in dungeons seem to be halved when it's raining outside). If there's an item in a dungeon screen, that item is either there when you enter, or will be revealed when you defeat all the enemies. If a door won't open after defeating all the enemies, try pushing the blocks you find on the screen. Mousing over a staircase (or door in the overworld) will let you know where the staircase (or door) will lead you. You can navigate from the overworld to the dungeons (and vice versa) by clicking on their corresponding entrances. If a hole in a wall is shown on a map, but not in your game, bomb that area to reveal it (likewise with staircases under bushes).
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